Fatal Shot

Chapter 1172: Deadly crisis!


I have to say that the sudden explosion of these two small mechazers not only exceeded the expectations of the players, but even the wind fell a bit unexpectedly. .

Therefore, the self-detonation energy mass that is mixed with a large number of mech fragments is swallowed up!

However, look closely, like a squally shower, the explosion of energy clusters and air waves, surrounded by strong fluctuations, built a circular space on the surface of the body, protect yourself in it. !

The original force field of tens of meters, although compressed to a range of one foot, but the defense capacity has increased significantly.

Even if it is such a violent explosion, there is no way to completely break through.


However, the **** hand seems to expect this situation as well.

Just between the occurrence of self-explosion, 30 meters away, the spider armor that had been abolished, once again, quietly opened a "hole."

However, this time it popped out of the hole instead of a machine gun or a mech, but a real shell.


An elliptical projectile with a blue light slid quietly toward the position of the wind that was covered by the "mixed storm" formed by the self-explosion of the mech.

In the self-destruction area, the wind force of the original force field defense was compressed, and the mental power was also disturbed. The darkened projectile was not detected for the first time.

What's more, even if it is discovered, now he is not able to escape under such circumstances.


Therefore, the next moment, this is a blue-hot shell.

Straight into the "mixed energy storm" that has passed the peak and began to calm down, and in the next moment, once again set off a storm.

An electromagnetic energy storm!


Along with the spread of the shells, a blue-and-white current rushed across the diameter range of 20 meters around!

Under the double-explosive impact, even the layer of force covered by the wind and the body could not completely block the effect of the explosion.

In particular, because of the special electromagnetic bombs, in the explosion area, those pieces of metal fragments and fragments that were originally caused by the windbreaking force or have fallen on the ground caused by the self-explosion of the previous two medium-sized mechadies.

It was all of a sudden, and it was increased more dramatically!


"-792, -890, -945!"

Actually, he broke through the defensive field of the wind and broke through the legendary combat uniforms on the wind. For the first time, he actually caused a substantial injury.

However, these pieces have been weakened by the Force Field, and most of the debris that has been thrown out by the blast of the self-destruction is not the real crisis brought by this shell!

The bigger problem is that these mechanical pieces are even large pieces.

It not only destroys the combat uniforms with insulation effect, but also penetrates the original force field, which produces a catharsis traction for the violent current after the surrounding explosion.



"-1209, -1136, -1012..."

Even if the wind fell, at the next moment, when the current flowing through the broken pieces inserted in the body hit, there was a damage value of nearly 10,000 on the head.

In addition, the subsequent continuous current damage, the most important thing is that the negative effect of the "paralysis" caused by the strong current attack, so that the wind fell into a forced "prison" situation!

Although, with the blood volume after the wind is strengthened, even this kind of current injury can not really kill him.

In particular, in the case of an instant trigger of evolutionary talent, the subsequent damage of the electric shock continues to decrease.

However, this electromagnetic energy projectile is not actually a means of killing, but a means of restriction.

The reason for this is because...

"Hey, hey, hey!"

When the violent electromagnetic energy mass is all vented to the wind, the horizon is cleared.

Approximately one kilometer away from the wind, beyond the scope of his spiritual perception, the three chests have the September guild badge, and the premeditated sniper players, all of which simultaneously deducted the trigger of the legendary sniper rifle.

The three hairs are in the shape of a character, and the ultra-high-speed rotating silver-gray sniper bullets are flying with the sound of a broken air toward the body falling into paralysis.

Although the distance of one kilometer is separated, the accuracy is all very high, directly locking the head of the wind, the three vital parts of the heart and neck!

Most importantly, the three sniper bullets are all shrouded in a sharp force fluctuation.

Wherever passed, the ubiquitous force field of the universe directly showed signs of "disintegration". Obviously, this is not inferior to "Ghost 2" and "Raytheon 5", for the original force field. Destructive a-class special seed bomb!



"Where are these three snipers coming out? Shouldn’t this be a match between the two master players?"

"The September guild is too willing to pay the cost, this is to want to set the wind to death!"

Among the players watching the game, many players have been shocked because of the angle of view.

And a few players, there is a sigh in the tone.

In order to kill the wind, the September Guild can be said to be at no cost.

Not to mention anything else, wanting to gather three top sniper players at this stage, there is no small difficulty.

Not to mention, four medium-sized mechs and one large mech, these destroyed mechanical units add up to a total of more than 20,000 points.

This kind of consumption, in fact, even if it is to kill the wind, the points can not return.

Of course, for the September guild, the significance of killing the wind is far more than the points.

Even if the price doubles, it will definitely be done.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The distance of one kilometer seems to be very far away. For these fast-breaking speeds of technology sniper guns that can launch "a-class special seed bombs", it is not even a second.

Even if the wind immediately uses the Force to treat the body, the stalemate of the body is absolutely impossible to relieve in a second.

What's more, in the case of this body being paralyzed, his own force has also shown signs of being out of control, and the surrounding force field has been forced to collapse.

Even if the defensive type of force is turned on, it may not be too effective for the seed bomb.

Because, the murder of the September guild, how can we not consider this step again.

From the three bullets in the air, when the "disintegration" of the universe's original force field, you can know that the player's "life force" is likely to be restrained.

In the case of not being able to unlock the life protozoa and being subjected to continuous attacks, the amount of blood at the time of the wind has dropped to about half. In the case of being hit by these three carefully prepared bullets, the probability of being killed is absolutely not low.

It can be said that the wind falling at this time, since the awakening spirit, faced the player for the first time, really fell into a "fatal crisis."

I have to say that the gods of the ranks of the "Top Ten Armored Divisions" are not without a name.

Spider mech, micro-missile, self-explosive, electromagnetic bomb... This round of attack is completely interlocking and intimate.

And the last three snipers, is the level of "fatal killing"!

Of course, in fact, any kind of attack is a killing trick, but the previous ones have not been able to shake the wind.


Mental power is more sensitive to dynamic objects than static objects.

Moreover, the aftermath of the mech and the electromagnetic explosion are almost disappearing. When the three sniper bullets enter the spiritual range, they are as obvious as the lights in the perception of the wind!

Although the body is still in a state of "paralysis", the sight of the wind can still be transferred.

And because the brain activity is improved, and the vision is the closest organ to the cranial nerves plus the enhancement of the super-evolutionary virus, even if the wind does not open the "super eagle eye", the super dynamic Vision, in fact, can clearly see the three-level special sniper bullets shrouded in the Force!

However, in the true midst of the volatility, it is impossible to evade, and it is only possible to use the eyes to "see" the three special sniper bullets that are constantly magnifying in the pupil.

It seems that even if it is the wind, there is no hope of a comeback?

After all, it is impossible to kill the dead, and it is even more impossible to destroy the three bullets with their eyes.


However, in fact, the situation in the field has been affected by this "look".

When the wind is staring at the incoming bullets, because of the highly active thinking and super dynamic vision, it is only necessary to take a second to hit the target's three-shot a-class bullets, flying from his angle. The speed is greatly slowed down.

Just like in the "bullet time" of the slow motion in the movie, the "God's True Eye" on his neck and the two epic accessory accessories on his hand also burst into a strong breath. Spiritual fluctuations.

Subsequently, it seems to be integrated into the "eyes" of the wind, and then directly projected to the three-level a-class special sniper bullets in flight.

After that, Sanfa took the "kill" intention, and the a-level sniper bullet in the high-speed flight.

Speed, actually slowed down!

Originally rushed out of the sniper rifle more than a kilometer per second speed, under the eyes of the wind falling, quickly from thousands to hundred to ten...


In the end, the three silver-gray sniper bullets were set to rotate in the air as they approached one meter in front of the unmovable wind.


"What is going on here?"

"Shuai, handsome, handsome, handsome, too handsome!"

"Rely, how is this done, the original force field?"

"Not quite like, the Force Field has to say that it is possible to block the bullets of the submachine gun. It is a sniper bullet that is a long-awaited sniper bullet of the September Guild. How is it possible!"

From the perspective of hundreds of millions of players watching the scene, the various discussion voices once again flooded the various battle channels.

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