Fatal Shot

Chapter 1189: Accident to come

This is a very hard way to let the wind fall, but I have to admit it.

The "Terminator" is a simulated human-type mech with autonomous combat capability. Among the smart libraries of the chip, there is a huge program on how to fight the player.

It can be said that there are ways to deal with all kinds of players and various situations!

What the digital cat does is to treat his head as a "terminator" chip and forcibly record the information.

In the battle, directly use the brain operation, call a reasonable combat program, and make your combat thinking highly accurate and excellent.

This is a general player, I can't think of it at all, but the digital cat has done it, and with the creativity of the human brain, it has expanded many excellent fighting ideas!

Later, he was backed up in the battle research of artificial human machinery.

Being able to do this, to a large extent, benefits from the “digital” thinking she is used to.

Thanks to the fact that the mental power of the digital cat has really completely awakened two months ago, and the brain thinking speed is not even worse than the wind!

For the mechrist, this is enough.

God's hand, the reason why it is so good, is largely because his mental strength is close to the degree of "awakening."

Only the people of the Windfall and the Terminator Institute know that the digital cat is now in the same level as the mech control, and it is not inferior to the hand, or even the past.

In particular, the epic helmet she wore at the moment was exuding a strange signal fluctuation connected to the "terminator-z" behind her.

This epic-level outfit, attribute and skill is a "artifact" of the mech-trainer.

This thing can directly control its mechs through brain waves and mental power, and can also interfere with the movement of other mechs remotely. In addition, it can simultaneously manipulate multiple mechs!

Even, it can also let the linked mechs shield other people's remote mental perception!

This piece of equipment broke out, and the feeling of the wind fell. It competed with the high-end mechs between the Tianxia Group. The night city should add a hole card.

Even though, the World Group has two so-called "Top Ten Armored Divisions"!

"Da da da……"

Using the missile to blow out the "Terminator-z type" of the hole, the weapon in the hand has been replaced with a technicalized energy eight-barrel machine gun, and a huge mouth that is torn open by the missile in the distant refuge hole, issued a large number of With a burning bullet!

Inside again, brought a white light of death.

Speaking of it, it is a bit strange.

Obviously, this heavy-duty simulation machine is more than a few times the weight and volume of the player, but the sneak energy consumed during the "transmission" is even less.

I don't know if it is related to it is a mechanical unit.

"Speaking of this refuge hole, there is the original abandoned fortress, even the base camp of the city that never sleeps... There seems to be traces of fighting inside, and these traces seem to have been made by mechanical units..."

"And, why, on this map, why are so many refuge holes designed, is it related to the next stage of the game?"

The wind looked at a hole that was bombarded by the missile, and then was flooded with a large number of attacks, once again flashing the refuge hole of the dead white light.

In my heart, I am turning my mind.

"Da da da……"


Although he successfully opened a hole, the people who never sleeped in the city continued to consume long distances, but they did not rush to send soldiers to charge.

First, because the other party occupies a geographical advantage, the loss of the storm may be greater than the other party.

Secondly, in the case of the president of this guild and several high-level besieged, the September guild players who received the news were rescued or not?

In fact, this second point is their biggest goal.

"Hey, hey..."

On the wind-falling helmet, the 24k that was quietly screaming suddenly called twice.

"Is it coming... there are still a lot of people!"

After the wind's gaze was empty, it was linked to the scout beetle in the sky.

"Well? The September Guild, you can gather so many people so quickly!"

However, next, he was a little surprised.

The reconnaissance beetle, which stands above the height of more than 200 meters above the ground, is able to fully capture the situation around the range of several kilometers.

Of course, the advantage of reconnaissance beetles is concealment. The disadvantage is that in the case of not close, the "resolution" cannot be compared with those of high-definition detection devices.

So, in fact, in the field where there is fighting everywhere, the range that it can monitor, that is, the radius is about one kilometer.

At this time, in its field of vision, there are already a group of about 20 people, entering the monitoring range, and from the direction of the other party's movement, it should be moving towards it.

Above this number, there seems to be a little more than a bit.

After all, yesterday’s anti-"ambush", almost all the people gathered in the September guild.

Today, the wind fell, they thought that even if the other team came to the "diligent king" team, at most it was less than ten people.

But did not think that the people who came, even more than expected?

"Well, the president, some people in the public channel are yelling, these people are not the people of the September guild!"

A fat figure, driven by the wind energy, like a bird, jumps to the cliff flexibly.

The little fat man, code-named "Gold Coin", shouted in amazement at the wind.

In total, twenty-five people were sent, and only twenty on the bright side.

The other five are actually assigned to monitor all directions, in addition to increasing the range of communication.

However, in fact, you don't need a little fat man to run back and send messages.

At this time, the wind fell, although they were counter-attacked by the players in September, but because the distance was already close, they had received some messages from the comers with interference.

"Stop your hand..."

"The wind will be..."

"We...the guild..."

The sound is slightly noisy and the words are a bit messy.


However, when the digital cat recorded the data of the previous attack.

After turning on an instrument and quickly manipulating it a few times, the communication channel becomes much clearer.

"Mr. Feng..."

Among the channels, the only female voice that speaks is naturally easier to hear.


After the wind and the awakening of the original force, the memory is almost unforgettable. After hearing the sound, a look in the head is not very beautiful, but with an aristocratic temperament, with a pair of lavender eyes. Woman.

The vice president of the September guild is also the actual manager of Ziwei Star!

These people who came to "reinforcement" turned out to be the opponents of the Nine Stars Guild, the people of the September Guild?

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