Fatal Shot

Chapter 1204: Transformers?

"Of course, the bet is right!"

On the other hand, at least ten kilometers away from the battlefield, the wind on a high ground shows some strange smiles. .

After passing through the reconnaissance beetle, the distant terminator was found after the city occupied by the Warrior.

It is certain that what he encountered in the game is really a "Terminator" story, he thought of a problem.

In theory, according to the procedural logic of Skynet, the first target of destruction should definitely be human.

So can you benefit from it?

When he tried to locate the beetle by reconnaissance, he transmitted a blade beetle in the past and found that the blade beetle and a player of the War Soul Guild were simultaneously scanned by a Terminator's red-emitting eye.

The other party chooses to attack the player first, and he knows that his judgment is correct!

This is simply an unprecedented time for a robbery!



An abandoned building near the edge of the city, sniper players in high-rise windows.

Carrying a sniper rifle that was damaged by bullets, he took his head back to the back of the bunker, took off the helmet that was uncomfortable because of blood staining, and reached out and found a blood-filling agent to photograph himself.

Although the Terminator's attack is powerful and fierce, the players are also awakened by the Force.

Coupled with the ability to use nanomedicine drugs to supplement blood after injury, they are not easy to die.


Suddenly, in the dark space of his vision, a sharp, empty voice appeared.


Then, on his unguarded head, he suddenly broke a hole.

In this sniper player has not been able to react, the amount of blood that has been ruined by the Terminator attack is directly cleared.

Behind him, a lot of blood is like being sucked into the night along a pipe, faintly delineating a flat insect shadow about a meter or so.

"[Flea], Zerg 55-level commander-level unit, unlock points: 1000. Ability: stealth, shield detection!"

This is also the same as the assimilation function of the wind and the use of the Zerg base, the new Zerg combat unit cultivated, the stealth of the scout beetle and a powerful jumping ability called "sucking blood".

Therefore, it was able to leap 20 meters from the ground and directly approached the sniper quietly, and achieved the first kill after the Zerg army entered the city!

However, the frontal combat ability of the flea itself is weak, and there are not many chances of this killing!

If you really get the points of the game, you still have to look at the battlefield outside the city.


"Can't get them close!"

"Heavy Armor, blocking the gap on the left... Old g, let your pet push the building down and use it as a cover..."

In order to prevent the Terminator army from rushing into the abandoned city, it is unfavorable for the tactical advantage of playing a more flexible player.

The War Soul Guild and the rest of the guild warrior players, a large part of the people, are concentrated in the entrance to the city and the rushing Terminator army to fight.


A light armored soldier held an alloy knife with strong force fluctuations and smashed it over a silver alloy sword that the Terminator had cut him.


The violent sword hits, causing a spark in the air.

The opposite of the Terminator, under the impact of the sword from the sword, was directly smashed back several steps.

The original force of the Light Armor player is a power type, which makes him face a certain advantage even if he is faced with the terminator who can theoretically lift the car.


However, the light armor who won the strength contest, the curse is the last sentence.

Because, on the black alloy knife he held in his hand, there has been a deep gap in the collision.

Instead, the silver alloy sword in the hands of the opposite finisher is not damaged, and the silver shines!

"Mom, a mechanical unit, it will be a legendary equipment!"

The eyes under the helmet of the light armor warrior showed envious and awkward eyes.

The weapon in his hand is nothing but a rare piece of equipment for perfect evaluation, and the opposite of a Terminator actually holds a legendary equipment that does not know where to squat, which makes him feel quite uncomfortable.

However, right away, this unhappiness turned into excitement.


Because, the terminalist who was unsteady under his attack, was hit by a "violent fire bomb" that was followed by the city from behind.

The energy of the direct explosion was turned over to the ground, and the legendary alloy sword in the hand could not help but fall off the position between the two.

"The legendary sword, at least 50% increase in combat power..."

The light armor warrior produced this thought and immediately rushed out of the bunker, trying to get this alloy sword to his hand.

Even if he can only use it in the game, he wants to enjoy the experience of a legendary weapon.


At this time, those who had observed it before, did not attack the side of the Terminator's remote team.

But suddenly there was an abnormal sound that sounded empty!

"-1639, -1405, -1506, -1567..."

In the next moment, the body of the light armored soldier was like a machine gun, which made a continuous impact sound.

Along with a pile of thousands of intensive damage figures, the light armor warrior has directly emerged the white light of death when he has not yet been able to touch the legendary sword, and fell heavily to the back.

The armor on his body, from the helmet to the breastplate, was all about the size of a human thumb, about 15 centimeters in length, and the "spurs" with green mucus at the end were ruined and ruined, almost becoming a hedgehog!

Not everyone can have a full range of legendary equipment.

In particular, because the remaining number is almost twice the number of other regions, most of the people in the War Soul Association are still rare.

This level of equipment, facing the remote explosive attack under the state of the Hydralisk, does not have the defensive force, it is impossible to resist!

"Damn, just dare to use the person who summoned the creature to attack, garbage!"

A heavy armor on his side, watching the deadly teammates, and his own legendary shield with a lot of snake thorn damage, can not help but swear.

However, he is just a sentence.

Because the pressure brought by the Terminator's mechanical army is far above the sneak attack on the Zerg unit that slams the cold gun.


The one who regained the silver legendary alloy sword and turned to the Terminator.

The impact of cutting on his companion legendary shield gives him the illusion of being hit by a car.

The attack of the players who came to the fire controllers after themselves, the continuous fire of a series of fireballs just made the metal of the Terminator red, and there was no sign of overheating and burning the core!

Without knowing the core, the mechanical unit is tricky.

In fact, not only are players feeling tricky, but there aren't too many units that can work for these Terminator Zerg.

After "killing" the several commander-in-chiefs, the wind has summoned the Zerg units to test.

In the face of these high-ranking Terminators, the Zerg melee units are subject to a great deal of restraint.

The original sharp beetle of the blade beetle, on the bones under the artificial skin of these Terminators, can only draw some dents and it is very weak.

Even if it is a normal zerg, if you attack some weak positions, you can't break the double defense of these equipped Terminators.

The wind is calculated to understand why the individual Zerg units in StarCraft will have the lowest individual combat power and need to win by number.

However, not all Zerg units can't work for the Terminator!

Like an attack that is also a commander-level "螳螂", in fact, if you can hit the core position, you even have the ability to destroy a Terminator.

This is because the wind is falling when making "螳螂".

For the "death slasher" of its main attack weapon, it is the material that reaches the a-class structure of the zerg base. The mass of the terminator has a higher bone strength, and at most, it is a good legend. The level of equipment, obviously still did not reach a level!

Just as a leader-level unit, the points needed to unlock are not low.

At present, the wind is obviously not the strength of the battle with these Terminators, whether it is the number of arms or the strength of the single.

However, he did not come to fight the Terminator.

Although I don't know the plan of the War Soul Association to attack the city that never sleeps, it is obviously impossible for the wind to rescue people in this abandoned city.

He has already seen that in this battle, the War Soul Guild has no chance of winning.

Because, in the field of the reconnaissance beetle that has already flown to the border, there are a lot more heavy-duty transport vehicles on the outskirts of this area of ​​the War Soul Guild, and they are ready to go!

In this case, he naturally does not have any psychological pressure to cheap, relying on the network and spiritual links, personally command a Zerg army to leak on the battlefield.

"Rather than being killed by the machinery of these third parties, it is better to transfer points and points to human hands."

There is even a leisurely tone in the wind.

Subsequently, his gaze looked through a field of reconnaissance beetles that had been transmitted to the front of the Terminator team.

It is at the end of the finalist team of the offensive. A height is seven meters up and down, the color should be black and blue, and the shape is somewhat similar to the humanoid fighting machine.

Just now, it was this machine that attacked and destroyed that missile!

The reason why Feng Feng looked at this machine was because he knew that this machine was originally a reloaded transport vehicle with the same ones.


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