Fatal Shot

Chapter 1190: interest

In fact, it is not the only way.

"Mr. Feng... Please stop temporarily. There is no irreconcilable contradiction between the September guild and the city that never sleeps."

In the communication that still carries some interference, there is a voice that sounds anxious and somewhat bitter.

Then, in the head of the wind, there is a face of a successful middle-aged person wearing a suit and a leather age of about forty.

Mr. x, the person who bought the “Power Force Awakening Pharmacy” for them!

The masters of these two voices actually walked together, but it made the wind feel a little unexpected.

Because, as far as he knows, Mr. X’s original id was called “Tianji Star” and belonged to one of the top leaders of the Nine Stars Guild.

However, it was later "betrayal" to join the September guild.

These two people, since the arrival of the United States, and the nine-star guild deputy guild of the September guild will not be able to "please"?

This is enough to make the wind fall a lot of interest.

"Wind manager, I hope you can give us a face of Lu's group..."

What makes the wind more unexpected is the third sound.

Will call him "wind manager", there will not be too many people.

And the voice of this person, the wind fell in the same way.

The son of the big boss who once worked in the city, the Lushi group is now at the helm, and the id is Lu Chen of the "night star".

"President, how do we answer?"

Muzi’s face was also frowned. As a real-time city, he naturally heard Lu Chen’s voice.

What's more, even if you don't listen to the sound, just relying on the name "wind manager", you can almost guess which force.

"Continue to attack, slightly weaken some firepower!"

The wind will look in the line and cast in the direction of the player.

Speaking in the mouth, but thinking in my heart.

To be honest, this situation is really surprising.

In the September guild, the Jiuxing Association and the Lu’s Group City, the top leaders of the three guilds actually formed a team to arrive here to “reinforce”. There must be something in the middle.

In particular, whether it is the Jiuxing Guild or the Lushi Group City, the relationship with the city that never sleeps is relatively close.

Because the Jiuxing Guild is the largest cooperative association of the city that never sleeps in Stormwind City, and the relationship between Lu’s Group City and the city that never sleeps naturally does not need to be said!

What's more, the person who spoke, or Lu Chen, the president of the guild and Ziwei, although he is the vice president, is actually the decision maker of the nine-star guild.

"Wind president... please stop..."

"Da da da!"

Among the public channels, communication with interference is still continuing, and the attack of the night city is slightly weakened.

"Mr. x... So, will the president of the September guild be forcibly killed!"

The wind fell, it was frowning, and it was already guessed that the two people could be brought here, and it must be related to Mr. X who left him with no impression.

Therefore, another possibility is directly considered.

From the speed of this pedestrian, after watching the acceleration skills of the original nature, it should be able to reach the battlefield in at most one minute.

At this time, according to the current situation, it is not enough to kill the people in the refuge hole. After all, the players in the September guild are not weak.

In the case of one-hearted defense, just like the big pineapple and others in the refuge yesterday, it is not so easy to kill.

Of course, if he insists on doing it at all costs, for example, sending more people, he can still do it.

However, this is a question of worthless!

To put it bluntly, in a certain sense, it is true that Mr. X said that there is no contradiction between the city that never sleeps and the September guild.

In particular, after a night of analysis, the battle rules were more determined.

The wind found that it is really easy to say that the September guild will be wiped out. It is not necessarily an easy thing for the city that never sleeps.

After all, the September guild is a true super guild, on average equipment and strength, even above the people who never sleep.

Unless there is such a good chance last night, even if there are Zerg and "transfer" assistance, killing one thousand will at least damage three hundred!

The key is that even then, you can't really "kill the kill"!

After all, even if the people of the September guild can't beat it, they can run it.

In addition, although the September Guild and the Night City are the only two guilds in this region that have the ability to win.

However, after all, there are still other guilds and even some scattered players.

If it is really pushed to the extreme, the September Guild will not necessarily use the huge financial resources of its own super guild to open up some conditions for these people to help them fight. At that time, the number of people who stayed in the night city can be at a disadvantage.

Of course, the city that never sleeps can also use this method.

However, the wind is not inclined to such a big guild, fighting each other "financial power", cheaper way!

Therefore, from the strategic point of view, it is not wise to die with the September guild in the early stages of this competition.

Of course, the strategic level is one thing, and the mentality of the guild personnel is another matter.

Not to mention that there is a contradiction between the September guild and the city that never sleeps, it is said that for the sneak attack last night, although the result is that the city won't win big profits.

But since the people of the September guild have provocatively provocative, then the Thunder will definitely fight back.

Well, the wind is selectively neglected. The refuge is actually the September guild camp. In the night, the city is actually the first to smash the nest!

"Well? He is here too!"

When I think so in the wind, my eyes are a little bit dry.

Because, in his spiritual perception, he felt the direction of the reinforcements of the three guilds.

There is a "sword" like a sheath that generally exists!

This is not an exaggerated tone, but a real feeling. It should be like a "boss pressure" that is generally reflected by the system to the player's thinking!

This point, in fact, before the wind fell on the first supply point, it already felt. At that time, "the world is full of fire" in the battle, he gave him a feeling like "hot fireball".

Obviously, this should be a spiritual awakening, and the fighting is extremely powerful.

Although, because of the combination of the three guilds, there has been a dense forest at this time, and no specific person can be seen from their position.

However, the wind has already guessed the identity of the comer. The ace of the Nine Stars Guild now has a boss-level pet, and the top five in the star player's power list is the "Swords River"!

"Stop it!"

At this time, the wind shook his head and let the people who never sleeped in the city stop the attack.

"Building weapons, before these people arrive, can't let the people out."

It’s not because of the “stress” that Jianhe’s long river brought him, but because of the anxious Mr. X’s words in the public channel.

"Wind president... If you... I can give you a message, an intelligence about the epic cards you need most!"

It is because of this sentence that the wind has chosen to stop.

Because, at present, mystery poker has actually been collected in the final stage, and only the remaining three cards have never been found.

The most important thing is that among the three cards, there is a theoretically the most important "big king"!

Of course, the reason for stopping the "King of the Kings" is even more because of the wind falling for the September Guild and the Lushi Group City, leaving their own fighting no matter, the reason for coming here is really interesting.

The minute is actually not long. In fact, because the people who never sleep in the city continue to attack for a while.

Therefore, after stopping the attack for half a minute, the "Joint" team met with the players who never stayed in the city.

Ziwei, Jianqi Changhe, Mr. X, Lu Chen... Sure enough, the four people he judged were among them.

However, what is interesting is that such a large number of theoretically more than half of the players are big players.

Standing in the middle of the team, it is not Ziwei, nor Mr. X, but a young man wearing a gorgeous dragon gold armor and holding a golden sword in his hand!

"Some meanings!"

The wind looked at the president of the September guild, the armor of the body and the warrior players who were very similarly dressed, and their eyes flashed.


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