Fatal Shot

Chapter 1220: Unfavorable situation

It has been half a month since the game went on. .

In the past two weeks, the dead people were much less than the original two.

The reason for this is that the number of players accompanying the competition has decreased, and the scope of the game map is somewhat difficult to encounter.

In addition, because many guilds have adopted the same alliance strategy as the city that never sleeps, the first choice between close guilds is not to fight, but to cooperate first.

However, the battle between players is reduced, but the battle with the Terminator is greatly increased.

At least half of the entrants who died in these days are dead in the Terminator team, and this percentage is increasing.

And the number of Terminators is also increasing every day!

"The situation, there are already some bad things... those garbled, maybe what prompted..."

The wind dropped the high-energy energy cannon in his hand to the newly-received "fire system controller" terminator. The figure sank into the black wormhole, but the expression was obviously thinking about something.

During this half-month, there will be a piece of information from time to time in the field of view of all participating players.

The problem, however, is that all of this information is messy and garbled, and there is no way to read it, even if he doesn't draw any useful information from it.

However, the digital cat seems to be very interested in these garbled characters, but it is a lot of spirit.

Even though the frequency of garbled appears to be getting lower and lower, there has been no new garbled transmission in recent days, but she is still trying to crack the information.

There are digital cats taking over.

The wind is also safe to go out "hunting" to get more points before the game is combined!

The only thing that made him unexpected was probably that Phoenix had still had no audio.

Although, he believes that the ability to use Phoenix should not be said to be eliminated.

But now, my mind is somewhat uncertain.

After all, in the game, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, like Xiao Luoshui got the hound, it is mentioned that the current awakening of the game is not only one of him.

Although the phoenix is ​​powerful, if you encounter a master, if you have a boss-level pet, it may still be a problem!

With the strength of the Phoenix, there is also the possibility of vying for the first.

In the case that he spends a lot of points and is currently not ranked high, the insurance of Phoenix is ​​missing, which is obviously not very beneficial for the city that never sleeps.


As soon as the body swayed, the falling figure appeared in a dark room.

"came back!"

The voice of the opposite animal husbandry entered his ears.

This is a large-scale complex in the center of the city, which was requisitioned as a temporary headquarters, and the place he sent back was the temporary office of the pastor.

The land is not too wide, but in the public office where a large number of screens are suspended, you can see the scene in the entire ruined city.

Thousands of fully armed players are busy in the city, and the edge and main entrance of the city has established a perfect position defense.

These defensive positions, in many places, are based on the structural components of the Terminator, through the transformation of the mechs division.

There are even some places where the body of the quasi-boss-class z-990, which was destroyed at both ends, is used as an obstacle.

In terms of quantity, these destroyed Terminator wrecks are at least 5,000 or more, which is the result of the entire city.

"From yesterday until now, no new players have joined. This shows that people in a certain range are surrounded by us."

Between the words of the wind and the wind, the pastoral picture was transformed into a three-dimensional map with many white areas of different sizes.

"Our people have already detected the entire game area. At present, there are only five players in the player league with more than 5,000 players."

“In the Stormwind City, our guild occupies a city, and the joint of September and Jiuxing occupies a city.”

“In the capital city, the number one Tianxia Group and the second-ranked Yuehuang Group also occupy a city.”

"The last one is the guild union of the northern city. Well, the people of the Sanmu consortium have influence, but they are not dominant..."

Shepherd pointed to the map and said that it was about a large white map distributed in five directions.

"In addition, there are some small and medium-sized forces, about a dozen."

This is the distribution of residual player power so far.

From this map, although there are more than 30 cities in the main city level of the federal camp in the War.

However, the military city of Stormwind City and the Capital City are indeed the most powerful, the northern city of the economic main city barely retains some face, and the rest of the main city is even worse than some of the secondary cities under the three main cities. .

This is also the reason why the first masters of these three main cities can almost be listed in the top ten.

"In addition, there should be some single player remnants, but the number is not statistical, and it is not expected to be too much."

The animal husbandry shook his head slightly.

Although because of the flexibility of the single player, you can choose to avoid it when facing the Terminator army.

But whether it is a guild player or a single player, as long as it is a human being, once it is discovered by the Terminator, it will be pursued.

In particular, the high-level simulation terminator at the command level, because the player looks almost the same, and has the ability to shield detection.

Even scout players have to wait until they are close.

In addition, the combat power is very strong, the average player encounter is not an opponent at all, but also the non-urban area supply is also a problem, so the single player is really not able to survive.

Of course, if you can survive to the current single player in this situation, then definitely not the average person!

"In turn, according to intelligence, we roughly judged that the ranks of the Terminator have now expanded to more than twenty times the original. Once they gather together to attack a force in the wild, even the five forces cannot have the ability to resist. ”

The animal husbandry turned the picture again and turned into a red dot map with a large number of representative terminators. His face became a bit dignified.

"And, they are now distributed among the major players, separating the traffic between cities and the three armies of the sea, land and air."

"This also leads to the fact that nowadays, except for a few people like you who have the ability and strength, the average person has no ability to go out to fight, and the weaker entrants are constantly being mobilized by the Terminator's army."

"Obviously, these terminator behaviors are totally incompatible with the speeding up of the game."

"Fortunately, you have judged from the outset that there is a problem with the Terminator. We stopped killing the nearby forces, but adopted a policy of wooing the union."

"Otherwise, at this time, it is very likely that the Terminator will be eyeing and clearing out."

The expression of the animal husbandry is somewhat gratified.

"Not good."

"Because, according to the current development, the number of terminators will only be more and more, and the players will continue to decrease."

"I'm sure that once the Terminator thinks he can beat us. It's very likely that the general attack will be launched directly!"

"At the time, we didn't have the power to fight back!"

"So, you have to act."

The wind fell on the map and said in a positive tone.


At this time, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

"Parsed out!"

There was some mess in the hair, and the eyes under the heavy lenses were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the expression was full of tired digital cats.

"What is the solution?"

The animal husbandry first had some doubts and then reacted.

"You mean that garbled, parsed out, what information is..."

"Look at yourself!"

The digital cat sent things to the wind and the animal husbandry, and then he fell down on the table next to him and went to sleep.

Nearly ten days spent a lot of time to crack, but also to manipulate the battle at the same time, and the head after her awakening mental strength, inevitably felt extremely exhausted.

"Let her sleep, let's go out and say!"

Ah, let me talk about it, now the lightning is thundering outside, the lightning is a little scary.

It is estimated that there will be a blackout after a while. I try to use the mobile phone to send at least one chapter of the promise after the power outage.

However, it is not certain, because the base station that we moved after the power outage will stop for a while.

So, I will try my best, the plan will not catch up with the change... God will pit me!

Really want to power off, coordinates Sichuan Deyang...

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