Fatal Shot

Chapter 1200: Genuine Terminator!


The location of the cave, the blast of the shells and the smoke of the smoke took a full five seconds to dissipate.

However, after the smoke dissipated, the five night city players inside, but also "disappeared".

"There are five enemies!"

"Oddly, they seem to have some hidden ability to detect only object movements and contours and not detect life fluctuations."

Below the cave, from the position of the machine gunner who was shooting in the woods, it was only about 50 meters away from the rear.

Muzi, who jumped out of the wormhole, had thrown reconnaissance in the first place.


It seems that I feel the volatility generated by the reconnaissance device. Among the several players who have been around, one who is wearing the equipment of the earthen controller is immediately back.

Then, the hand jerked up, revealing a plausible energy converter equipment.

The next moment, an energy ball with a black ray, went straight through the gap in the woods and flew directly toward the player's position.


A piece of stone with a head-sized stain on the soil.

Was kicked out by the wind directly, and under the adjustment track of the original force field, collided with the black energy ball in the air about ten meters away from the wormhole.


There was no explosion, but the black ball burst instantly, but it was instantaneously within a certain range, creating a huge attraction.

The branches and leaves of the trees and the shrubs are everywhere in the jungle. Because the rainstorm was still wet and muddy yesterday, they were pulled out of the original position by the attraction, and all of them were gathered on the rocks in the air.

After a few seconds, when the stone fell, it had become a full-scale one-meter-diameter mixture of mud **** with an estimated weight of more than a thousand pounds, and fell heavily on the ground.

"Gravity gun? Or what."

Zhao Yun’s face is slightly dignified

This kind of gravity weapon, the reality of the Starry civilization, is said to have been studied, but in the game, it is really the first time I saw it.

Moreover, the dressing of the other party is obviously not a soil controller?

Using an energy converter, it is a kind of attack like an energy cannonball, which is much faster than the skill of a similar function of the controller.

This scene, I can't help but think of it vaguely, as if I have encountered a similar situation.

"Five, one person!"

The big pineapple is eager to pick up the legendary machine gun in his hand.

He did not take the shield, because he felt that there was a wind and Zhao Yun and a super-powerful master.

Even if these people are the top 100 masters, he feels that the odds are in the grip.

Because in the game, all but the doctors need to kill to be able to earn points. He is a heavy armor with a defensive ability to reach the super level. In today’s team battle, he always needs to take protective action. Did not get too many points.

At this time, it was natural to have a small team that was placed in a single order.

"Da da da……"

"Hey? Don't break it?"

However, when a large number of energy bullets shot from a legendary machine gun hit the target of his choice.

In the other team, a figure should look like a woman, but it is carrying a heavy armor warrior player with an alloy shield.

The result of the attack was to surprise him.

You must know that even if he uses a shield to resist the shooting of a machine gun, the impact of the bullet will still cause a slight drop of blood. This heavy armor warrior will not even drop a little blood?

Moreover, even if it is really not broken, it is reasonable to deduct a little blood.

“Is this shield an epic gear that has the property of completely absorbing damage?”

So I immediately thought of something, and in the eyes of the big pineapple, I immediately showed the light of excitement.

An epic shield is certainly tempting for the heavy armor, and even if it is only able to become addicted in this game, it is equally tempting.


However, he was even more aware of it right away.


Because under the shooting of a large number of machine gun bullets, the female heavy armored warrior blocked the bullet hole in front of him, and the damage between the blink of an eye was serious!

This is obviously not an epic-level equipment. Even the legendary equipment may not be, more like a relatively rare rare equipment.

"That master, give it to me!"

Between the masters, once they start, the battle naturally breaks out.

Zhao Yun, who had doubts, immediately took the commander of the earth system as a target, and the rest chose an attack.

Five vs five!

This is a very fair battle, but the process of fighting is slightly unexpected.


Muzi chose the corresponding scout player in the opposing team.

In the hands of the same level of submachine guns, in the hands of the master's "continuous shooting" skills, a third of the bullets hit in a flash.

The legendary submachine gun is matched with the level bullet and hits the chest of a gunner. In theory, there is a great chance of killing each other directly.


Only, the bullets hit the scout player.

But it didn't react much, moving the body directly toward his direction.

Like the heavy armored soldier attacked by the big pineapple, there is no damage value.

"No harm?"


Muzi immediately threw a "reconnaissance".

["Terminator t-950, level 70 command, mechanical number..."]

The reconnaissance talent cooperates with the skill to get the information of the target in a flash.

"Mechanical unit, terminator?"

Muzi's gaze shrank, a little bit worried.

These players are mechanical units that have been somewhat unexpected for him.

Because these people's gestures and expressions are definitely more flexible than the average simulator robot, he did not see it before.

However, the real surprise is that this simulation robot's model terminator!


The name he is too familiar with, of course, not because he is also a "traversal", but because of the simulation of human-type machinery produced by the city, it is the "terminator series" name.

However, these five Terminators are obviously not the models made by the city!


Seeing the results of Muzi sent to the team channel through the reconnaissance instrument, the wind fell on his face and showed his early expression.

Subsequently, it was also a slight movement.

It was expected that because he had long been through spiritual perception, he had judged that these "people" had problems. Although the appearance and human beings were very similar, there were obvious differences in mental perception.

However, even if he did not think that he would see the name "Terminator" here.

To put it bluntly, he named the combat machine made by the city that never sleeps as the "terminator."

In addition to the taste of some kind of traversal, at the same time, in fact, some kind of temptation is also carried out. If it is said that the name is occupied first, it will have an impact.

As a result, the official model of the federal government did not use the Terminator.

Unexpectedly, the genuine "Terminator" actually appeared, but it was in a pk game.

"Speaking of it, Skynet has been formed successfully, and it is not unexpected that the Terminator appears. Moreover, the Terminator appears in this game, but it can verify some previous guesses."

He has been paying attention to the traces of destruction by mechanical weapons in the supply point refuge.

Looking at it now, it is obvious that the background setting of this game map is very likely to be similar to the story of Terminator.

The food in these refuge is likely to be stored by the rebellious human beings, but these indigenous peoples should have failed.

These mechanical units, after cleaning up all the humans, are estimated to have entered a dormant state, waiting for the players to appear, being mechanically discovered and restarting the combat program!

"Then these terminators should be the system used to adjust the balance of combat power between the guilds. However, if you look at the terminator story, will there be more places to pay attention to..."

When the wind fell in the heart, the "windrunner-v" that had switched to the sniper rifle form had started shooting.


He did not use ecstasy.

I want to test the combat capabilities of these "Terminators" first!


It turns out that the defensive power of these tolerant Terminators is indeed very strong.

His armor-piercing bullet with a destructive bonus was hit on the leg of the "gunner" terminator who shot across the cave. Although it immediately destroyed the artificial skin with camouflage and shielding function on the upper layer, it hit it. A hole of five or six centimeters in diameter.

However, it did not directly interrupt the leg of the "gunner", and even the action of the terminator gunner was not greatly affected.

The body is only slightly sideways to the side, and the "barrel" on the shoulders has begun to shine!


In a blink of an eye, it was a "cannonball" bombardment to the position where the wind fell, bursting out a large group of high-altitude air waves, igniting a range of ten meters, turning the trees into a group of nights. Torch.

Because of the explosion, the shrapnel fluttered, and the various vegetation and soil around it were severely deformed and the terrain was greatly changed.

However, at the speed of the wind, it is obviously impossible to say that in the case of seeing the other side's attack, it was also hit by the shell.

When the shells exploded, he had already shunned ten meters away, but only one or two shrapnel hits, even tearing off his "secret shield" can not do.

However, the power of this gun is absolutely comparable to a long-time move by a master who does not have the awakening force.

Moreover, the explosiveness is stronger and more difficult to cope with.

High defense, high attack, and corresponding weak speed and tactical ability!

Don't say anything else, the wind feels that at least one thing is certain, that is, the "terminator" will definitely be on fire!

Not only the finalists on the opposite side, but also the Terminator of the city that never sleeps.

Although the two are actually fundamentally different, because of the same name, the more powerful the terminator shows, the more undoubtedly the advertisement for the city.

Because the spectators are not clear about the inside story, they will certainly not clearly distinguish the two.

Even among a large audience, it is estimated that there is no one who will guess that the city of Everbright has purchased the command of this type of mech in this game at a great price to the Star Game Company.

However, the wind is so quick to think, because the information is limited.

It is also impossible to know that these "terminators" in the game are out of control. In the original design, they should not be called this name.

In addition, the wind is also impossible to know, at this time the number of people watching the arena has lost more than half.

Because, this afternoon, a sudden outbreak of the rebel army's offensive, as well as the announcement of the camp battle, suddenly let the outside world into a mess.

If it is not a player in some cities, because the location is not at the border, and it is not possible to rush to the battlefield in the first place.

At this time, the number of people watching the battle is estimated to be even smaller.

Of course, since there are still hundreds of millions of players watching through the virtual cabin, these people can only choose to continue watching.

Because the system directly issued a prompt, if you leave, then the body is very likely to be in a state of mental coma.

Even if you quit, in a period of time, there is no fighting ability at all, only to stun "hang up"!

Therefore, the advertisements of the city that never sleeps still have a lot of effects.

After all, the people trapped in the virtual cabin are largely above the middle of the federal players.

There are even more than half of the top guilds of the major guilds, and they are indeed as confused as the winds, and they are puzzled by the Terminator's mechs. u

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