Fatal Shot

Chapter 1203: Backing the black pot of the city that never sleeps


When the youth vice president of the War Soul Guild, through the scouts next to the player, learned that the sky was flashing and hidden into the night sky without seeing the secluded fighters and being "killed" and several simulated mechanical warriors. .

The face was a glimpse first, and then it became quite ugly.

"The means of never sleeping in the city!"

Everyone knows that the Terminator is a simulation human machine that happens in the city, and is one of the two representatives of the high-end mechs in the whole game.

Almost all of the guild executives know this, not to mention the fact that they are just studying to deal with the city that never sleeps.

Of course, just a few Terminators can't be sure that it is the action of the city that never sleeps.

Because, the "Terminator" series of simulation robots from Everbright City sold more than 10 million units in the past six months.

It is the guild of the Terminator fighting machine that you have purchased, and the action of the arrangement is not allowed!

"However, at least 80% may be a city that never sleeps..."

The youth vice president of the War Soul Guild’s face was a bit blue, because at this time his communicator received two pictures from a scout player who sneaked into the past.

The first picture is a transporter with a length of more than seven meters and a height of more than four meters. There are various kinds of gun barrels and other devices that look very heavy. In the car, they are owned one by one. Among the various metal skeleton eyes, there are human-shaped mechanical warriors who are braving red light.

"Terminator t-800, 60 elite!"

The second one is a remote sensing map representing the number of mechanical warriors of these Terminator models, which are densely packed and do not necessarily completely detect the statistical figures that have reached four digits.

"How is it possible, people who don't sleep in the city, how can there be so many simulation mechanical warriors. Do they use all the points to unlock the robot?"

"And, the last few Terminators, why can they pop things like monsters..."

Looking at the two pictures that have a kind of intensive fear, the leader of the team leader next to his eyes blurted out.

"Perhaps, they found a setting that triggered some kind of hiding..."

Although the vice president of the War Soul Guild is talking about speculation, the tone is quite positive, and there is no reason to think about "explosive things."

"I will send a message to the Brilliant Group immediately, let them immediately come to the reinforcements, otherwise they will die when we are finished!"

"Tell them that there are thousands of mechanical warriors in the city that never sleeps!"

Looking at the dense picture on the screen, the number of four-digit red dot representing the hostile target, the vice president of the War Soul Guild has a ugly face.

The number of elite units is not a big threat to the number of players who are close to two thousand in this abandoned city.

However, if these elite units are mechanical units that are generally higher in combat power than biological units, then it can be considered troublesome!

And if it is said that these mechanical units still know the tactics, then even if it is full of "strategy", the far-sighted Vice President of the War Soul Guild.

Also have to consider, in the next battle, how to arrange a more practical "tactical" response!

"Da da da!"

A mechanized fleet of dozens of heavy-duty mechanical personnel carriers with Terminators stopped about two kilometers from the abandoned city.

All the Terminators, all jumped out of the car.

Then according to the characteristics of the weapons in hand, formed a dispersed and integrated marching team!


A large number of endorsers of the alloy shield, the "Heavy Armored Warrior", carried the shield to the farthest side of the team.

Not only shields, they even have some armor-like equipment, but it is obvious that from the various styles of these equipment, you can know that these things should be left by the players.

After two days of fighting, 90% of the players have been eliminated.

However, although these people are dead, their equipment is all left behind.

Even if a part of the damage in the battle is excluded, there is still enough equipment to arm all the players twice or more.

Other types of mechanical units may not be able to use these equipments, but the artificial human armor itself is designed to mimic human combat indicators. Except for the energy converter, any player weapon can use them.

"Da da da……"

The Terminator army is marching very fast.

In fact, their speed is exactly the same as that of the fighters, and they are banned and not confused.

Even if the equipment on the body is completely different, it gives the war soul guild player who looks at the telescope and the sky with the illumination bullets, a sense of oppression in the heart.

Just half a minute, this mechanical warrior team has already pulled the distance from the abandoned city to within one kilometer.


At this time, in the abandoned city, it seems that there are already players who can't hold back.

A small missile flew directly from an upstairs position and flew directly toward the Terminator team.

In fact, with the attack distance of the micro-missiles, it is already possible to launch an attack at the position where these terminators have stopped.

The reason why there is no first-time attack is because the points required for the unlocking of the micro-missile are very expensive. The players in this area are less involved in the battle, and only two or three people are eligible to unlock.

The distance of two kilometers is far away. The micro missiles need to be accelerated through the air and the flight speed is not fast.

For the average player, the response may not be possible, but the flight distance of two kilometers is sufficient for the mechanical unit with the ballistic simulation system in the program.


However, the War Soul Guild did not think of it.

Just a flight distance of one kilometer, there are still mechanical units that can react!

"Da da da……"

Behind the Terminator team, it is also hidden in the darkness, a series of heavy bullets with large-caliber cannonballs with orange-red tail flames, and the moment the miniature missiles continue to accelerate from the ruined city, Has been launched.


A large number of nets that are comparable to shells and bullets make the players in this abandoned city a small missile that is not expected.

In the position of the leader of the Terminator, the position of 300 meters was directly exploding, turning into a mushroom-like orange-red cloud in the night sky!


And this seems to be a signal that triggers a chain reaction.

In the Terminator team, some of the shoulders were carrying the micro-missile terminator "Rocketman", as if they were provoked by this tiny missile, they launched a counterattack.

A full seven or eight miniature missiles rose from the ranks of the Terminator and flew directly to the city one kilometer away.

These players, including the War Soul Guild, apparently have no effective means of intercepting missiles. Seven or eight micro missiles explode in the city, and the targets of the attacks are all players in the ruined city. The most concentrated area or building has caused nearly a hundred deaths of white light!

Obviously, the Terminator's detection methods are not lower than their missile interception technology.

"Da da da……"

The Terminator Rocket, which launched the micro-missile, directly threw the launcher onto the ground and began to accelerate quickly following the large force.

For the high temperature of the missile launch, the body equipment and camouflage skin are completely burnt, so that their appearance becomes unintentional.

In fact, they certainly don't need to care!

Among the finalists of the Offensive War Soul Association, except for a small number of t-900 series of leading-level simulation robots with perfect human appearance.

Most of them are actually camouflaged skins without any underneath. Under the equipment are the elite robots of the t-800 series with a metal skeleton structure and a level of more than 60 levels!

"Battle, open fire!"

"Sniper, lock the high-level unit among the opponents!"

"The machine gunners held the position and dragged them to me for a while. The controller immediately prepared the range skills and must stop the robots three hundred meters away..."

"Blue Sky Guild, Gems Group, you go around to contain!"

The high-level members of the War Soul Association, which stood up after the missile explosion, naturally saw that these Terminators were to launch a formal attack and rushed to issue command orders.

However, the machine gunner and the controller are okay. After all, the goal of the ordinary terminator is too obvious, and it can be attacked casually.

But the sniper is unable to find the target of the chopsticks.

Among the Terminator's army, the number of commanders at the commander level is not too large.

But there are also quite a few, at least in the hundreds!

However, these terminators have very advanced anti-detection capabilities, and the sniper's scope cannot directly distinguish their level.

In particular, some of these command-level units belong to the high-simulation human-type terminators that they encountered before.

At this time, these human-type terminators have already circumvented both sides of the road, because after the abandonment, they have grown wildly more than one person tall shrubs, avoiding the vision provided by the flares in the sky.

Obviously, the Terminator coincides with the tactics of the War Soul Association, and there are ideas for sending people around.

Undoubtedly, after visually “disappearing”, it is impossible to judge the identity of the high camouflage ability even with the legendary reconnaissance instruments, which is enough for these commander-level Terminators to do a lot of things.

Once they are sneaked into the city, the consequences will be very serious.

Because the average player, even the scouts, can't directly discover their identity.

In particular, players generally cannot identify the way they use the badge to identify the enemy and the enemy.

Because, not to mention, some of the people they collected did not join the guild's casual entrants.

It is said that in the battle, the action of checking the badge on the other side's chest is enough for them to lose the opportunity to fight.

After all, these high-simulation human-type terminators are all the leading-level advanced mechanical units of the model t-900 series, and the combat power is comparable to the players among the participating players.

At this time, the command channel of the vice president of the War Soul Association received another information screen.

This is a picture of the player squad that was defeated by the leader of the high-ranking Terminator team after the city exit, and the team was finally destroyed.

On the screen, in addition to some advanced t-900 series terminators with the same shape as the players, there is also a dark red insect creature about one meter high.

It is this worm-like creature that uses its own sickle to generalize the weapon, and the **** of death generally harvests the life of the player who sent the message!

"The Terminator, and the summoning monster of the worm. Damn, it’s really a city that never sleeps!"

The young vice president of the War Soul Guild, at this time, almost shouted out.

The Terminator alone is not sure, but the creatures that add these insects are obviously different.

Before, he still had a hint of fantasies, but now all the "facts" have been completely in front of his eyes.

"The leaves of the wind have arrived. The city that never sleeps is the first to choose us as the target. Is this because we are soft persimmons?!?"

Next, the vice president of the War Soul Association, his face became quite complicated and lost.

I don't know, he was hit because he felt that his strategy or tactics fell on the downside!

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