Fatal Shot

Chapter 1173: Reflection, review!

Really knowing this reason, it is estimated that only the wood in the box of the Sanmu consortium. .

It has already been eliminated, but it is in the perspective of a game that can only be owned by the participating players.

"The true eye of God... such a good equipment, the biggest opponent in vain!"

"It is a waste of two hundred pieces of legendary equipment in exchange for the ring. Well, this is good, but it can be a logical substitution..."

Compared with the grievances of the world, Wood's face is still relatively calm at this time, seems to have made some kind of decision.

Yes, the reason why the wind is falling, can not be mobilized, and the body is controlled.

Directly use the eyes to "block" the three sniper bullets that must be killed. It is precisely because of the killing of the world that the fire has acquired the second skill of the "God's True Eyes" [God's Will].

"God's will blessing, everything can show the power of God!"

When the wind falls through the line of sight and super dynamic vision, it concentrates its mental power on the three bullets, and the heart is full of strong thoughts to stop these bullets.

His "will" directly affects the "reality" through the addition of this skill, which leads to the scene that makes the game players excited but puzzled!

Of course, it is also fortunate that the "God's True Eyes" skill consumes mental power instead of the original force.

Otherwise, if the Force is half-out of control, it may still be unable to start this "life-saving" skill.


The three sniper bullets are like an assassin who has been blocked by the throat, and can only turn in the air one meter away from the wind!


In the end, all are exhausted.

Three sniper bullets fell freely in front of the wind, and in the previous explosion of the chain has become a messy rock.


Then, after a few seconds of stagnation, I was finally able to act.

First, the finger moves, then the head is fully raised, and the eyes are sharply pointed to the direction of the three ambush snipers.

However, he did not raise the "windrunner-v" in his hand to fight back, because the three snipers unexpectedly retreated after the failure of the three-level a-class bullet, and disappeared from his vision.

Even though he is not able to unlock 24k and scout beetles, it is impossible to track people across such a distance.

If you miss a shot, you will immediately close your hand, and you will not leave your opponent with a chance to fight back.

These three snipers, or the "hands" behind the ambush plan, let the wind face the player's "passive" feeling for the first time.

I watched it for four or five seconds, like the wind that has already gone out of my mind.

Suddenly, turning around, the right hand wearing death gloves slammed through the waist.


The next moment, three mysterious playing cards, at a speed comparable to the speed of the bullets, rotated about twenty meters to the side of him, and a forest that looked like no stranger washed away.

It’s like venting the anger that can’t be saved back.

"Puff puff!"

However, this is obviously not the case in reality.

Because, three of them are not accompanied by the mysterious poker that destroys the secluded energy and the color becomes translucent in the high-speed movement. When it is about to approach the woods, it has already made a sound of hitting things first!


Then, a faint force fluctuation in the air emerged, and a player wearing a combat uniform appeared in front of the woods.

However, at this time, he was staring with a stunned look, and his body was white with white light falling backwards.

"-6292, -5039, -6530!"

Three-player cards accurately hit his forehead, throat and heart position.

Even though there is no additional solace, a total of nearly 20,000 fatal injuries are enough to empty his blood directly.

The battle just was fierce.

It is also a mech and a missile, and it is a continuous explosion. It is obviously impossible not to attract the attention of the players in the battlefield of the shelter.

Just because the location of the outbreak belongs to the side of the mountain, it is just isolated by the hill, so most remote players, even if they want to be cheap, it is impossible.

However, there are still players who are courageous.

This scout player is obviously taking advantage of his own "stealth" force and a scouting profession.

I want to sneak up here and find a cheap opportunity!

It is a pity that under this distance, he is like a light bulb, and it is impossible to escape the mental power perception of the wind.

"Playing cards?"

"The high-damage playing cards are definitely epic-sized!"

"I am going! Flying poker kills, this hand, more handsome!"

These three playing card seconds scenes undoubtedly triggered the g point of the game players again.

After all, flying out of playing cards to kill people is definitely a hundred times more savage than the **** scene of sniper murder.

In particular, it is still flying three bounces in an instant, all hit the key.

"Three cards, just hit the three key parts of this scout. It gives people the feeling that there are some like responding to the three rounds of the September guild."

"You think more, this is just a description of the skill of Fengshen, how can it be related to the past?"

And more of the players watching the game, think of the three rounds of the aim of the wind and three sniper bullets.

The wind does not know what to discuss with the players at this time. If you know, it is estimated that it will be praised.

Because, in fact, these three cards are really "associated" with the previous three bullets.

After getting the "Little King" from the hands of the Count of the Vampire, Mystery Poker has been able to manipulate with mental power.

It also means that even if the wind is not able to move, it still has the ability to drive poker!

If the mental power of the "God's Will" bonus is not effective, the three mysterious pokers will fly out in time to block the three rounds of a-level sniper bullets.

At this point, it seems that there are some "fantasy", but in fact, it is not very difficult.

Because mentally manipulated items are actually far easier and more precise than using hands to throw, especially in the case of the winds falling through the "coagulation artifacts" for half a year, and the control of mental power is greatly increased.

However, if you really used three cards before, and blocked three sniper bullets, it is estimated that the outside players estimate that the mood will be "exploded"!

After all, the fact that the poker block bullets is more "cool" than the previous bullets and explosive missiles!

"That's... too cool!"

Killing this scout player who wants to be cheap, the wind did not care for his outbreak of equipment and spoils.

Instead, the look has some seriousness, and once again looks back at the direction of the September guild.

To be honest, although he had not had any substantial losses in this battle, he had made himself unable to reflect on himself.

Since entering the game, although he habitually responded to the battle seriously, it is inevitable that he will be less vigilant because of the smooth sailing.

This is especially true when it is easy to kill "the world is full of fire" and get the "real eye of God", which makes the mental power detection ability increase, almost equivalent to the "opening" situation, it is even more remarkable. .

As a result, it happened to be the mechanical unit of the "God Hand", and the "Top Ten Armored Division" of the mechs that interfered with mental power.

However, this is not the real reason why he was in the middle of the crisis for the first time in his ambush.

In fact, the real reason should be after the position of "the first person in the "War of War".

Although he did not specifically look at this matter too much, he has to say that there is still a kind of emotional growth called "pride" in the heart.

This is really human nature.

Because, really, no one is really not like to be famous, do not like being worshipped, do not like to be concerned.

It’s just that compared to the troubles caused by fame, the wind has always liked the freedom brought by low-key.

However, in this pk game, it is completely guessed that at least tens of millions of people should be watching the battle behind their "first person."

Even if it is the wind, it is inevitable that because of this "great attention", it has done something that is not usually done, and even some of the heads actually know that it is the wrong thing!

In fact, in the battle just now, if he first discovered the proximity of the mechanical spider.

Just use your own speed to open the distance, or stealth from the attack of the mechanical spider, and then use the range advantage to pull the attack, there is no chance to follow the operation.

However, he did not do that, but chose to stand and wait for the approach of the spider mech.

In addition, after determining that the target is a mechanical unit.

The most correct choice is to replace the "electromagnetic bomb" that is better prepared for the mechanical unit that has been unlocked in the tactical vest, or the liquid metal armor-piercing project specially made for the mechanical unit made by John. ".

However, he did not choose to replace the sniper bullets.

Instead, I chose to waste even more energy and blast the eight legs of the spider's mech. This kind of "smart skill" is destined to cope with the way people cheer!

"This once-in-a-lifetime battle is a reminder to yourself."

The wind fell on the epic card and took back three mysterious cards. After the launch of the mystery poker, it took some time to recharge.

"Sure enough, it is the first person in the "War of War", the leaves of the wind, looking forward to the next fight, the food of the shelter, you will trouble you to look after the city."

However, the wind did not go after the people of the September guild.

Among the public channels, it was at this time that there was a word of exclamation in the hand.


The wind did not answer, and there was no anger in his expression.

Just looking, looking up again, looked at the black spot in the sky.

The ambush of the September guild did give him a wake up, but it does not mean that the wind will thank them.

In fact, although the character of the wind is not a must report, but by such a targeted ambush, if it is not still some color, it is absolutely impossible.

Because of this supply point, he is indeed unable to catch up with the "God Hand" and others.

However, the one he had already discovered, but the bird reconnaissance armor that has never been destroyed.

Even though the distance is over the kilometer, he has been completely remembered in his mind. As long as it appears again, this mechrist can't escape!


"The leaves of the wind!"

"Food, shelter? The leaves of the wind have come here!"

What is different from the wind is that there are not many remaining players. After hearing this, most people are quite ugly.

The ugly reason to hear this "id of the wind" is one aspect.

On the other hand, it is because the words of the gods also mention "the city that never sleeps."

If only the wind is falling, these people are already dead and wounded in the battle, but because of their face, it is impossible to say what they are afraid of.

However, the wind is the president of the city that never sleeps. When he appears here, the reinforcement of the city that never sleeps is also possible!


Some players are more decisive.

Because, after they contacted through the guild channel, they found that the reinforcements of their guild could not arrive in time.

So, in the end, wisely chose to give up the refuge for this food store.

"What happened to the leaves of the wind? Is there three heads and six arms!"

"Our people, there have been a lot of people coming here... as long as we hold him down for a while, then wait for someone to secretly surround him... killing the 'first master' just happens to start the name of our guild head."

Of course, players who are still full of "confidence" also exist.

After all, the threshold for this pk entry is just the original force, not the IQ.

The temptation to kill the "first master" in the eyes of the public, for some ordinary guilds that do not have much chance to win, may be more real than the first.

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