Fatal Shot

Chapter 1171: Explosive missile

Faced with this attack called "bullet storm", even if it is the wind, it does not dare to say that it will continue to stand still. .

Although in the original force field's deceleration ability, in fact, he hard to eat a few seconds of shooting, it will not really be killed.

However, doing so, for the fact that it has used nearly half of the original force in the afternoon battle, is obviously a meaningless consumption.

Therefore, when the "bullet storm" began to move toward his position, the wind has begun to move one step ahead of time, and the figure is turned into a residual image, which quickly retreats toward the back, avoiding the "machine gun" that is swept away!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Moreover, in the process of the eight-footed spider armor immediately adjusting the barrel to pursue him, the sniper rifle in the moving wind fell in the hand, and the stun guns that were continuously shot by the "Windwalker-v-type" were hit. Spider armor on the metal legs!

Although, because of the angle of shooting and timing issues.

These secluded bullets did not penetrate the two legs like a first bullet, but they also left a transparent black bullet hole on the eight metal legs of the spider's armor.

However, as I said before, the mechanical legs of the Eight-Claw Spider's Mech are actually too "sturdy", and the player's mech in "War of War" has considered the special sniper bullets with high damage coefficient. The case of "piercing shots".

Therefore, these sniper bullets penetrated the bullet holes caused by the past, and did not affect the pursuit of the eight-claw spider armor.

Moreover, because of the need to avoid the "machine gun" shooting, the body shape of the wind is actually moving backwards halfway, and therefore, it is not able to pull away from the mechanical spider.

Instead, the eight-claw spider armor that was rushed to this hill was constantly pulling the distance between the two.


And in just ten seconds, the eight-claw spider machine is probably empty because of insufficient reserves.

However, its distance from the wind has been close to 30 meters. The two sides have now changed from the hills of the grass to the top of the mountain and there is no large rock with many vegetation growing.


In this case, the red light in the eyes of the Eight-Claw Spider armor suddenly flashed.

The eight mechanical claws bent sharply, and then, by the high speed of the movement, they rose away from the ground, and fell toward the wind in the retreat, as the real big spider caught the prey.

In fact, it can be seen from the styling that the true combat mode of this eight-claw spider mech should be more biased towards melee.

The eight mechanical legs that are nearly three meters long, the lower end is completely like a circular coulter, even in this dim light, people feel the blood of killing!

It can be imagined that whether the battle is a player or a small wild monster, if it is hit by its claws, it is absolutely impossible to escape through a through-the-hole, hanging on the legs of the mechanical spider to become the ending of the show-off "trophy"!

However, the wind is clearly an exception.

In the eyes of the Eight-Claw Spider, you must pass this leap and catch up with the wind.


The wind falls into the body but disappears directly in the air!

When it happened, it was already 30 meters away from the original position, and the speed was not the catch of the eight-claw spider.

Moreover, after the reappearance of the wind, the head did not look at the eight-claw spider armor, but turned to look at the direction of the mechanical bird before.


Not only turned around, but also the "Windwalker-v" type in the hand has been lifted, and a level of detonation armor-piercing projectile with a burning scent broke out and broke away.


Because, the high-pitched and arrogantly "killing the prey" spider armor, in the moment of landing, the body suddenly slammed down, heavily fell down on the stone.

High speed, coupled with the impact of the jump, directly let it roll on the stone floor, wiping out a spark.

"Hey, hey..."

The reason why this happens is because its eight mechanical claws have been completely broken during the landing process.


"what's the situation?"

"how did you do that?"

"This spider mech, jumped up and broke?"

Most of the people in the battle channel, this moment is a bit embarrassing, not quite clear about the situation.

"The fracture surface seems to be a little wrong..."

Only a few master players focused on the fracture position of the "self-destructing" eight-claw spider armor.

Because, the legs of the mechanical claws of the Eight-Claw Spider's armor, originally only had bullet holes of not more than ten millimeters, which turned out to be more than doubled.

Before the addition of the wind-falling bullets, it was not the ordinary “destructive” attribute solitude, but the intermediate “cracking” sensation.

In the movement of the mechanical spider, the residual energy remaining on the bullet hole has been "cracked" out of the surrounding material and physical structure, and the mechanical claws which are very hard material have actually become very fragile.

And looking carefully, you can see that these bullet holes are all on the key parts of the mobile load.

If the mechanical spider does not jump, it will not break completely at one time.

However, this kind of jump is greatly increased, and the impact force at the time of falling is increased by several times in an instant.

Directly let this piece of mechanical spider that seems to occupy the advantage, chasing people in a powerful way, for a moment, "armpit"!

The reason why the wind fell at this time, the direction of the mechanical bird is because in the sky of that direction, another big "black group" appeared again!

It is a medium-sized eagle fighter with a diameter of about two meters.

At this time, in the abdomen position of this flight class armor.


There is a tiny missile with a length of about 50 centimeters and a red warhead. A blue flame emerges from the tail and is detached from the launcher.


However, in this small missile that has just been launched, flying a few meters away, even when its own speed has not been added up, a fire-fighting armor-piercing projectile with black faint energy has been directly hit by it. The top of the warhead.


Then, the flame group formed by the explosion covered a diameter range of more than 20 meters in the air.

Even, directly swallow that eagle-type fighter.

"I drop...day!"

"The knife and bullets will be counted. After all, the players who have awakened the Force will not be theoretically impossible after using the original force field to slow down the bullets."

"But it’s just too exaggerating to sniper guns and missiles."

"No, in fact, it should be more difficult to shoot bullets. But the bullets are more technically 'gorgeous', and this is a spectacular scene!"

Hundreds of millions of players watched the game, and they exclaimed for the second time in a blink of an eye.

In the arena, this battle between two master players is far from over.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The "hands" of one of the top ten divisions who are manipulating in the distance, it is estimated that they will not think that the spider armor that they have placed on high hopes will be so "armpit", and it is even more impossible to predict that the wind will actually be a bullet. Destroyed his "air force."

However, at the same time as he was shocked, his ten fingers were instinctively continuing to remnantly follow the original steps.

"Hey, hey!"

It was almost the same time that the wind fell on the eagle-type mech, because the legs were all broken and fell into the "armpit", and because he belonged to the "trophy" from others, he had already been destroyed by most of the bullets. The long-range attack has actually abolished the spider mech.

At this time, the main body that was partially deformed was opened, and two left and right "small doors" were opened, and two "cannonballs" with a diameter of about one foot were punched out from the middle. The location is flying!

"Zizi, nourish..."

Of course, this is not exactly a cannonball, but two miniature fighters.

A mechanical cymbal, a mechanical scorpion, two simulated small fighters, flying in the air, claws, like real creatures!

Many of these machines are even equipped with "toxins" extracted from the creatures they mimic. Once they are close, they are not too small.

"Hey, hey..."

However, these two simulated mechanical mechs did not touch the wind at all.

Because, originally caught the air attack, the initial speed of the ejection is still quite two "cannonballs".

The speed in flight is rapidly slowing down, and by the time the wind falls about five meters away, the speed has become slower like a tortoise!


Even the entire mechanical structure showed traces of "branch", and a red-white light appeared on the surface, as if it had been squeezed by some powerful force.

"Wow, this is the original force field!"

"A strong force field can actually hold two small mechs!"

"These two mechs are not close to Fengshen, and they don't even need a sniper rifle!"

"No, how do I feel like this... blew?"

"Boom, bang!"

Two simulated small mechs with a value of at least 5,000 points, after being restrained by the wind force.

"God hand" actually chose to blew directly!

Although it is two small mechs, the energy source of these two mechs is equipped with an advanced compression energy core comparable to a large mech.

In conjunction with the self-explosion, the metal fragments and venom that were completely cracked off, at the moment of the explosion, produced the power that was completely inferior to the micro-missile.

The red and white energy clusters interspersed with each other, as well as the gray venom and the fragments of the size one, the "mixed storm" formed instantly swept the radius of the surrounding foot more than a dozen meters.

And the wind falling just a few meters away is naturally enveloped in the outbreak!

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