Fatal Shot

Chapter 1202: War Soul Guild

"According to the information collected, it is likely that we have reached an alliance between the city that never sleeps in the south and the nine-star guild in the west."

“The September guild, which originally belonged to the city that never sleeps, took the initiative to give up the site and joined the team of nine stars, which greatly increased their strength and was not good for the rest of the region...”

“Just, the brilliant group in the east sent people to contact us and wanted us to join us.”

"In the middle of the night, we launched a sudden attack and together we pulled out the neighboring cities that we are neighboring!"

"Do you have any opinions?"

At midnight, in a city that seems to have been abandoned for a long time, a joint conference organized by the War Soul Association is being held in the conference room of an abandoned building.

War Soul Guild, the first guild of a medium-sized secondary city in the jurisdiction of Stormwind City.

The number of people reached one million, and the comprehensive strength was in the middle of the participating guild.

However, because of the tactical gains of the command floor two days before the game, they have now successfully won the leading position of this regional association.

And the entire region, the players who have survived successfully until now, are close to two thousand people!

Therefore, in this conference room, which was already full of dust and was cleaned up, there were more than 20 guilds participating in the competition, and the number reached nearly 100.

"Other guilds, the first time after the start of the game is to kill the enemy."

"However, I have long judged the design idea of ​​np for the game."

"In this second stage, the real test for the guild executives is not the hostility of the tactics, but the strategic cooperation!"

The vice president of the War Soul Guild is also the highest-ranking squad of the War Soul Guild, the young and young armor of a full-body black armor.

Standing in a higher position upstairs, looking at the top of the guilds who whispered and talked, even arguing because of the distribution of interests, looked confidently at a team leader who was next to his guild.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that even though the personal equipment of the Night City and the Nine Stars Guild may be stronger than us. But the last stage of the laughter will definitely be the one who grasps this!"

"The gaze is between one or two guilds. Hundreds of thousands of people are beaten and killed. It is too narrow. This game involves a million people, and the vision is on the strategic level..."

The young vice president of the War Soul Guild said that at this time, the tone was sighed with a strong "taste" taste.

However, in fact, he said nothing wrong.

In fact, because the player can inherit half of the opponent's points after killing the player, at the current stage, large-scale guild warfare is obviously not a good choice.

Because, at this stage, the player's equipment and pets are almost unlocked. In this case, there is no longer a need to rush to acquire points through large-scale battles.

On the contrary, the more stable it is, the more guilds that do not participate in the war, the more they can take advantage of it.

Because of the accumulation of players' scores, the more points that can be harvested in a battle will undoubtedly become more and more.

If you say that you can always hold back to the end, wait until the rest of the people fight each other out and win, and then rush out to solve the exhausted remnants...

Then, although the personal points can not be said to be able to get the first, the guild first will have a very big chance!

"Of course, this is the ideal state. Np is not a fool, certainly setting a strategy for this 'negative' battle."

“So, we need to understand the ‘degree’!”

"For the siege of the city that never sleeps, in addition to removing the threat, it is based on this reason."

"However, we don't have to do our best, and we bring half of the people in the past. Anyway, half of us are already worth the total number of brilliant groups that have been united in a large number of battles."

"Let the glorious guild, the top ten guilds of Stormwind City, fight with the city that has two top ten masters, and fight for both."

The vice president of the youth guild of the black armor, with a confident face and a smile, thought of a beautiful prospect in his head.

"Right, before you said that the few people who killed you, the players who rushed into the city, found it?"

Then he seemed to think of something and asked the captain-level player next to him.

"I haven't figured out that the city is too big, and because according to your instructions, in order to prevent other guilds from uniting to separate their premises."

"So, after the few people entered the city, it was difficult for us to identify their identity and location."

The leader player shook his head and looked a little embarrassed.

"Intensify your investigation. Before you start the action of the city that never sleeps, you must definitely pick them up. Otherwise, if they are people who never sleep in the city, it will be a bad thing..."

Vice President of the War Soul Guild, frowned.


And just as he said "bad things", not far from the building, suddenly a loud explosion sounded.

"What happened? Who put a miniature missile or a high-energy compression energy bomb!"

“Who is there to kill people in the city regardless of the cooperation agreement?”

"It’s a loose player..."

The sound was so loud that the top of the joint guilds that were discussing the battle plan for the city that never sleeps, could not help but stand up.

Many people contact their own guild personnel and want to know if they are arguing for their own guild.

"Da da da……"


However, the sound of the next machine gun and the sound of a closer energy explosion made them uneasy.

Many people have already reached out to the weapons with vigilance, or give them energy shields.

"Call... Vice President, we found those who sneaked in... and ‘kill’ lost one, and the rest are also chasing, but found a big problem...”

After all, the War Soul Guild is a local snake, and now knows what happened.

"what is the problem?"

The vice president of the soul of war is not very fond of the face, even with some anger.

I repeatedly emphasized to them that things happening in the city should be handled as much as possible by the warrior players to avoid the sound of the battle being too loud.

Because this kind of fighting that makes a big move is easy to cause a chain reaction.

It was like when an ancient war was screaming, a soldier yelling and yelling at night, which may lead to the "battle of screaming" that caused the entire army to kill hundreds of thousands of people.

This kind of battle that has produced a big movement, in the case of some ulterior motives, is actually not very willing to use by the guild led by the Soul Society.

The situation he has earned from "joining the vertical and horizontal" will definitely be destroyed!

"Bang... A man, be careful... call..."

"The intruder is not a player, but a mechanical simulator!"

The players in the communication channel obviously apparently innocently pondering his tone in the fierce battle, but gasping more quickly.

"Mechanical simulation people... that is not the same as the participating players..."

The vice president of the War Soul Guild, the voice is unpleasant.

"Call...not a general mechanical simulator, these mechanical simulators of the 'Terminator Model' will actually explode...call..."

Among the communication channels, the players who gasped were not finished.

"The vice guild, not good!"

At this time, it was a more urgent voice, forcibly entering the queue and entering the communication channel.

The emergency communication comes from the "sentry post" that is specially arranged by the War Soul Guild, hidden in the city's five-kilometer position, to guard against night attacks by other players!

"In the north, along the way into the city, there have been a lot of... a lot... no... oh..."

In the communication channel, the sound is equally breathing, but more panic, obviously seeing something extremely shocking.

However, his words have just been halfway through, but it has become a series of intermittent and noisy sounds.

Obviously, the communication of the scout player was seriously disturbed, and it would not be useful unless it was far from the source of the interference.

"The vice president, found important circumstances, a large number of units are approaching!"

However, soon, he did not need to report, he knew what the scout wanted to say.

In the guild with legendary detection equipment, with the addition of detection distance talent scout players, remotely operated by a remote detector suspended in the city's reconnaissance.

In the north of the city, it is reasonable to say that it should be empty, and that it has been abandoned and even has a lot of vegetation on the avenue.

At this time, there are dozens of red dots that represent the movement!

Most importantly, these red dots are very large in size and are estimated to be comparable in size to energy trucks for transportation.

The speed is even faster than the general transport of the truck, and is approaching the abandoned city at a speed visible to the naked eye on the map.

"Check out what it is right now."

"The notice goes on, everyone, for the first-level policing state, one to eight teams, ready to fight immediately!"

Such a large volume and speed, no matter what is transported, makes people instinctively aware of the uneasiness.

Vice President of the War Soul Guild, at this time, regardless of what caused the turmoil, hurriedly ordered the underground.


However, after his order, it was only a minute later.

A burst of light was just on the top of the ruined building, and he wanted to see through the night vision telescope to see the situation.

This is the scene of the explosion of a legendary reconnaissance equipment suspended in the air!

Just as the scout player manipulated the flight detection device and flew out of the city's fringe area, he wanted to rely on the past to detect the specific situation.

A tiny missile suddenly emerged from the night sky without warning. It was directly hit by this reconnaissance equipment, and it was torn apart and turned into a pile of black smoke and flame wreckage falling from the sky!


A full-body black, "ghost" winged unmanned combat aircraft flew directly from the location of the exploded flight detector and rushed over the city.

If the wind falls and sees this scene, it will definitely be remembered. This is the test-type command-level combat machine of the type "k-600" that he saw in the test field!

Of course, today's machine has been officially prefixed with the term "terminator".

[" Terminator k-600x (65-level commander level), stealth unmanned combat aircraft, you can earn points after killing: 2000 points!" u

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