Fatal Shot

Chapter 850: Lucky Ring (Legend)


"Mr. Link, welcome back."

The doors of the intelligently controlled suite are automatically opened after the identity is identified.

I put a casual dress that had broken a hole in my hand, and only the wind of the inside clothes fell into the first sight of the room.

The eyes have swept the entire room, the invisible agent glasses, and a lot of scanning and identification data.


By glance at it, it is determined that the entire room does not change anything when it goes out.

The wind fell down and placed the small golden box hidden under the clothes.

Then, an elite reconnaissance beetle squatting on the wall of the room turned and climbed under the aisle outside the window.

"There are many people with sharp eyes!"

The view of the wind fell first, then looked at the instructor's interface, showing the three yellow dots moving toward his side.

Then, reach out and take the black ring with colorful gems on your fingers.

[Lucky Ring (right ring)]


Agile +30

Strength +30

Force +150

Maximum moving speed +50%

Grade: pass

Additional properties:

1, lucky +1


Additional skills:?

Requires level: 60

Comprehensive evaluation: perfect

Yes, the reason why the wind fell can not refuse the bet proposed by the noble youth np.

Because, this black ring is a "lucky jewelry."

Lucky Jewelry, this is the name of the current player for jewelry with lucky bonus attributes.

From the "God's Tears" originally auctioned to the "Black and White Eyes" of the wind, then in these days, there are some new equipment with "lucky" attributes.

However, without exception, these equipments are all jewelry.

In addition, the number of lucky attribute equipment is so poor!

Up to now, the lucky attribute equipment exposed by the forum has not exceeded 20 pieces, compared with the player of 2 billion in the "War of War".

Undoubtedly also caused, any piece of equipment with a lucky attribute.

It will be robbed by countless people, and the auction will raise the sky.

The price of the 333 million credits created by the tears of the goddess was surpassed by another pass-level necklace with a lucky attribute a few days ago, and the final price reached 500 million credits.

Even if it is not a transmission of equipment, it is just a lucky accessory with rare attributes, and the price of the transaction can exceed 100 million!

Without exception, all the lucky attributes of the jewelry, the face of the gems are with a changing colorful color.

Therefore, after seeing the np manager take out this ring to make a bet, the wind did not hesitate to agree.

He used to win almost 100 million credit points in the entire casino. Undoubtedly, the market value of a lucky accessory is definitely higher.

Of course he will not suffer!

However, when the wind fell, I thought that this ring is a lucky accessory.

However, the result is undoubtedly beyond his expectations!

This is not only a lucky accessory, but also a lucky charm of "passing the grade"!

At the time, the wind fell a bit, why the aristocratic np youth can do the amazing thing of cutting off bullets in the air.

In addition to the fact that poker for his own hands has mastered the ultimate "precision" and should have a dynamic vision similar to "Super Hawkeye", this lucky ring should be one of the reasons.

Like he has the "black and white eye", can be the same as the 008 gambling, playing the perfect 52.5 ring.

"However, the properties of this ring can't be seen completely... In general, it should represent a hidden task trigger, but it has not been completed..."

"Hidden mission... Does the youth np really have some plots? A master who mastered the Force, but he is a manager at a hotel, but there are some things that are not in common."

The wind set this finger ring on the finger side, replacing the “sniper glory” that has been worn for a few months (Chapter 297)!

The rare attribute of the ring of "Sniper's Glory" is undoubtedly very suitable for snipers, so the wind is not completely thrown into the safe or sold.

Instead, leave a backpack and replace it if needed.

Although, the "second rare attribute" and "additional force skill" of this ring are all in an unusable state.

However, the light is the property that increases the maximum movement speed by 25% and the high power and agility bonus has already made the wind decide to use it!

Because these three attributes are undoubtedly in line with his attributes that have been promoted through the “No. 10 Enhancer” for more than a month.

"I have already found it!"

After wearing the ring in the wind, the vision of the agent glasses is a flash of the picture, and the appearance of the eyes wearing the special glasses is also present.

"This ring is a very famous pass-through accessory called Lucky Ring."

"It is said that those who wear it will be able to receive lucky blessings!"

“Initially, it was built by a very famous jewellery master, and it was a pair, and finally gave it to one of his friends.”

"But then his friend was killed... This lucky ring appeared in the black market, and it has flowed... When someone saw it last time, it was in the 'Blackjack Jack' hand!"

The eyes looked at the ring road of the wind.

"Spades Jack?"

The wind fell heavily.

"Federal s-level wanted criminals, the reward amount reached 100 million credits!"

"A master with a very good gambling skill, but even more powerful is the ability to use a poker card to kill directly. And his favorite thing is to put a **** in front of others after killing!"

"Add him and let others call him ‘Jack,' so he got the title!”

"S-level wanted criminals? The bonus is only 100 million..."

The wind fell to hear this sentence, first of all surprised at the high level of this "Silver Jack" wanted, from the previous level of the Hawkeye, but also a level.

But then, for this "only" 100 million, I feel the federal government's trick.

Only 100 million credit points.

The ring in the hands of the people is not only 100 million credits, but the federal government only has such a reward, just the money he just won't win in the casino for an hour.

Of course, the wind actually knows that this reward is definitely enough!

After all, after killing "Spall Jack", the player will undoubtedly get the ring and the other spoils.

And this reward is an additional benefit, and the ultimate income is definitely far more than 100 million credits!

"What do you mean, that casino manager is 'Blackjack Jack'?"

Wind down the road.

Of course, in fact, after listening to his words, he almost has this judgment.

After all, people who have the lucky ring and can cut bullets directly with poker are really unlikely to be other people!

"should be!"

"Although there are some differences in age and appearance, it is too simple for him to change his appearance, whether it is camouflage or cosmetic."


"S-level wanted, do I need to catch him?"

The wind is falling with exploratory authenticity.

"No, our department doesn't care about this. However, Spades Jack appears in this casino, but it just happened to have no reason... This is something that needs to be arranged to figure it out."

"He is the manager of the casino, the insiders of the hotel, but can easily reach the members of the diplomatic corps!"

The eyes are a little dignified.

“I passed the instructor program and posted a task to monitor the hotel’s assessors?”

"In this way, he has something to do, and it is not too easy!"

The wind is quite interesting.

"Well... yes!"

The eyes nodded.

The wind fell into the air, directly in the instructor program, and chose to send a message to all the players in the hotel.

At the same time, he glanced at the agent interface, which represented the position of the yellow point of the three players who had followed him.

None of those people were able to enter this area because it was the rest area of ​​the diplomatic corps, and there were 50 full-armed elite np soldiers taking turns.

Of course, there is no way to continue to follow up.

After receiving this message, both of them quickly turned and left.

Only one person is still nearby.

"Well, yes. You just said that this lucky ring is not just one, but a set of rings?"

After releasing his first instructor mission, the wind turned and turned to ask questions.

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