Fatal Shot

Chapter 811: Advanced weapon, T-850

Standing on the opposite floor, the master of the game with a small white face and a yellow mixed-race appearance is the mechanical imitation of the Moonlight Group's “following the wind”...

Unlike other players, this simulation of the past is more highly simulated.

It's not just looks, but even the appearance of the equipment is very similar to the wind.

However, the wind fell out immediately.

Because, this past event is not the energy converter, but a kind of similar gun barrel, with a more sci-fi structure, looks more high-end and high-grade energy weapons.

And the power of this weapon is indeed a bit powerful!


In the wind, I escaped the sneak attack of the explosion fireball, and when I stood up, I stood up.

This mechanical past is expressionless with the wind, but the conspicuous energy weapon in the hand.

However, it was followed by moving to the position where the wind fell, and then, from among the weapons, a beam of fire and red with a full fist was directly emerged, and the volley rushed over!


The speed of the fire red energy beam is super fast, and it instantly penetrates the figure of the wind that just stood up.

No, not "holes"!

It is only a shadow that has been exposed to visible light in this dim environment.


The real wind fell, as early as the mechanical warfare with the wind of the weapon mouth aimed at him.

Already the body collapsed like a cheetah, and then 300% broke out, the body quickly became like a residual image, running towards the platform to the back of the ruin building entrance.

Therefore, the energy beam is lost!

"Zizi, nourish..."

However, although it was initially lost, the mechanical past that stood at the height of the building was still in the air, but it was still expressionless.

As soon as the weapon moves, the energy beam immediately moves toward the wind!

The power attack of this energy beam is very high, and everything that goes through is destroyed.

The ground of the platform where the wind falls is broken like a laser beam of a steel beetle, revealing a trace of burnt black.


However, the speed of the energy beam movement is fast, and the speed of the wind is running faster!

Or, although the mechanical past has a strong attack computing power with the wind.

But the speed at which he manipulates the energy weapon's steering is no longer the speed at which the wind moves below the explosion point!


The wind fell in less than a second, and it has left this platform and entered the ruined building behind it.

The red energy beam that catches up, only to get the position where the wind falls into the impact, burning a hole with some crystallized edges!

"Lost goals, life detection..."

Watching the wind fall away, the expression of the mechanical past has not changed at all, but it is moving in the position where the wind disappears, as if you can see the situation behind the thick wall.

"Detection failed, the target lost track!"

However, next, the screen of the mechanical eye in the simulation human eye suddenly flashed some data.

The wind did not know what to do, and directly cut off the detection of the mechanical past.

"The goal disappears, the analysis... the probability of an attack coming after five seconds is 92.5%!"

After the wind disappeared, the data on the screen of the mechanical eye flickered, and the judgment result was obtained in a few tenths of a second.

Subsequently, the mechanical past violently emerged with a khaki energy shield, and he wrapped the sci-fi energy weapon together!


And just two seconds after the appearance of the energy shield.

A sniper bullet with a destructive sensation has been retaliated and hit the abdomen position of the energy shield with the wind in the mechanical past!


When the black bullet hits the energy shield, it seems to be hindered and the speed drops.

But then, the solace above is like a violent explosion from water to fire.

Then, the khaki energy shield was pierced!

However, the sniper bullets that penetrated the energy shield did not directly "kill" the mechanical past with the wind as before.

Because, after losing the attached secluded energy, only the liquid-level armor bullet of the c-class, obviously can not achieve the task of destroying the energy core.

In addition, the mechanical past events with the wind, the energy shield after being pierced did not disappear.

Instead, it is completely restored again, but the color is dimmed.

And then, the eyes of the past are looking at a place opposite the ruined building.


A football-sized energy fireball like the one that was sneaked before.

Directly rushed into a window in the ruined building, and then directly blasted a large group of fire waves and black smoke in the window!

"+1000, +1000!"

"Some meanings!"

In the other side of the ruin building, the speed of the explosion was not hit by the explosion, and several blood return values ​​were found on the head to recover the side effects of the explosion.

He really feels a little bit interesting.

From this energy shield and weapons, this mechanical past is always more advanced than other mechanical players!

Just, just like this, but not enough.

A fascinating bullet can block it, so how many more?


["Destroy the hunter t-850 (60th level elite), get 500 points, get a b level of authority... get experience: 2200!"]

Half a minute later, when the fifth hair was accompanied by a black sniper bullet, it was swung out from the muzzle of the Deathwing!

This simulation mechanical unit, which has exactly the same appearance as the past, crashed down on the ground.

"Class 60 elite unit!"

In a room in the ruined building, the winds unraveled the “environmental mimicry” skills that were also caused by side effects for a long time.

This mechanical past is with the wind, and the grade is really higher than the average player.

It even rewards the b-level authority that should theoretically be a high-level mechanical unit that can be rewarded.

However, it is only an elite unit of level 60. For the wind, it is only a little troublesome.

"I probably know now what the conditions are needed to get a-level permissions!"

However, after seeing the system prompts, the expression of the wind is thoughtful.

"It seems that the initial guess is actually wrong. In the a-level dangerous area, there is no quasi-boss mechanical unit."

"And the ability to obtain a-level authority is not to destroy the test machine at the quasi-boss level, but to fall on the robot of this simulation!"

The wind fell off the wing of death.

No longer looking at the opposite side of the building, the guy who had the same appearance as the past, but turned and ran towards a battlefield in the ruined building.

The mechanical players that he just solved have occupied most of the team of the Yuehuang Group, and even the past is in the wind.

From this point, it is entirely speculated that everyone entering the a-level test area should have a mechanical player.

The strength of the mechanical player should be linked to my strength.

The average player's mechanical simulation is only a level of more than 50 levels, and only the c-level permission is obtained after the destruction.

And like the top players like the past, the level can be as high as 60, and it can burst b-level permissions.

However, since even the top star players in the past can only explode b-level permissions, then it is obvious that there are only two people's mechanical imitations.

"Interesting, it seems that it may be necessary to kill ‘self’ once!”

"Or, kill death roar?"

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