Fatal Shot

Chapter 809: T-800! Terminator?


In the ruin building with the energy shield that Zhao Yun gave.

After the bunker, the wind is obviously not a person who is passively beaten.

Therefore, after rushing into the building, he immediately turned and the Deathwing quickly fired a shot.

Outside the building, three shots, especially the right leg, were passed through the bullets that were attached to the stunner, so the mechanical scout "player" who has just stood up from the ground!

Directly hit by a broken armor bullet in the abdomen!


The front of the bullet position is just the bullet hole that is broken through the secluded.

However, there was a liquefied hole with a large bowl opening, revealing a structure similar to the control chip that was burnt by the liquid armor.


Just stood up, accurately keep up with the team's mechanical scout players, slammed a bit, then no longer move!

["Wreck the t-800 test type (52 level elite), get 156 points, get a c level permission... gain experience: 1000!"]

The system prompts flashing.

"Sure enough, the core position is really there!"

The eyes of the wind are so bright.

A few shots before him, the reason why he did not attack the arm of the weapon of the simulated scout, but attacked the chest position, was actually to find the "critical" of the scout "player".

This simulated robotic player's head and limbs are undoubtedly relatively vulnerable, so the wind determines that its control and energy core position is definitely on the chest.

The first three shots did not find the right position. The fourth shot was a guess.

"However, t-800, the model of a simulated human machine turned out to be t-800!"

“Sure enough, is this mechanical test area related to the 'terminator'?”

But then, the wind fell on his face and revealed some strange looks.


This model, of course, he will not be unfamiliar.

In the Terminator series, is Schwarzenegger’s terminator model not “t-800”?

Although the t-800 scout player has a different appearance than the "hunter t-750" that is similar to Arnold.

But the wind is instinct, these simulation robots, absolutely related to the Terminator!





After the wind "killed" the mechanical scout player.

The remaining dozens of mechanical players have already rushed to the front of the ruin building.

These mechanical players have almost no difference in appearance from those who joined the Moonlight Group, but there are some differences in the weapons.

The medium-sized shields and alloy swords carried by the mechanical warrior players, as well as the combat uniforms and the energy controller's converters on the mechanical gunners, can be found to be even similar in style, but the color has changed.

And look closely, the wind also found that these mechanical energy controllers in the hands of the player's energy converter, in fact, is not a true converter.

It is a weapon like a firearm that shoots a burst of energy bombs during an attack!

"You withdraw first, I delay or think of pulling them away, wait for the confluence!"

Seeing these mechanical players rushed over, the wind sighed and said the last sentence, made a gesture to Zhao Yun.

And he himself is a layer of dark red "life armor", standing directly holding the wing of death to stand up and shoot!


A mechanical warrior with a one-handed alloy shield in his hand was directly smashed with a non-thick alloy shield.

Then the effect of using the liquid armor-piercing projectile was destroyed by the control core, and then, like the former mechanical scout, crashed to the ground.

["Wrecked t-800 test type (53 level elite), get 160 points..."

The system's prompts have been brushed again. Although the t-800 emulation player is only an elite unit, the points provided are almost twice as high as other similar level combat machines, which is equivalent to the upper half of the unit. .

Sure enough, the more dangerous the place, the higher the harvest.

However, this danger is obviously only for other players, the look of the wind is very calm.

If he is not able to rise to level 60, it may be difficult to deal with these simulation robots.

After all, the total amount of ecstasy was not much. After a day of fighting, it is still a long time left.

However, after the level reached 60, equipped with the original force conversion necklace "black and white eye", the wind has no need to worry about this battle.

At least, it is more than enough to solve the solitude of these dozens of mechanical players.

This is also the reason for the wind, why, dare to directly attract the dozens of mechanical players.

"Just, I didn't think that the conversion effect of the Nether Necklace was not quite the same as the one estimated at the beginning. I don't know if it is the joy, or it is a pity!"

The wind fell on standing up and quickly solved the two mechanics.

Then open the "burst point" skill, the figure has already rushed out a dozen meters, avoiding the fire of the subsequent firearms and energy bullets.

In the process, the wind glanced at the perfect level legendary necklace hanging on his neck.

"Converting Necklace" can indeed transform the Force and the solace, but it does not convert the "Destructive Energy" into "Destructive Force" as it was previously thought of, but only exists on two energy values. Ground conversion! .

This means that he still only "cures" this defensive kind of force, not the two expected!

This undoubtedly makes the wind have some disappointment.

However, this actually makes the wind feel relieved.

Because, after thinking about it, he found that this kind of numerical conversion is actually a loss but also a good one.

Because if you can convert "destructive solace" into "destroyed force", then theoretically, the "healing power" conversion will definitely be "healing solitude" instead of the current "destruction solitude"!

Well, obviously, the situation of being able to support about 20 rounds of bullets a day due to the destruction of the solstice is not improved at all.

Even because of the 50% conversion rate, the true conversion to the "destructive" force is estimated to be able to support only one skill.

Well, it is really troublesome to come across this situation.

In this case, the practicality is not even as good as "destroying the solitude"!

After all, the effect of attaching weapons and bullets that destroy the property's ability is really powerful, practical, and can be used with the original skills!

Of course, there is no such thing as "double force and double secluence", which makes the wind feel a little pity.

However, this is no way.

Ps, the following does not count the number of words.


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