Fatal Shot

Chapter 1191: Fool president


However, the young man in the middle of the dragon-shaped gold armor, after seeing the fully armed, a fighting posture of the city.

The first reaction seemed to have some uneasiness, and I couldn't help but look back and look at the side of the purple.

"Is this the legendary fool of the Nine Stars Guild?"

Players who never sleep in the city, after seeing this person, their faces are also curious.

Because, from the badge material of the chest of this young player, he is the president of the Nine Stars Guild.

As for the identity of the president of the Jiuxing Guild, there has always been a lace news in the forum of the Stormwind City. It is said to be a person with a flaw in IQ. Therefore, the major event of the Guild is the responsibility of the vice president of Ziwei.

However, this young gold warrior is actually qualified to participate in this competition, apparently awakening the original force, may not be as true as the forum said.

"The president of the wind, thank you. I really didn't think that you would be in a region with the people in September."

Purple said a few words to the young man of gold, looked up, purple scorpion and the wind fell in sight, with some tiredness in his eyes.

"Probably, because our two rooms are not very cozy, they are not very pleasing to each other!"

The wind fell through the eyes of this group of people.

Among the three guild teams, the number of nine stars is the largest, more than a dozen.

And there are many people who are familiar with the wind, such as the scouts, the sniper y God... Even, the purple queen is also seen in the purple micro, and her chest also has the elite member badge of the nine-star guild!

It seems that she should join the team of the Nine Stars Association as a foreign aid.

However, although it is an acquaintance, the two sides are obviously in opposition to each other at this time, so they just greeted each other with a gaze.

"Sure enough, they are..."

However, in the no-night city team, standing in the night beside the wind.

The eyes of the eyes, but staring at the red queen and Ziwei, as well as the face of the gold warrior and other people looked carefully for a while, seems to confirm what.

"You are the leaves of the wind...very good!"

Unlike the calm of the Nine Stars Guild, the number of players in the September guild is only half of them. It is ugly to look at each other.

After the words were finished in Ziwei, one of the eyes that looked at the wind was that some players with awkwardness and coldness began to speak, and the hostility was obvious.

This is a male player who should look like a scout, but there is no firearm in his hand. Instead, he carries a yellow-green longbow with a purple-black dragonfly on his waist. It is said that the gunner is more like a "hunter" player in some fantasy games.

"Sirius, the thirteenth place in the star player list, has three epic gears, a full-bodied boss pet... The hound dog won the twenty-fourth place!"

The wind fell in the moment when I saw this player, and the information of the thousand players who were provided by the hounds appeared in the brain, corresponding to the information of this person.

To some extent, this person does have the pride of his own money. Although he ranks behind ten, the combat power will never be worse than the top ten.

However, is it the top player of the September guild?


However, the face of the city that never sleeps is not good, and there is no action because of his sentence.

Standing next to him, wearing a set of alloy armor, Mr. X, who opened the mask, said it in a relatively heavy voice.

"The president of the wind, I will tell you privately about the cards."

Then, looking at the wind, the look is a bitter smile and helplessness.

"If you can, can you get rid of the communication blockade and let us talk to the people inside?"

Wind and eyes stared at the bow and arrow in the hands of Sirius, full of technology and ancient sense, looked at the face with a blank expression, then nodded.


Then, the wind turned to the people of the Lu Group.

Compared with the September and Nine Stars, the Lu's group has fewer people, only four.

The nature of the head is Lu Chen, and standing next to him is better with the wind and the animal husbandry, and is also the Ling Ge of the original Rogge town task manager.

Behind it is the "Large Group City's first master" sand wolf, in addition, there is a heavy armor warrior player who does not know the wind.

"Wind manager, look at my dad's face, I hope you can put down the grievances with the September guild, everyone first face the enemy of other main cities!"

When I saw the wind, I only looked at myself casually, and I didn’t even mean anything.

Lu Chen, who had some complicated changes in his expression, suddenly became a bit ugly and opened his mouth.

His equipment, you can see that it should be a full set of legendary equipment, with the body and face of the star player who is not inferior to the star, even on the appearance, enough to compare with the best swordsmanship in the field.

Of course, it’s just the appearance.

Even the first master of the "Lushi Group City", the wolf in the September guild has now fallen out of the top three in the September night rain, there is no possibility of winning, his strength is even more unlikely to be with the sword ratio.

If it is not the identity of a long time, in this scene, it is estimated that there is not much talk.

"Let your grievances?"

The wind finally fell, and the eyes fell on Lu Chen's body.

Although, there are some surprises for Lu Chen appearing here.

However, it is no surprise that he has helped the September guild to “eat outside and outside”.

It’s not just because the city that never sleeps has been completely separated from the Lu’s group, and the two sides are not considered “li”.

It is because the Lushi Group City and the September Guild belong to the "Union Guild"!

At the beginning of the construction of the Lu's Group City, the funds of the Lu's Group itself were far from sufficient. In order to seize the opportunity to expand, it was necessary to make huge forehead funds.

The source of this part of the funds is the consortium behind the September guild, and even the September guild itself controls the equity of a part of the Lushi Group City.

Therefore, the relationship between the two is actually relatively close, and there is a long-term "cooperation" between them.

Of course, in the eyes of many night-time city clubs and even Lu’s group city, in fact, the status of Lu’s group is equivalent to the “subordinate guild” of the city that never sleeps. In addition, the president of Lu Chen actually goes to the September guild. !

This is actually a fact.

After the "separation", the development speed of the Lu's Group City is far less than that of the city that never sleeps!

It is said that this time, although it is considered to be the advantage of hundreds of thousands of large guilds, they also gathered a thousand players to participate in the competition, but the quality is far from being comparable to the city that never sleeps, even with their own area. The battle of "hostile presidents" among them is in a downturn.

Originally, because I contacted the September guild today, I found that the two sides were actually assigned to the adjacent area, and thought that they could take advantage of the situation.

Who ever thought that when I contacted, I realized that the September guild was seriously damaged in the confrontation with the city that never sleeps. Even the president was surrounded and signalled for help.

And just because of his contact, considering the relationship between Lu's Group City and the city that never sleeps, the people of the September Association directly asked him to participate in the rescue operation!

This situation is undoubtedly uncomfortable for Lu Chen, who is a long-time leader.

In particular, at this time, when I saw the ordinary elite players of these people, they were not inferior to the heirs of this Lushi Group City.

Moreover, when faced with these high-level members of the September guild, they had to lower their posture. Even if the night city was an ordinary player, at this time, because of the situation, there was also an attitude of people who looked down and even despised the September guild.

In addition, the thought of the city that never sleeps is developed by the wind and the person.

Nowadays, his name will not be recognized, but in fact the associated "brother", the power and influence that he controls, may even be much larger than the value of the city that is nowadays. !

This makes him feel that he has always been psychologically superior, and there is a feeling that it is more and more unpleasant.

So that he, in the first sentence, could not help but move out his dad, and even called the "wind manager" specifically used by the wind president.

In addition to the words, it is obviously with the meaning of "reminding" the wind!

When he wanted to come, although the wind did save his father's life.

But the part of the human condition, in fact, the big boss gave testimony to the wind, let the wind fall, the old star is not on the 17th executive star like other people are subject to personal monitoring, as well as the city manager, and the game The second highest reward is already a reward.

And because the big boss has sent 50% of the wind in vain, the value of hundreds of millions of stars, it should be countered by the Lu's group.

"That pet is absolutely..."

In the speech, Lu Chen's gaze is still staring at the 24k above the wind and shoulders.

After some analysis, the Lu's group executives determined that 24k should be related to the city's mission to invest a lot of money, and that the wind is likely to take advantage of the Lu's group.

So, in this complex mood, with the idea of ​​earning face in front of the two super guild executives, he couldn’t help but say this!

"Rely, who are you, look at your father's face? How big is your father's face!"

The wind did not speak, a new addition is not clear to the foreign aid players who have been entangled with the Lu’s group, and they are directly annoyed when they hear this.

The elderly who don’t want to go to the night city or those who know the relationship between the city and the Lu’s group are frowning, but they don’t stop him.


Lu Chen’s face changed. He didn’t know that this person belonged to foreign aid. He thought it was a night city.

Therefore, it is even more uncomfortable.

"Wind brother, Meng boss, are they not with you? I haven't seen him for a long time!"

Seeing that the atmosphere seems to be getting worse, Ling Ge hurriedly uttered a round and shifted the topic.

In fact, his mood is equally complicated, and even has a feeling of awkwardness. However, his head is much clearer than Lu Chen.

At this time, the leaves of the wind are not the original wind manager, and the night city is no longer a challenge for the Lu’s group city.

Then, after seeing the wind and not reacting, I was relieved.

In fact, the wind is too lazy to say anything.

With his thinking, he can fully guess what Lu Chen thinks in his head.

As for ignoring, it is not because of the old feelings between the two sides, but because of the Lu's Group City, and now there is no qualification for a night city rival!


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