Fatal Shot

Chapter 849: Poker VS Bullet!

"Wow, is this still human!"

"I am, this speed!"

"What situation, I can't see the battle at all."

Above the audience table, a lot of npc mouths are shouting at this time.

Because, with their dynamic vision, in this case there are actually some who can't see the two people's evasion and attack.

Some people have to choose to rush to look up and look at the big screen above the head.

On the big screen, this time has been divided into two kinds of pictures occupying half of the half, and the showdown is slowed down by ten times slow.

However, the playback picture is even clearer.

But it is definitely not comparable, the true confrontation below gives the impression.

On the gambling gun field, the third round of attacks on both sides has been issued.

This time, the speed at which two people attacked was finally a slight gap.


The third round of bullets fired by m110.

Preemptively rushed out of the muzzle and rushed toward the young npc.

However, after zero o'clock, the third poker in the hands of the nobility youth npc was also thrown out.


Then, this picture is "Red Peach a" playing cards, and even directly in the air just ten meters away from him, directly hit the sniper bullets flying over!

Then, at the center of the gambling squad, there was a spark like a metal impact.


With the viewer's eyesight, of course, it is impossible to see what is going on under this.

And the high-speed camera on the big screen is ten times slower, and this time it is only in response to the first round of attacks.

However, at least the fire in the air is what many people have seen.

In addition, somewhere in some of the crowds, there was a pair of eyes that clearly saw the wind falling in the movement. The chest position of the dress suddenly appeared a three-inch mouth!


Among the crowd, the eyes of the 008 youth appeared dignified.

An ordinary playing card actually hits the bullet that flies in the air, and even scratches the other's clothes after the deviation!

Is this precision, luck?

"No, it’s not a slap... It’s open!"

Then his eyes shrank again.

Because I saw the half of the bullets that were dropped from the air at this time, if they were smashed by the knife.

“Isn't that poker not ordinary poker, but made of some special high-material metal?”

"No... it looked like it was just ordinary playing cards. And the power of his poker is even stronger than a sniper rifle!"

With a playing card, the bullet of the sniper rifle was cut directly.

The power of this kind of playing card is obviously more powerful than bullets!

"But it's not without its shortcomings. The speed at which he launches playing cards is ultimately impossible to achieve the speed of the sniper bullets, and the interval between shots is slower than the maximum speed of the m110."

"In this third round, although he can take advantage of the post, but in the fourth round, he should be hit by the bullet before the poker is thrown out, and thus fail... well, what!"

Among the heads of the 008 youth, this conclusion was reached at an ultra-fast speed.

But the next moment, his pupils shrank again.

Because, the two people on the gambling gun field, this time has continued to move at high speed, issued a fourth attack.

However, the person who is the first to launch an attack.

It is not the wind, but the noble npc youth!


A piece of poker with a huge black peach pattern on it, flew from his **** and rushed against the wind.

The shooting time between his two cards is not longer than the maximum shooting speed of the m110.

But to be shorter!

Even the speed of this playing card is not much slower than the speed of the m110 bullet, but it can almost be tied!

Obviously, in the thrilling battle, the first three pokers were launched.

This npc also hides the strength.

The purpose of this is undoubtedly to create an illusion that he has a weak point in launching poker, thus misleading the opponent.

This is a very simple tactic.

But obviously, because of simplicity, it is very successful.

The fourth card, and the last one, "Spades a", after taking off the hand, draws a deadly afterimage in the air, directly facing the throat position of the wind!

The horror speed of more than 700m/s has already broken the distance between the two in less than one second.

Many times, tactical changes don't really need much.

A change at a critical time is enough to directly subvert the showdown!

Even if the speed of the wind moves faster, it will not be comparable to this sudden acceleration, but also with pre-judgmental poker.

Moreover, at this time, the whole body is even in a state of just taking one step and the center of gravity is still not balanced.

This poker has more than just accuracy, it is a "time"!

In the face of this deadly poker, the wind can be said to be inevitable!

Yes, kill!

The previous "red peach a" will be able to cut off the wind-falling clothes after opening the m110 bullets!

Then, this "peach a" with more speed and strength, if it is said that wearing a dress at this time and there is no defensive wind and throat position, what will be the result?

As for the solution?

Like the previous aristocratic youth npc, in turn, using bullets to intercept poker?

Not to mention this, how big is the difficulty!

It is said that it has been verified before, the bullet can not stop the poker, but will be cut into two by the poker, and then continue to hit the throat.

This situation is already a must!

"But... he won't lose!"

However, the heart of the 008 youth has come up with such a conclusion.

A pair of eyes stared at the wind falling at this time.

That fatal "spades a" has passed more than forty meters in less than one tenth of a second.

However, just as he rushed to the distance of ten meters from the wind.


In the muzzle of the m110, a bullet was also rushed out.

The color of this bullet is black!

Compared to the spades a, the mysterious black pattern is more intense, like the black that attracts the soul.


A soft bang!


A piece of spades above, was played in two halves of playing cards, floating in front of the wind.

The opposite aristocratic npc youth, but the mouth made a sigh, the whole person fell directly to the back.

"what's the situation?"

"I am going, I can't see it at all!"

"This is, what is the winner?"

The audience in the stands, this time is still a face b.

Because of the slow motion on the big screen, even the second round of attacks by the two men is not over yet.

The people on the field have already fallen one.

"what happened!"

And hidden in the crowd, and npc looks no different assessors.

Most people also have doubts in their eyes, including the little fat man with his mouth open.

Only the young man of No. 008, his expression is both dignified and strong.


The npc staff of the gambling gun field.

It is the direct look of the dead and the soul, rushing to the past.

"Cough, cough..."

When he rushed to the face, the aristocratic youth who fell to the ground, at this time, coughed twice, sitting on the ground with a left hand on his chest.

"I lost! Mr. Link, you are really amazing!"

"Fortunately, the clothes I wear are better, and the power of this bullet is not fatal after being cut by the spade."

The aristocratic youth npc had a pale face at this time, and his position was squatting. At this time, blood had oozing out of his fingers.

"Mr. Link, this ring is yours. This is a very precious ring, I hope you can save him!"

However, his expression is not so ugly.

Instead, the right hand trembled, the ring above the ring finger, flew across the sky in a colorful trajectory over a large distance.


Then, it was caught in the hands by the wind.

"Cough... sorry, everyone, I need to treat it."

"Please continue, everyone hopes to play well in our casino!"

In that casino staff, the temperament is like a noble-like npc manager holding his chest and heading back to the passage.

Leaving the wind standing in the same place, his face was somewhat playful and swept through the information given by the instructor channel in the vision of the invisible agent glasses.

Then, slowly open your palm and reveal a black ring with colorful gems.


The number of people hidden in the crowd has turned into nine assessment players, and several pairs of eyes have become hot in the middle.

"Wow, rely on!"

"Poker and bullets collide in the air. Is this really, is it still human?"

"Win! God!"

Straight to this time, on the big screen, I finally used the slow release to completely play back this gamble.

Then, among the crowd of the audience, a burst of violent sound was heard.

"Oh, interesting!"

Of course, it cannot be missed at this time.

In the crowd, a woman wearing glasses and looking like an urban clerk.

The eyes looked at the playback screen, and the last one looked very strange black bullets. The eyebrows like a sword were picked and the corners of the mouth moved slightly.

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