Fatal Shot

Chapter 806: Unexpected situation (two in one)

Ordinary players are losing, but the wind has indeed gained a lot.

In addition to the five b-level privilege, it scored 1540 points in one fell swoop.

In addition to the points earned from the previous road, at this time, only one level a permission is available, and the last part of the death gaze can be exchanged.

In addition, his experience now has reached 99% of 59, even less than 100 points of experience, meaning that almost any unit can be promoted!

However, in the following, the wind was somewhat unexpected. Even though there was no blockage or ambush on the way, I did not encounter any test machinery until I entered the a-level area.

This is not to let the wind fall 99% of the experience, always staying still.

"Strange, how can np not arrange blocking? How to earn points under this, I still have two b-level privileges!"

Because the "Silver Sword Vi" was blown up by the missiles of the Wraith fighter, the wind was only able to take Zhao Yun's traffic vehicle.

And driving a camouflage off-road vehicle with a clear tonnage on the right side of the team, Zhao Yunkou is somewhat strange.

"Maybe... I feel that ordinary mechanical units can’t help us, don’t want to send us points.”

"After all, although it is impossible to form a team, this situation is not much different from the team."

The wind fell on both hands and the wings of death half of the body exposed above the roof, the suv battle suit was blown by the dusty wind.

This kind of sitting on the top of the off-road vehicle, followed by the feeling of a group of fully armed teams driving towards the sky, and driving the energy motorcycle, is a different experience.

"Through the tunnel in front of the mountain, you will arrive at your destination!"

In the communicator, the sound of death roar is transmitted to everyone's ears.

Although there was no more battles along the way, it was always quite lively in the combat command channel. At this time, it was all the thrills and gains of the first battle.

The fruits of death roaring and Yan Qing dance have been "discovered", which is naturally a compliment to some people!

The result of the wind has not been "discovered". In fact, under the chaotic situation, there is no systematic statistics. Even if it is specifically staring, how many chances can it be seen to kill the target? of?

Therefore, this "discovery" process is certainly somewhat debatable.

After a dark tunnel, the view of the sky is once again bright, and there is a war ruin city covered with broken walls and artillery marks!

This a-level danger zone, similar to the b-level zone that had fought before the wind, is a map of the city's ruins.

The only difference is that the ruins of this city are much larger and there are more buildings left.

In addition, there is a river running through several directions in the center of the city, making the environment of the whole city more complicated.

This kind of environment is undoubtedly not too friendly for snipers.

But for the rest of the career is much better than the previous battle environment.

Because compared to the desert environment that can't avoid attacks like micro missiles, at least some of the buildings in these cities can be used for protection, and they can also provide close-knit conditions for melee occupations.

Entering the a-level dangerous area, plus the previous battle, the team's vigilance is all tight.

Therefore, the team is divided into three teams of front, middle and back, and enters the city in batches through a bridge over the river.

However, the results proved that there was some concern and nothing happened. Everyone safely entered the ruins of the city.


However, after entering the city, the situation finally appeared. Everyone had a noisy sound in the communication device, and when it was turned on, it was full of buzzing sounds.

"Severe signal interference detected!"

In the roaring team of death, you are sinless and quickly look at the tips of your reconnaissance.

"It is estimated that np is doing..."

The wind fell from the heavy-duty off-road vehicle with the wing of death, facing Zhao Yundao, who also took the weapon off the side.

After entering the city, the vehicle will not be able to pass, because the streets of the whole city are covered with various gravel, and the road surface is also broken. It is better to walk on the foot.

Obviously, in the absence of a way to prevent the player from "teaming", np decided to increase the difficulty of the test.

Communication has entered the limit, and players can't really cooperate with each other without the fact that they can't really team up and have no command. The battle is absolutely not affected.

However, there is obviously no way for this restriction, so the team is still moving on.

However, the next line took a lot of vigilance in the ruins of the city for almost an hour, and ended up not encountering any fighting machinery.

This a-level area is even quieter and safer than the d-level area!

"what happened?"

Everyone is a bit confused.

How can there be no fighting machinery?

This is not a good thing, because everyone is earning points. Without a fighting machine, it means no points and authority.

Then it took a long time to go all the way to the a-level area. Is there nothing to gain?

Because I found it for nearly an hour, the time has come to 7:00 in the evening, the sky has been slightly darkened, and it is about to enter the night.

"In this case, it is estimated that there is only one possibility..."

Finally, Death Roar stopped and took a guess.

"It should be because we have too many people to act together. So many people can solve this problem even if they use the quasi-boss, so the system doesn't blame..."

"After all, the test area really talks about limiting the team, we are a hole in the air... but at this time, the system is not allowed to drill!"

"Ah, it's really possible..."

"What should I do?"

Death roaring immediately caused some players to talk about it, and this possibility is really there.

The wind looked at the death roar that was protected by a dozen of the world's players.

Death roar is a guess, but the feeling given to him is not exactly like guessing, but more like affirmation.

"So, let's split the team first and try again!"

Combined with all kinds of suspicions before, the wind broke into the heart and suddenly opened the proposal.

"The advice of the president of the wind is good, I think we can try to group, so I should be able to test whether it is the reason I think!"

When the wind fell, the death roar looked at the wind slightly and looked at the wind, and then smiled with great enthusiasm.

"But, if you are a detachment, what should you do with a quasi-boss? This limits communication!"

A player asks a question.

"Each team is allocated enough to deal with the combat power of the unit at the command level. If you encounter a quasi-boss level, then use the distress signal gun to shoot a red signal bullet!"

Death roared and screamed.

"In addition, I also hope that each team will not actively attack their targets in the event that another team does not seek help."

Later, he added another sentence.

As expected before the wind fell, this action actually appeared several times in the middle of the "grab".

Because it is impossible to form a team and does not contribute statistics, this also makes it impossible for people in the battle to be able to distinguish data.

And because you can get all the rewards as long as you get the last blow, many people are naturally aiming at the target that is about to be solved by others.

The result, of course, is that people who have actually contributed a lot are not happy, and even two times almost directly pk.

And that's just the front, now here is the a area, any target can provide a lot of rewards.

This situation is really happening. It is estimated that the two sides can't really control it. It is likely to develop into a group battle!

"In this case, it is better to be a better team..."

Many people think about it, but they feel that they are really better separated, especially those players who have not been able to get enough points and permissions before.

The reason why the team was formed in order to be able to enter the a-level area, and now has arrived at the destination, naturally it is not necessary to always act together.

And the team has fewer players, and the chances of getting the final blow are greater.

Because there is a distress signal, don't worry about missing the quasi-boss!

Therefore, no one has much objection to the proposal of death roaring.

It’s just that who is divided into groups, which has become the focus of attention.

Although everyone's equipment and strength are good, but if you can roar with death, this super master group will definitely be more sure.

"Death God, can I join your team?"

So, someone immediately asked with expectation.

"We have more than a dozen people in the world group...so, sorry."

The death roar has not spoken yet.

A player from the World Group has stood up and refused with an "apology" in the mouth, which directly blocked the rest of the players' desire to join the death roaring team.

Because the people of the World Group really have a lot left, the entire team is now about two-fifths dead, but the people of the World Group have not died.

These people are still rare suits, plus the death roar of the awakening of the Force, fully able to deal with the leader-level units.

Naturally, there is no need for outsiders to join points.

"Follow the wind, dance the goddess..."

Therefore, these people can only change their targets and encircle the team of the Yuehuang Group.

Especially around the Yan Dance, there are many enthusiastic male players.

"Hey, the attractiveness of the old wind is a bit lacking!"

"Or, do you announce the previous record, maybe you can attract two people?"

Zhao Yun opened the wind and fell into the road, while the eyes were also curious.

He knows that the wind has definitely won more than one b-level authority in the battle, but because he is also fighting, it is not clear what the wind has achieved.

And even he didn't know, let's not say anything else, plus he and Zhao Yun alone, a little bit of rejection of thousands of miles away, so it is not as good as the "war of fruit" death roar and Yan light dance attract people.

However, after all, the wind is also the top ten players, certainly not impossible to mind.

"Wind president, can I join your team?"

A sniper player with a good body, ran over his face and asked with expectation.

"I saw that I used the sniper rifle to hit the ghost fighter. The gun is really god..."

The sniper's face was quite excited and said something.

For snipers, using a sniper rifle to blow a plane, even if it is a drone, this is definitely a thing worth showing off!

This player mentioned this, obviously has a certain "shoot" taste.

"Old style, this is your fan, add it!"

Zhao Yun has already agreed to the wind.

"We don't go! Go to yourself, hope you don't regret it..."

On the other hand, three of the small teams had differences.

The two players shouted at a light armor while rushing over to the group of the Yuehuang Group.

"you guys……"

The light armored warrior shook his head and finally ran to the wind and three people alone.

"Wind president, can I..."


After determining that you want to group, the players will start looking for the team.

However, most of the players did not choose to join the team of star players, but took the form of a team composed of several teams.

The minds of these people are not difficult to understand. After all, the team that joins the star players must have no ownership at all.

The players who participated in this event are not bad. Many people are actually more proud and confident in their hearts. I feel that this is better for everyone with equal status.

So in the end, the player is divided into seven teams.

Among them, the number of the team of the Yuehuang Association was the largest, with more than 20 people.

There are also two teams of ordinary players, and the number is more than fifteen.

The number of people in the remaining teams, except for the death roaring team of thirteen people, the other two teams are ten people.

Among all, the number of people in the team is the lowest, and there are only six people in total.

In addition to the two people who joined first, there was a well-equipped scout player who joined.

"Old wind, which direction do we go?"

Looking at the player team that has begun to find a direction, Zhao Yun asked about the wind down the road.

"Over there!"

The wind retracted and looked at the line of sight behind the people who had left the World Group, pointing to a position.

This position is based on the route of the people of the World Group.

"Then let's go!"

Three ordinary players, with excitement.

In fact, the original character of the wind.

Therefore, he is more inclined to act alone with Zhao Yun, and at most he will join a scout who can detect mechanical weaknesses.

Because, with his current strength, as long as he does not encounter the quasi-boss, then even if he can't beat it, he can definitely escape, and does not need to join other people.

However, after all, it is not the same as before.

Shepherd Wu was specifically looking for him to pass through, so that he could adapt to the maintenance of the star image when he was outside.

Therefore, the wind did not refuse to join the three.

Anyway, the 2000 points required for the death gaze of the barrel, he has already made up, even if the next three people have split some points, nothing.

All he needs is a level A privilege.

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