Fatal Shot

Chapter 1219: The value of the T-1000!

"Hey, hey..."

In the early hours of the morning, in the woods where there was a lot of water vapor, a figure wearing a fire robes on the body ran at high speed.

"Da da da……"

Behind him, there were bullets that kept chasing him toward him.

There was a bullet hole on the surrounding trees, and the soil splashed and fallen on the ground.


Suddenly, the dense woods became open.

There is a cliff that is 30 meters in total, equivalent to ten floors and straight and steep.

This height, in addition to the warrior with power armor protection or the wind system controller who can reduce the impact of their own fall, even the agile scouts can not say to jump.

For the physical and self-protection ability can be said to be the worst fire energy controller.

Obviously, this situation is almost equivalent to a dead end!


However, the figure wearing the fire energy robes is actually in shape.

Like ignoring the steep cliffs, it jumps directly with the high speed of running.


Not only that, but behind the trees, seven or eight people with weapons such as firearms or alloy swords rushed out of the woods, and they did not hesitate to jump.


The figure of the fire control officer took the high speed to the ground under the cliff, and the powerful impact caused the thin layer of soil in the rocky mountain to be directly destroyed.

Exposed to the hard stone structure inside, not only the energy robes that are full of bullet holes in his body are damaged, even the skin on the head, back and legs are wiped off a lot.

However, it seems that because of the bruises, there is no bleeding in the wounds that stick to the soil.

The fire controller was even more unaware. After rolling a distance on the ground to remove the impact, he stood up and continued to run.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

Not only him, but the seven or eight figures behind him also fell to the ground, and the vegetation that was not much on the ground was completely broken.

Among these figures, there are five wearing a master or a gunman's combat uniform, but in the process of jumping, there is no such thing as releasing a buffer.

However, it is no different from the fire system controller. After climbing up, continue to pursue!

"Da da da……"

Even one of them held the hand from the air, but the miracle did not even destroy the firearms and fired some bullets at the front of the fire control.

However, because the fire system controller is running one step faster, and the speed is not inferior to the warrior wearing the armor behind the chase, this time has already rushed out more than ten meters.

The bullet hit him, and it didn't make much difference except to play some bullet holes or wipe off more skin!


Suddenly, above the cliff behind it, there was a sound of high-altitude objects.

A faint blue light, a silver flying object in the shape of a flying knife without a handle, flew down and hit the fire department in the process of ruining the back of the cortex.


The blue "flying knife" hit the back of the fire system controller.

It was not the sound of the flesh or bones, but the sound of the metal, which was then stuck on it.

However, the shape of the fire control system of the middle knife still did not stop, continue to escape!


However, the blue light on the silver no-flying knife is suddenly brighter, and the blue-like current generally flows from the blade position into the body of the fire controller.


In the middle of the running, the fire department was in charge of the controller. The body suddenly became a little dull, and suddenly it fell unsteadily and fell on a piece of rock.


Those who chased after him immediately seized the opportunity and rushed up, and they shot and pressed the limbs of the fire control division.


The body of the fire system is struggling with the body, and the explosive power has even pulled out the stone floor and traces the deep marks like the army knife.

However, it is impossible to get rid of the overall containment of seven or eight people.

In the whole process, neither the fire control officer nor the person behind him did not speak at all.

When the body of the fire controller became trembling because of the more heavy blue knife on the back, he turned his head and revealed that the half of the face was broken because of the cliff, but the silver-gray metal skeleton was in the eye. Structure and a red-eyed eye!

Obviously, this fire controller is not a real player, but a high-simulation terminator.

In fact, not only the fire system controller is the terminator, but also the person behind the chase is the terminator, the leader of the commander t-950!

What happened to the tyrant between the Terminators?

of course not!


Above the cliff, a figure jumped again at this time.

Unlike the previous Terminators, when the figure fell to the ground, it did not cause the ground to go wrong, but the lower part of the body was severely distorted.


Just in a blink of an eye, the body is covered with a layer of blue light, and all the deformed positions are restored, turning into a very tall blond woman.


Subsequently, the blond woman walked a few steps to the end of the fire system controller who was still trying to struggle. The raised right hand stretched out the index finger and clicked on the "flying knife" that was still inserted on the Terminator.

Subsequently, the blue light on the flying knife was more vigorous, and it melted into a silver liquid quickly, invading from the wound position of the fire controller.


After about half a minute, the fire system commander who was still struggling, the red light in the eyes was first extinguished, and the body was still.

After a few seconds, it jerked up again!

At this time, the simulation terminator that suppressed it was completely loosened.


And the free fire system controller t-950 Terminator, but did not escape or attack.

Instead, it stops quietly, and the frequency of red flashing in the eyes that have lost the camouflage is exactly the same as the seven or eight finishers around!

The tall blond woman, a pair of glasses is looking back at the top of the cliff!

"The fire department is in charge of the master, and all the basic occupations of this subordinate are just complete..."

Above the cliff, the wind is falling on it and looking at the scene below.

In the hand, it is an energy converter that is similar to the fire controller. It is actually a weapon of advanced energy guns.

This is the terminator of the fire system controller. In the previous battle, it was attacked by a tall blond woman at the beginning.

Of course, to be precise, it should be a sneak attack by t-1000!

In the end, the wind finally chose to spend points to unlock the "t-1000", and then he fully understood the value of this 100,000-point unlocking point.

The t-1000 has the ability to quickly modify mechanical unit programs.

In the face of the Terminator who is weaker than her, it is simply the killer in the killer!

Yesterday, the unlocking was completed. Today, he has used the t-1000 to control a total of ten high-simulation t-950s.

As for the t-850, because it is less encountered and has less combat power, it has not been saved, but it has been verified and can be controlled as well!

The only thing that has not been tried is probably a quasi-boss mechanical unit like z-990.

The reason for this is that there has not been such a high-level terminator from yesterday to today.

Of course, wind intuition should also be able to control!

The emergence of the t-1000 will undoubtedly greatly reduce the pressure brought by the Terminator army.

Because the t-1000 is difficult to destroy, it can be freely divided into liquid alloy properties.

Enough to let her face the attack of the boss-level mechanical unit, still have enough ability to close.

Then, with the ability to be pervasive after liquefaction, combined with the gap created by the wind and the destruction of the solitude, it is possible to quickly find and control the computing core of the target.

Even if the boss-level target usually has a lot of spare computing cores, it usually needs to be started when the main core is destroyed. The t-1000 attack means does not need to destroy the core, but after modifying the program. Complete control.

Of course, although the theory t-1000 is very powerful

However, the wind is not sure, does the real boss-level terminator have the means to deal with the t-1000?

After all, the t-1000 itself is only a quasi-boss level.

And if you encounter a real boss-level Terminator unit, for example, that one can be as large as a building, it has been determined that it is indeed a boss level, which is called the "Destruction Furnace" Terminator by the player and is thrown to " It is impossible to survive in the furnace.

After all, the t-1000 in the movie itself was destroyed by being hit into molten steel.

Not to mention, in this game, but there is also the ability to create t-1000 "Tianwang" participation!

Speaking of Skynet, in fact, this is why the wind is entangled in whether to unlock the t-1000.

The t-1000 does control the normal terminator, and it is equally likely that there will be a higher level of terminator, or the danger of "Skynet" reverse control!

At that time, not only the problem of 100,000 points, but also the actions and strategies that may affect the entire city.

The only better one is probably that it takes ten seconds to control the Elite Terminator from the t-1000, while the control leader level takes more than half a minute to watch. The windfall estimates that even if Skynet controls the t-1000 it should take some time.

As long as you pay attention, you should have time to cope.

Moreover, don't forget that among the participants, there is a master class of digital cats!

"So, the only really unsatisfactory place is probably to use a control method, and you can't get any loot at all, and you don't have any points to credit."

The wind fell slightly and there was a little regret.

Because, after the accumulation of these days, but after unlocking the t-1000, he has already reached the first ranking and fell to 500.

This first, obviously still not imagined, so easy to get started!

Next, you have to work hard to accumulate points.

"Speaking of digital cats, I don't know if they have parsed out those garbled..."

Subsequently, using the "demon wings" condensed by the life protozoa from the cliff to the wind on the ground, there is a wormhole with a return trip, and at the same time thinking.

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