Fatal Shot

Chapter 818: An ordinary story

[Death gaze (sniper rifle)]

Grade: Legend

Attack power: 1800

Caliber: 14.5mm

Maximum load capacity: 15

Agile +100

Strength +50

Maximum effective range: 1500+500m

Force +500

[with function]

Target lock function (maximum number of lock targets: 10)

Quick loading

Deformation bracket

Bullet sequence switching

Environmental camouflage discoloration

Micro-soundless flame shooting

Hp precision measurement function

[attached attributes]

1, fatal damage to get 100% final bonus (this attribute triggers need to consume 10 points of force per shot)

2, loaded into the special bullet in the magazine, the main special attribute effect +25%

3, impact force elimination (need to consume the original force)

Companion Skills: Eye of Death (requires at least three Death Gaze components to activate, including the Sniper Mirror, and in the active state the target and distance continue to consume the Force)!

Comprehensive evaluation: perfect

Requires level: 60


“A piece of art that can be called war and killing!”

Standing in front of the workbench in the Wind Trace Studio.

The wind looked at the opposite side and was taken out by some old John's gun box. It looked like a sniper rifle that looked like a new one.

At the moment the gun box was removed, the surface of the sniper rifle, which was originally the same color as the gun box, quickly and automatically changed to a color similar to that of the old John's overalls!

Buttstock, magazine, sight and large sniper barrel and front-end accessory equipment...

After Old John slowly combined all the parts, a heavy-duty sniper rifle with a length of more than one meter seven appeared, giving a feeling of inexplicable feeling.

It seems that a cheetah or a golden eagle wakes up from a deep sleep, opening a pair of sharp eyes!

Yes, the wind really has such a feeling!

In the past, the word "killing" used to describe Barrett, known as the "death of death," but it was just a description.

But this gun, after being completed by the old John.

But when I let anyone look at it first, there is really a feeling in my heart, just like its name, death gaze!


Old John said nothing.

Stretch out the right hand of the work glove and gently touch the body parts of the legendary sniper rifle with the palm of your hand.

From the **** to the magazine, to the sight, touch it bit by bit...

Under the technical glasses, his eyes, which were muddy because of the whole day of drinking, seemed to be very calm, but the fingertips that did not tremble trembling revealed his inner feelings.


"I want to hear more complete, just about the story of this gun!"

In the heart of the wind, a story has already flashed.

A very ordinary story.

When the Sam family ruled the planet, because of the monopoly and dictatorship policy.

There have been riots from time to time on the planet, and as a result, there have been many orphans who have lost their parents.

Two young boys who grew up in an orphanage and were three years younger, although not their own brothers, cultivated a feeling more than their brothers.

When the war against the Sam family broke out, the entire planet fell into complete chaos.

The orphanage was blown up in a conflict, two people climbed out of the body and then survived hard and tenaciously during the war...

After both of them were adults, they joined an army.

The larger "brother" was selected for the sniper squad because of the precise shooting method, while the younger brother was recruited into the logistics and research group because of the accidental display of the firearms and power armor repair talent.

Two orphaned people are far more cherished than others.

The larger "brother" soon became the top sniper in the army, and the "brother" succeeded in creating a perfect evaluation equipment in the early 20s, and advanced to the master class. Professional.

The perfect piece of legendary equipment is a sniper rifle, and the younger brother’s sniper rifle specially designed for the “brother”.

With this sniper rifle, my brother soon became the first sniper in the entire army, slammed countless enemy commanders, became a nightmare for the enemy, and even got the "death" to make snipers yearn for The title!

The army of the forces he joined has gradually become the most powerful one on the entire planet.

Finally, this army established the federal government.

Obviously, if the story ends here, there will undoubtedly be a very satisfactory ending.

However, one day after the establishment of the federal government, it has become the younger brother of the masters of firearms and power armor.

The whole person did not know why, madly yelling into the military camp and finding a brother who was about to perform an urgent task.

Then in my brother's expression, I said a lot of things that people can't understand.

Even in the army, the disorder was prevented and the brother was prevented from performing the task.

Next, the two men inevitably had a dispute. After the brother said something heavy, the younger brother rushed out of the military camp.

Then, my brother, still went to complete the urgent task.

But after returning, the younger brother has already withdrawn from the army and disappeared.

The restless brother, therefore, lost his hand in a task that was not difficult. Only this sniper rifle was recovered by the military with his body!

Someone recalled that at his funeral held in the style of the martyrs.

Far from seeing the younger brother holding a bottle like a tramp, burst into tears!

This is the story heard by the wind.


Opposite the wind.

Old John stroked the sniper rifle in his hand.

As a master of firearms, even though he is drinking all the year round, he is still very sensitive and can distinguish fingers with a thickness of one tenth of a millimeter.

Finally, I clearly touched a line of words carved in an inconspicuous place above the gun body.

"Give me my brother, Simon Haye Paul!"

In the mind of old John.

At this point, some memory fragments are flashing.

In the cold winter, the gloomy sky kept snowing.

A thin boy wrapped in a tattered blanket and curled up in a shack built with some used items. His forehead was red and hot, and his mouth was slightly screaming from time to time.


The door made of iron was gently pulled open. A young man who looked slightly younger, his face lacked nutrients, and his lips were cracked. He was drilled with a worn-out thin shirt that was wet with snow.

"Look, Paul, what I found, a cold medicine and a big loaf of bread!"

One piece of the chest was frozen and hardened, and then the bread that had become softer with the body temperature was taken out of his arms and shook in front of the boy.

"Come on, you will get better after eating bread and medicine!"

He shook his thin, drenched clothes.

While spilling the cold agent into the water poured out of a broken teapot in the shack, the double dry bread will be swollen with water and the face will be a little excited.

"You eat, I am not hungry, I have already eaten!"

The boy looked at the sick boy who was holding the bowl with a pair of dirty hands, the boy said.


"Really, how can I lie to you, Paul!"

The thin boy, happily drinking warm water mixed with breadcrumbs and cold medicine.

The younger and older teenagers were happy and reached out and picked up the tattered teapot on the side of the ground, pouring the remaining water into the two-voiced stomach.

At the same time, it was carefully covered, and it looked like it was the arm and ribs that were kicked by the feet.


"Why? You don't even believe me... All this is fake, it's all fake... why don't you believe it!"

"You are not allowed to go! Mission, what kind of **** mission, there is no meaning, you know!"

Next, the picture is in a military camp.

One has an engineer's logo and a school-grade rank. A man of about twenty-eight or nine years old has a crazy color in his eyes and is shouting at another person wearing a full set of sniper combat equipment.

"How can you not understand, why don't you understand?"

"I understand, I don't really mean anything in your head... It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense..."

"I understand... ah!"

The man shouted with a sigh of his head, then snarled wildly in his mouth, turned directly and rushed out of the crowd around him, rushing out.


Behind him, wearing a sniper battle equipment. The man with a gun box in his hand showed a worried color and wanted to catch up.

"Haiye, haven't you arrived yet? Hurry, the mission is urgent!"

There was a bit of anxious sound in the communicator on the ear.


The sniper man bit his teeth and stopped.

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