Fatal Shot

Chapter 807: Mechanical thunder snake

The player's team is divided into seven groups and moves along different paths.

"How is it still? The guess of death roaring seems to be incorrect!"

Zhao Yun and the joined id called the "broiler chicken" scout players, walking in the middle of the team, there are some doubts in the mouth.

After the detachment, they have gone for another ten minutes, but they still have not tested the combat mechanics!

"The reconnaissance instrument has also been affected, and the scope of reconnaissance is limited. It can only be found by eye!"

The scout player looks at the reconnaissance instrument that keeps shaking, and reports to the wind and sink.

"Attention to vigilance is that it should be here!"

The wind fell a bit strangely to the wings of death, and the eyes looked at the direction behind the side of the team through the sight.

Then, I removed my head and said.

"The **** of Fengshen is definitely right!"

The sniper player immediately echoed with approval.

The five people are scattered to some extent on the road and follow each other.

After they passed, there was a slight change in the river next to the road full of various wastes and destroyed vehicles. ,

The river in the ruins of this city is not a regular river.

To be precise, it is more like a polluted ditch with serious pollution. The color of the water is dark green.

At this time, the dark green pollution of the river water quietly revealed two flashing red dots!


Then, the two red dots suddenly floated to the surface and rushed straight toward the wind and five people!

"The river!"

Walking in the fifth position, the wind fell and jerked back.

The muzzle of the Deathwing also moved directly, and then, immediately, it was fired directly.


A silver liquid armored armor broke out and hit a columnar shadow that had just hit the river bank.

It was shocked and it almost went back.


A humming sound with an electronic sound.

A pair of two eyes with two red and six-meter-long black giant snakes rushed to the river bank.

However, you can see that this is not a real snake, but a mechanical snake composed of a very delicate circular mechanical structure!

In addition, in the position of the snake's body seven inches, the wing of death just shot a hole in the mouth of the bowl. At this time, some of the damaged mechanical structures exposed a strong current, in the lower half. The dark green water in the body directly ignited a flowing power grid!

"It turned out to be hidden in the water!"

Seeing this "mechanical Razer", everyone is finally lost.

No wonder, I have never encountered "blame" before.

In addition to the system deliberate, but also because these mechanical units are hidden in this smell, because the reconnaissance interference and the player can not go down the river.


This one may be called a "mechanical Razer" test machine, although it was shot in the seven-inch position by the wind.

But as a mechanical unit, its key point is obviously not there. It should be that the tail of the synthetic light metal beats in the water, causing a river of water with a rotten taste.

Even rushing out of the river bank, rushing toward the wind and five people.

“It’s an elite unit of level 60. It’s in the upper part because it’s impossible to detect the exact energy core area because of the disturbance!”

As the distance approached, the reconnaissance of the scout players finally responded, and the mouth rushed to report.

This information is enough!

Although it is a mechanical unit, but only a 60-level elite, it is obviously impossible to reduce the loss of staff for the team with the wind and Zhao Yun.


After a dozen seconds, the mechanical electric snake hit the neck with a shot from the wing of death.

The effect of the liquid destructive bomb directly caused it to be completely broken into two pieces, and after the body pulled out a current, it no longer moved.

["Whether to destroy the s-580 test machine (60th grade elite), get 75 points, get: c level authority · 1, gain experience: 600!"]

The system's prompts are also brushed in the view of the wind.

["Congratulations, your level is improved, current level: 60!"]

Then, the body of the wind slammed through a gorgeous upgraded white light.

At 60th level, the conditions for the conversion of the necklace can finally be met.


After knowing that the mechanical units in the test area were hidden in the river, the five-person team simply walked along this river that extends in the city.

In just half an hour, I suddenly encountered several mechanical units again.

However, these times, the wind fell but did not compete for the final blow, but gave the opportunity to the three ordinary players in the team.

These elite mechanical units that only provide c-level authority do not make much sense to him. He only needs one level a right now.

Zhao Yun is also the same, he needs to be two b-level permissions, and does not lack c-level permissions.

Therefore, the wind fell only after destroying the attack structure of this combat machine.

"Thank you, the president of the wind!"

Half an hour later, after encountering another mechanical thunder snake, the wind fell to the team because of the melee, the only light armor warrior who had not yet obtained permission to harvest!

This and the two teammates fell out, and the light armor who joined the wind and fall team alone was grateful.

After all, this elite combat machine of level 60 or above only provides c-level authority, but the point reward is very rich. The reward for winning the last blow is actually not inferior to the equipment of the same level.

Therefore, he carried the alloy sword and quickly made a few cuts to the distance, but still swayed the mechanical thunder snake!

At this time, the sky is already dark.

However, in the ruins of the entire city, there are guns and energy bursts everywhere, which is very lively.

"Hey, hey..."

The light armor warrior is running away from the mechanical thunder snake that lost its combat power.

At this time, on one side of the battlefield, in the passage of a building, a sudden sound of footsteps sounded.


Everyone is a condensate face, and holding a weapon to make a defensive move is far away.

A scout player with two submachine guns and a small shield with one hand and an alloy sword with the other hand ran out of the passage from the sound and appeared in a dim environment.

"Fu Lei, Lao Xu, are you two people who have not joined the team of the Yuehuang Group? How come here?"

The face of the light armored warrior was awkward, and the alloy sword was somewhat strange.

The two players who were acquainted with him did not say a word, and the eyes swept through the five people present.

Then, the scout player suddenly lifted a submachine gun in his hand, and it was a bullet to the light armor!

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