Fatal Shot

Chapter 808: Completely exceeded the expected test


The light armor warrior saw his face change, and hurriedly shunned the past, avoiding the wheel bomb extremely dangerously.

But these bullets hit the mechanical snake that had only a little moving force behind him, and in this dim environment, a large spark of sparkling light was wiped out.

"Hey! What do you mean by tm? Want to steal?"

Seeing this situation, the light armored soldier turned blue and immediately yelled.

The two players are still silent, all eyes are cold, and the scouting player who opened the gun even lifted another submachine gun in his hand, aiming at the wind and falling on their side!

It seems that this is to open fire on the four men and the light armor!


When the submachine gun in his hand was just lifted, a sniper bullet was hit in the left chest position of the scout player!

The impact of the 14.5mm large sniper bullet is absolutely amazing, and suddenly his body is shocked, and the submachine gun bullets in the hand are next to the light armor!

"Old Xu... What are you doing?"

The light armored warrior was completely irritated, and the hand holding the alloy sword in his hand exploded.

"Not attacking, they are not your friends!"

The sound of the wind fell into his ears after the gunshot.


The three men, including the light armored fighters, were a little worried.

Only Zhao Yun’s original relaxed look has become a frown, while the wind is falling.

In fact, he also has an energy shield on his body, and strictly protects himself, while the energy converter in his hand begins to shine!

"These people are counterfeit goods!"


When talking in the wind, the second shot was quickly opened.

This time, the bullet was hit in the right chest position of the scout player.

Moreover, the gun hit and saw that the scout player's body was once again shaken. The high temperature formed after the liquid armored bullet hit directly in this dim environment directly emitted a conspicuous red.

With the addition of light, you can see two bullets killed by the Death Wing.

Scout players are not punctured or bleeding under the skin after being burnt by liquid armor. Instead, they reveal some molten metal structures!

"This... what the hell?"

The light armor is completely a bit worried.


In the face of two consecutive shots of the wind, the opposite scout "player" is still expressionless.

But in the hands of two submachine guns, they turned in one direction, and a series of bullets hit the wind.

Another warrior player is to mention a one-handed shield, the other hand holding an alloy sword, rushing directly to the light armor warrior!

"These are simulation robots, all retreating to the back building!"

The wing of death in the hands of the wind quickly fired a third shot and hit the scout player's leg directly.

This gun, even with the destruction of solitude, directly shot the scout player's hole before and after.

And because of the impact, his movements were not deformed. The bullets shot in a pair of submachine guns failed to hit the body with a layer of "bloody armor".

However, the wind fell behind the gun, but it retired decisively!

"Fast, retreat to the building and go up!"

The sound of the wind screamed and shouted.

Because, in the passage of the ruined building that appeared before the two "players," there were more than a dozen "players" rushing out.

These people are as expressionless as the two players, and at least half of the "players" have submachine guns or "energy converters" in their hands.

If they continue to stay in this open space without much cover, then the end is the end of the crowd.

The wind is confident.

And after replacing the Neng Neng necklace, the blood volume even reached 20,000, but I don't feel that I can stand up and fight with so many "players"!

What's more, these guys are not players at all, but robots with the appearance of players!


At the time when the wind fell and they all retreated, the players who rushed out of the channel had already started attacking one by one.

A series of bullets and energy bombs of different colors are rushing toward the wind!


At this time, the energy converter in Zhao Yun’s hand was running.

Behind a few people, a wall of more than two meters appeared, completely blocking these attacks.

Then, Zhao Yun’s hand waved again, except for the light armored soldier who was too far away.

There is a layer of earthy energy shield on the four people who are here!

Group energy shield!

This skill, some metamorphosis.

It is possible to add energy shields to others, and it is a group.

However, this time is obviously not the time when I feel that Zhao Yun’s skills are abnormal.

Because even if his metamorphosis skills shape the wall of energy, this time has been broken by the attack of more than a dozen "players" in less than two seconds.


Then, various long-range attacks broke through the attack on the earth wall and immediately caught up with the four people who rushed to the back of the ruins.

If not everyone has the energy shield given by Zhao Yun, this time the absolute head has been intensively bleeding.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun does not say anything else. The defensive power of the energy shield known as the "turtle shell" is truly amazing.

In the case of the four shields, all of them rushed into the building before the shield broke. Although the attacks hit the stone ash splash on the ruined building, it was impossible to penetrate the walls that had experienced the test of war and explosion.

However, the light armored player in the team had to choose to run in the other direction because they were blocked by the mechanical light armor.

Fortunately, under the charge, his speed quickly dropped most of his blood, but he finally rushed into the building from another direction.

The mechanical light armored warrior obviously does not have the "acceleration" of this large acceleration skill, but he is left behind by him.

However, although all five people rushed into the building, the situation is obviously not optimistic.

Because these "players" outside, but did not hesitate at all, directly carrying the weapons and rushing to the building.

"What the **** is this?"

“How come suddenly there are so many simulation robots in the team of Yuehuang Group?”

The snipers and scout players in the team are still a bit embarrassed.

Mainly this mechanical simulation person is really too similar to a real person.

And outside this group of people, the wind glance at the "faux" of the group of players who joined the Yuehuang Group, making this feel like the people of the Moonlight Guild are the same as their pk.

"This...may be a dangerous area of ​​a, the real test!"

Some nights, the sky outside was suddenly hit with a lot of flares, in addition to the request for reinforcements with color!

Then, the sound everywhere suddenly increased a lot.

Obviously, it’s not just them who are attacking the simulated robots. This is the “test” that a-class dangerous area really needs to face!

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