Fatal Shot

Chapter 810: Sneak attack! let time pass by?

"Hey, hey..."

["Wreck the t-800 test type, get..."]


The wind fell on the body with a "life armor" while moving quickly through the ruined building, stopping from time to time to find opportunities to attack.

Almost the first shot, there is a mechanical player being "killed"!

Although these mechanical players are all elite units of level 50 or above, they also have similar player weapons and combat methods.

But in the face of destroying the solitude, the truth is that it is no more powerful than the players of the same level.

The only difficulty is that it is about to enter the night.

It is obviously impossible to have a light in the ruined building, so the whole environment has become very dark.

And the more you go to the inside of the building, the more serious it is. It can be said that the average player can hardly see things if they don't open the lighting tools here.



But these mechanical players are obviously different. In this dark environment, their original eyes with no abnormalities quickly turn into flashing red.

Then, continue to pursue the wind and fall completely unaffected.

In addition, it is because a large number of firearms and energy weapons in the mechanical player fired, causing the glare of flashing.

This makes it impossible for any sniper player to face this situation.

However, the wind is different.

He not only has two evolutionary visions, but also has a visual bonus of the agent badge and rare ring lift, and has the "mark" function of the legendary scope.


A black secluded energy, shooting in this situation, there is no sniper bullets with no effect like fire, like the chasing messenger in the night!

Accurately hit the belly of a warrior mechanical player, blasting his control core.

Even more, let him fall to the ground after chasing, and also stop the other mechanical players behind him.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

However, these t-800 mechanics are a bit more cumbersome than the Devil's Triangle Island, and the flexibility is definitely not only one level higher.

The person in front fell to the ground, but the one behind them all jumped directly over the mechanical light armor, and did not stumble or stay.

Even in the process, none of the weapons in their hands stopped attacking the wind.

"Da da da……"

The damage of these mechanical players' attacks is not stronger than the players.

However, the accuracy of their attacks is undoubtedly more powerful than most players. A bullet and an energy bomb are completely attacked by the position of the wind, without any confusion.

Even these robots will be tactically coordinated like a player.

In the case of continuous "second person" in the wind, the team has become loose from the beginning.

Several warrior-like mechanical players carrying alloy shields rushed to the front, while mechanical gunners and energy controllers kept their bodies under protection.

The wind really feels that I have to thank, there is no machine gunner in this group.

Otherwise, it is estimated that even if he is under the precise and rapid attack of the other party, it is estimated that it is impossible to continue fighting.

Even if it was before him, it is estimated that it is likely to be unable to support it under such circumstances.

However, after a few days of special training, it is not these mechanical players who are not in control of the field can leave.


When the wind falls, the "break point" skill is directly turned on.

In the darkness, like a shadow, you will be able to send a bullet that was supposed to be very, all of which will be left behind!


Then, after finding a location, continue to fight back and then blast a master controller.


["Wrecked t-800 test type (55 level elite), get 200 points..."

After more than two minutes, the battle ended sooner than the expected winds.

After all, a dozen mechanical players, in fact, are only a dozen bullets in theory.

It’s just a lot of time was spent on the midway to avoid and some of the attacks that didn’t hit the core position accurately.

After all, the wind is not God. In this case, it is impossible for a strong person to remain a hundred.

"I originally thought about just taking the lead first, and then using the speed to rush out, and Zhao Yun and their guild will solve the problem."

"But I don't want to, I really solved it!"

At this time, the wind has already rushed over a platform full of moss in the ruined building.

In front of him, is the last mechanical player to be solved!

However, this mechanical player's "death" form is somewhat special. He is in the moment after rushing to the platform, and is directly killed by a sharp weapon after wearing the control chip!

"The effect of burst points and intermediate enhancers, although the main physical attributes are increased, is really very useful in this battle!"

The wind easily pulled out the Devil's Weeping Knife from the belly of this simulation mechanic and inserted it into the tactical vest.

It is not only the destruction of the solitude that can be completely done by a robot, but also the addition of a lot of power attribute credits in these three days of special training.

"From this point of view, the use of a defensive "cure" force in the case of a second person may not be inferior to destroying the original force."

"Because, the healing power can even be combined with the explosive point skills to turn into an aggressive effect!"

The wind is falling.

In fact, he has long understood that defensive forces and aggressive forces are relative.

As long as there is a suitable Force skill, the defense can also be converted into an attack!

"Maybe, after this mission is completed, consider using the remaining Force Enhancer chip."

The wind fell in the heart and decided.

Since it has not transformed the original force of destruction, then there is no need to keep the original force-enhanced chip forever!

However, this last one, he decided that he should still consider it.

In particular, after a breakout point, some of the skills that have already been learned should be able to be replaced with new ones.

Also, since the system was updated this time.

Skills like "quick shooting" are obviously not needed.

The wind fell on such a time.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, he turned without hesitation, and his feet jumped from the ground!

Outbreak point, 250% outbreak!

The body that falls in the wind, like a cheetah that empties.

Directly from the end of the platform of the building, the distance jumped over more than ten meters and landed on another platform.


And just as he landed, he had a half-meter-diameter fireball, and he was kneeling in his original position.

A violent explosion followed, and the flame hit a range of ten meters in diameter, burning all the camouflaged skin on the mechanical light armored player on the platform.

Exposed to the interior of a skeleton with a skeleton and precise structure!


After jumping for more than ten meters on the ground, the wind after the rolling force on the ground fell and turned back, immediately locked the target of the sneak attack.

A blond hair with a handsome face, wearing a very sophisticated energy robe, a faceless controller.

"let time pass by?"

The eyes of the wind slammed.

"Well, no, it should be a robotic thing!"

However, he immediately responded.

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