Fatal Shot

Chapter 817: Greedy with gun

Looking at a task prompt that the system has swiped in an instant, the expression of the wind is a little bit stunned.

The first is the detachment of the female npc, and the second is the direct name of the task.

"What do we want, you mean let us ask... can you give us some legendary equipment?"

However, as soon as I heard this sentence, the original sniper player who was completely unhappy was suddenly excited and asked questions.

"Insufficient greed is the biggest root of human beings compared to machinery!"

Ms. x looked at him with a condescending expression, cold voice.

The wind fell to hear this sentence, the eyes silently swept across her face and the body to reveal the part of the clothes, thoughtful.

"The legendary equipment is not good, can that set of 50 grade rare necklace jewelry?"

The sniper player heard this and knew that the legendary equipment had no play at all and had to lower the demand.

The wind and Zhao Yun still have no openings.

"I don't have these things, you still have a chance, don't ask for more than my ability!"

Ms. x looked at him and said something with irritability.

"What the hell, don't you want to ask what conditions you want to mention yourself, boast of Haikou, and the result is not?"

The sniper player whispered a whisper.

"I want an energy-type gun, the most advanced kind!"

Zhao Yun suddenly said a word.


x Ms. nodded coldly.

"Then I also want an energy-type gun, and the most advanced kind!"

The sniper player's eyes lit up and immediately reacted and said.

"You are not qualified, you can only get a normal type of energy gun!"

Ms. x looked at him with a mocking expression.

"My day..."

The sniper player gritted his teeth, but looked at the fully armed five mechanical players around the woman and didn't say anything.

"What about you? Not to say!"

Ms. x looked at the wind, and the look of her eyes was still high.

"I want a level 1 permission in the test area!"

The wind is the first to open the road.

He already has enough points on his body, if he can get another level a privilege.

So in theory, you will be able to redeem a legendary equipment.


Ms. x heard the words but refused without hesitation.

"Well, then I want t-800 and t-850, as well as the t-850x series of design drawings and detailed parameters!"

The wind fell and the eyes opened.


Ms. x heard a change in her face and immediately refused.

But then, she suddenly had a stunned expression, and after stopping for two seconds, she changed her mouth.

"The t-850x doesn't work, the other two can. All things are handed over to you after three days!"

Then, this x lady stretched her finger to roar in death, cold channel.

"Hey! Now, you can go, I don't want to see you again!"

Then, turning around under the protection of five mechanics, walked inside the building.

"The president of the wind, I really want to say something sorry about this time... Because this mission is very important to our world group, I really can't reveal too much!"

"However, to apologize, I will personally send you a small gift."

Several mechanical players left, and only the players of the Cold Eye Group were left in this empty hall.

The death roar designated by this strangely npc character went to the wind and handed a memory chip to the wind.

"This thing should be of some use to you... In addition, if there is a chance. I hope that I can learn from you!"

Among the eyes of death roaring, there is oppressive light.

"No free time!"

The wind shook his head and took it and then turned and left.


"Should be a real person, not a mechanical simulator?"

Zhao Yun also turned around, and then accelerated to take a few steps to catch up with the wind, the mouth.

"Semi-mechanical, her arm and some parts of the head are like modified, but it should not be easy to see using more advanced simulation techniques."

The wind replied, the expression is what is being considered.


"Fengshen, are we really gone? I always feel that I should let the npc cash the things first!"

Going over the bridge and looking at the dark independent building behind him, the sniper players are suffering from the tunnel.

"They said that this task is very important, so we must be afraid of being destroyed by us, so we can ask the Tianxia Group to give some compensation."

"And, we have seized the handle of the World Group. The death snarl is not done properly this time. It is definitely not a small negative effect for him to blast this thing to the forum... or it can be..."

The sniper player said while his eyes were bright.

"Stop, this idea is best not to start!"

Zhao Yun was looking at his eyes and frowning first, then slightly coldened.

"With the reputation of death roaring such a person, the promised things will certainly be honored. And since the transaction is reached, both parties should abide by the contract."

"And, as long as you carefully recall, you will find that the people from the beginning to the end of the group organized this action, only said that everyone went into the area to explore. As for what to do after entering, they did not promise. ”

"And even though they should use us to do the task, we don't have any definitive evidence to prove this...so even if it's broken out, it won't be too effective!"

"On the contrary, it will completely offend the World Group."

"You think that death roaring twice mentioned that the World Group pays great attention to this task, just to emphasize the importance of this task to him?"

Zhao Yun’s words made it possible for the sniper player’s forehead to sweat.


"Sure enough, greed is really a place where human beings can't compare with smart machinery..."

Walking in front of the team, the wind did not speak.

In my heart, I completely agree with Zhao Yun’s words that are no longer “playing and laughing”.

If it is before him, maybe you don't need to think too much.

But now it is different, he is the president of the city that never sleeps.

The Tianxia Group is a super consortium and a top guild. Although the gap between the two is quite large, there is no chance to deal with it in the future.

In the words of death roaring, it has been repeatedly emphasized that the Tianxia Group attaches great importance to this task and has a clear-cut attitude.

In addition, the wind has been guessed, the task of the other party should be the task of the plot, but also know the value of this mission.

Therefore, he chose to accept the conditions proposed by the female npc.

Although, it seems that he seems to have missed this story mission directly.

Even because of the "disgust of Ms. x", it is more like having been completely out of touch with this story mission.

However, the wind is falling.

Now, his distance from this plot task, which is estimated to be at the same level as the "Resident Evil", has not only been opened, but has become closer.

Even, it has been involved.


The wind's eyes fell on the chip in the hand.

The gift given by Death Roar has some meaning.

This is a storage information chip, which is two video files.

One is a video of his battle with the mechanical past, and the other part is a video of the battle between the mechanical wind and the group of the Moon Group.

This is a very hearty gift!


"Get it! What you redeem."

At 9 o'clock the next morning, the mechanical test area of ​​the mission hall.

The male npc, who has a mechanical eyeball, impatiently uses the modified robotic arm to hand one of the old sniper rifle boxes to the wind.

"I want to know the story behind this gun!"

The wind fell and reached for this gun box, then the eyes stared at the mechanical man npc asked.

"Isn't you told me last time? Do you want to spend money and listen again?"

The mechanical man’s mechanical transformation of the red light flashed some mockery.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The wind fell off the right-handed Black Hawk tactical gloves, from which a large amount of diamond crystals fell onto the counter, and the dazzling light was emitted in the sunlight that entered the hall in the early morning.

"I want to hear more complete, just about the story of this gun!"

This story is really not written, so here is the end of the grassland.

Um... At least the rhythm of the plot is speeding up...not...

I owe two more, I will make up as soon as possible...

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