Fatal Shot

Chapter 1188: The real fighting power of digital cats


A tumultuous boulder with rolling earth was rolled over and plunged into the ground, hitting a broken stone door and smashing away. .


The stone door that was hit was also shaking for a while.

Especially in the lower left corner of Shimen, it should be that I don’t know how long ago the battle was blasted by weapons, but now it’s just a temporary hole that is reinforced with stones.

In this fierce attack, there was a violent shaking, revealing some gaps.


A pale green "toxic gas bomb" was launched by a special technical gun to seize the opportunity, and was drilled in from the gap caused by the energy rolling stone.


The next moment, the pale green poisonous fog behind Shimen was filled.

However, immediately, a strong wind formed by the wind energy was forcibly blown out.


However, it was immediately ignited by a bursting fireball with a diameter of five meters, which caused a loud explosion. The gap between the fortifications built temporarily prevented the bombing.

"Hey, hey!"

And seize the opportunity, the attacking party, is two sniper bullets, rushing in from the gap very accurately.

Let a white light appear in the refuge hole, and scream for a while.

This is the second morning of the game, and after the next rainstorm, the battle between players continues.

The nature of the siege is the people who never sleep in the city. The number is not many, a 20-person combat squad.

But everyone is an absolute elite!

Digital cat, big pineapple, night, little fat man... Counting the wind, I am a special agent, and I have occupied five places.

The watermelon rind that shined in the middle of yesterday, as well as the eye-catching eyes that are equally outstanding, are also among the same team, and it is just the source of the two bullets that slammed the bullets with great precision!

And opposite them, the one who was hiding in a cave similar to the previous refuge, was naturally besieged by the September guild.

And not others, it was the people who escaped in the battle yesterday in the September guild!

Not only the remnants of the September guild president, but also the new arrivals today, the seven or eight September guild players who meet here.

擒 擒 擒 king!

Originally, I was escaped yesterday, and it is a pity.

However, I did not expect that the scouting beetle actually found his clue again this morning.

However, because the reconnaissance beetle was discovered when it approached, this "King of the King" action became the current storm.

I have to say that in fact, last night was able to play such a good effect, and I need to thank the rainstorm for a large part.

Because, under normal circumstances, even if it is a command-level reconnaissance beetle, in the case of flight, it can also be detected by many players using the reconnaissance skills of legendary equipment, and the possibility of exposure is higher!

Of course, it was not much affected when it was discovered, because the people of the September guild had been dispelled in the battle last night.

In this cave, there are more than a dozen people, and because of the lack of food, there is no food and energy in one day, and the physical strength and energy are far less than those of the players who never sleep.

Therefore, in the case of immediately "transmitting" a group of people, the battle will open directly!

To put it bluntly, this "transmission" is not entirely without cost.

With today's 24k solitude, sending a player consumes about 1% of total spectroscopy, which is still close.

And "unlocking" a secluded crystal that is enough for 24k to recover will require a full 10,000 points, which means that every time you "transmit" a player, the price is close to 100 points, nearly one-tenth of the player's body!

Therefore, although for the guild, this group transfer is called "the magical skill."

However, there is no doubt that there is no big benefit to the competition for personal first.

Therefore, it can't be used too often, and it can't be transferred as large as last night!

Of course, even if you don't need big troops, these 20 people are enough to win this battle.


On the side of the offensive team, a tall humanoid simulated mech-warrior like a heavy armored warrior, squatting directly on his shoulder and launching a miniature individual missile!


Suddenly, the refuge hole has been damaged by the serious stone gate. The soil control officer of the September guild, using the energy stone wall and the heavy armored warrior to repair the defense, suddenly exploded a high hole.

Terminator-z type!

This is the mech of the new study of the city that never sleeps, and it is a completely self-designed mech, and the combat power is comparable to that of a comparable boss.

To put it bluntly, the digital cat joined the "King of the Kings" team.

In addition to the mech test, it is also because the combat power has reached the level of "top" or even "super" players.

This seems to make people feel a little unbelievable. After all, even a lot of non-night city players know that digital cats belong to the aliens of the agents, and the combat ability is not as good as many ordinary players!

However, only a few people like the wind and the wind know that the reason why the digital cat has no fighting power, in fact, should be said to be largely too lazy to go to the battle.

In fact, from the fact that she was able to obtain the assignment of agents for the task of not participating in the "Death Hunter Island" mission, she was able to guess that she was not really weak in combat.

The reason why I left the image before was actually because she was too temperate.

Always change careers at intervals, leading to no occupations to achieve specialization, in the case of low professional skills, it is naturally impossible to play too high fighting ability.

However, when she obtained the second professional division, because she could not change the profession itself, in a sense, this was actually the “main occupation” that she really spent time managing.

And because, almost for more than half a year, they have devoted themselves to the mech, and the professional skill level is naturally fully caught up.

Even with a large number of mech-fighting divisions, the skill level is even higher!

Of course, the skill is only one aspect. For the player, the real difference between the top player and the ordinary player should be the "combat consciousness" formed by the combination of various actual combat and talent.

As a general rule, this should have been a digital cat in the lab all day long, and it was impossible to make up for it.

However, whoever is called a genius.

The way digital cats use is to "program" their brains and forcibly memorize the battle data in the "Terminator" smart library!

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