Fatal Shot

Chapter 1199: Night battle

At night, the sky is cloudless and the moon stars are thin. .

On the ground, a night-time city base camp is located in a mountain, and a discussion meeting is going on.

"Now everyone is here now, to discuss the battle plan for tomorrow!"

"Everyone who is sitting, everyone has reached a cooperation agreement, and the previous contradictions will be temporarily put down. Next, our enemies will be the forces around our region!"

Shepherd Wu sat on the main seat and passed the exclusive equipment of a "field commander" in his hand.

A map similar to the battle sand table was projected in the air, and the line was explained while being drawn.

"According to the information that we have never seen in the city, our area is bordered by four areas. In addition to the south side, these four areas are still in the midst of several guild wars. The other three have almost completed the situation. Unite."

"This is the strongest of the nine stars after the September guild in the east. However, because they have an agreement with us that they don't attack each other for the time being, so tomorrow's strategic goal is in the remaining three areas..."

On the opposite side of him, a group of high-ranking guilds who joined the Alliance of the Night City, the president is attending.

As the wind of the city that never sleeps, it is not here.

At this time, the wind is falling with Muzi, as well as Zhao Yun and Tianyan five people, standing in a hidden cave in the regional "frontier".

Form a small team and carry out a warning round in the middle of the night.

He didn't like these things about the guild. Since there are pastoralists and dragons, nights, and other professionals such as bullet marks and left-hand reflections are naturally happy.

However, of course, it is not completely free, and he is always the best night person to link with the scouting beetle.

In particular, today's weather is far more prone to night battles than yesterday, so it is natural to prevent someone from staying up late!

And because "transfer" is the need to consume ecstasy, equivalent to partial points, so this squad is naturally the strength is the better.

"Unfortunately, the phoenix is ​​not there. Otherwise, our professional team is almost perfect."

"I don't know, where did she go, but she still has no news at this time?"

The big pineapple put the shield aside, wearing a heavy armor and holding a heavy-duty eight-barrel machine gun, leaning against the wall, and worried in the tone.

Although the people who never sleep in the city are now almost all together, there are also a small number of players still in the "missing" state.

Some of these people may have been unable to contact for some reasons, such as the problem with the communication device, and the other part may have been killed by the enemy, but because the body was destroyed and cannot be identified, it was listed as missing. person.

The big pineapple is worried, obviously the latter case.

Because the equipment of the Phoenix is ​​too eye-catching, there are several "Phoenix Battle Armor" in the supply point.

"She should have been assigned to another area at the beginning, no need to worry, no one, can easily kill her!"

However, Feng Feng believes that Phoenix should still survive.

It is estimated that because of a certain situation, I chose to take autonomous action, but did not act according to the supply point set by the system, so I did not enter this area!

Give up the supply point and get equipment and supplies by killing people.

Ordinary players are certainly not willing to play like this, even the Phoenix in the normal state does not have such great confidence.

However, if it is said that the dominant is the dark phoenix, then there is nothing strange about doing so.

The wind is falling, but now the phoenix has been able to automatically switch between ordinary and "dark" personality, which is why he believes that no one can kill the phoenix.



At this time, the wind fell with the 24k suspended above his head.

“What is the situation?”

Standing next to him, wearing a miniature visual device in front of the glasses, noticed the change of the wind.

"Yes, there is a strange situation!"

The wind turned and turned to the direction of the sky in the night.


Thousands of miles looked at the wind and looked at the past, and soon, his face showed a curious color, and his mouth snorted.

"Have you seen it?"

The wind and the eyes of the eyes swept over a thousand miles, a little unexpected.

Because, that target is actually subject to certain occlusion, even if he does not see the vision of the beetle.

And a thousand miles really do not have the nickname of "ghost eyes", at least this eyesight is far superior to ordinary master players.

"Like, is a reconnaissance mech?"

The equipment above the eyes is constantly zooming, and its perspective is constantly elongating.

"Well, it should be!"

The wind nodded.

"It seems that some people really want to stay up late."

"With the height of this reconnaissance plane, if you fly above us, you can observe the situation of the base camp and you can't get it."

Between thousands of miles, he quickly found a position and adjusted his sniper rifle.

Seeing his movements, the wind did not say anything.

He knows that joining thousands of miles as a foreign aid is actually trying to show his strength.

And he really wants to see it, this is the star player who was called "the first sniper of Stormwind City" before him!


Thousands of miles of sniper rifles are not epic, but they are legendary new technological weapons.

Therefore, the structure is complicated in comparison.

Of course, the bigger feature is that the sniper rifle has a very long range.

"Three thousand, two thousand nine, two thousand eight..."

In about ten seconds, the wind falls on the Force's field of view and judges the distance of the target.

The reconnaissance plane flew at a height of a full kilometer, and the distance vision was almost imperceptible, and generally the sniper rifle may not have such an effective range.

Not to mention, shooting in the sky, the bullet's power attenuation far exceeds the ground level oblique shot.


The distance of wind detection has reached 2,500.

An electromagnetic sniper bullet entangled in blue light, instantly from a thousand miles, that one is not too long, it seems quite wide sniper rushing out.

Then, in the sky near the height of the ground, there was a striking light burst of energy explosion.


Then, a group of black objects still have a white light with something in the middle, because of the impact of the explosive energy and its own high speed, spanning a distance of a thousand meters.

Falling to the ground of the forest about three hundred meters below them, there was a black smoke and fire.

"Good shots!"

The wind fell a lot.

Obviously, this gun hit the area where the energy core of the unmanned reconnaissance plane was located, more than two kilometers away.

Therefore, it will cause such a big movement, which is equivalent to the "one blow" of ordinary creatures!

This distance, this accuracy, the sniper in the entire game, is estimated to be not too much.

"Hey! Have you seen it?"

The big pineapple stared at the white light material that fell into the jungle, and the face under the mask was puzzled.

“It seems to be a booty!”

Muzi is somewhat uncertain.

It is indeed a spoils!

After a dozen seconds, a worker bee passed a "wormhole" to transport a box-like item with white light to a cave where several people were located. This kind of judgment was confirmed.

"The real spoils! The mech will also explode the trophy?"

Zhao Yun scratched his head and felt that something was beyond expectations.

Something is indeed a spoils, because the box opened a thousand miles after it was taken, and the five-level sniper bullets that were destructive to the mechanical unit were removed from the inside.

There is also a high-energy nutritional supplement that can provide the physical energy consumption that the player needs for a day's action!

It is normal to smash the mechanical unit and explode the spoils.

But the problem is that the mechs in this arena are all exchanged for the player's flower points. If they are destroyed, they will get a certain percentage of points, but they have not heard anything that will explode.

Unless it is a monster, it is almost the same!

"On the game map, it is impossible to have a monster. Will the game rules be changed because the remaining number reaches a certain level."

"Now destroying the mech, will there be something wrong?"

Zhao Yun said with a grind.

"It is not possible to rule out this. If you can find more mechanical units to test, you can know if it is."

The big pineapple is around.

It’s a pity that the people present didn’t have a mech-trainer and they didn’t choose to unlock the simulated man-made mech.

What's more, it is impossible to test with the mechs of the city that never sleeps, and the rest of the guilds in the entire region have already reached a cooperation with the city that never sleeps.

"Well... maybe, what you want will come soon."

After praising the sentence, there was no opening, but the pupil was golden, and it kept sweeping through the winds everywhere in the field of vision.

At this time, suddenly a sentence.

At the same time, reaching out and grabbing the big pineapple directly to the side of the alloy heavy shield lifted in front, the body shape slammed two steps, blocking the entrance of the cave.


And when the wind is falling, talking.

In the woods that are only about two hundred meters away from them, a group of shots of light have been lit up, followed by a special ammunition similar to the "grenade", which directly hit the cave. The wind fell on the shield in front of the body.


The explosion of the explosion made the entire cave instantly bright!

"Da da da!"

And that location, followed by a series of energy machine gun bullets with blue light, sweeping towards the cave.

The enemy has secretly entered the attack range!

The reconnaissance beetle has a special field of vision, and it is easy to find hidden units of life in the dark.

However, if you face a unit that can hide the fluctuations of life or have no life fluctuations in itself, in the night environment, it will be inferior.

(First, there will be two more tomorrow morning!)

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