Fatal Shot

Chapter 851: Three pairs of people!

"Yes, it's really a ring."

"And the information says that the gems on the two rings are cut from the same gems, and even after being separated, the two rings can sense each other... Of course, this is probably only the black market sellers in order to increase sales. The price is a deliberate compilation of a gimmick!"

Said the eyes.

"There are two, and a pair?"

The wind is falling, first look at the gems on the ring of your hand.

I found this colorful gemstone that looks very complete at first, and it really carries a trace of cutting!

"Is it because of this reason that it is impossible to display all the attributes of this ring... Also, if there is a real pair, and the two gems above can sense each other?"

Then, he whispered the last sentence in his mouth, and his expression was thoughtful.


"Are you really willing to give up? Even your own ring is given to others!"

In a secret luxury room in the casino.

A tall, white woman with a cold face, standing against the wall, said to the aristocratic youth np who walked into the door at this time.

"Send? What to send."

"It's a gamble! The gambling loses!"

The np manager of this casino.

Turned to the wooden handcrafted wine rack in the room, took a bottle of red wine and poured it into the high crystal cup.

The bright red wine is in a transparent crystal cup, forming a half cup of gorgeous wine, and he is elegantly drunk with a nobleman.

"You will bet on losing?"

A white woman is an unbelief.

"Since you will bet, you will definitely lose."

"But if you lose, sometimes you want to win!"

On the face of the young np, there was a faint smile, and there was a pale after the injury.

"Right, I have figured out that the turmoil in these heavenly cities is actually caused by the federal government sending some adventurers..."

"Oh, sure enough, I know that the federal fear of the dead guys only knows to use the adventurer to do things."

The white woman snorted.

"So, let's get ready, wait two days, our adventurers will arrive, and we will be able to get started."

"It’s a bit of an adventurer’s adventurer... I don’t know if any of these adventurers can surprise me?”


At the same time, take a short distance from this luxury hotel, located in an ordinary hotel in the middle of the White City in the snowy mountains.

"You are really not in a hurry?"

A man in a black trench coat opened the door and walked into a room in the hotel.

Facing the teenager sitting in the hall and wiping a machine gun part, it looks younger, but the temperament is more stable than the age.

“Why are you anxious?”

"The np diplomatic corps has arrived, which shows that the np instructors of the three assessments should have arrived."

"At this time, our points are almost at the bottom. Do you really have to worry about leaving a bad impression on those np instructors, or is it a chance to lose the hidden mission in the middle?"

The man in a black trench coat said.

Of course, the dialogue between the two has clearly exposed their identity, it is the two players involved in the assessment.

"Do not worry, the above judgment is the official start of the task."

"To wait until the players in the rebel camp join, the mission will really open. You don't want to see those who are on the 008 and 100 on the leaderboard. The score is not low. But the real task is definitely to speak by strength!"

The teenager put down the barrel of the machine gun in his hand and showed confidence in his eyes.

"You letter

Please be reminded: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. 00 recommended reading:

Where did the heart come from, really thought that the awakening of the original force would be stable? ”

"Don't say anything else, but the number 008 is the first sniper in the northern city. Your intelligence is not that his gunwork is estimated to be under the wind of one of the top ten super masters."

"Even if you are awakened by the Force, you have been killed by more than one person. Do you still feel that you are winning?"

The player in the black trench coat frowned.

"What about the sniper, don't say it is 008, even if it is the leaves of the wind... It's just luck and equipment, there are boss pets. It doesn't mean, it's really a super master!"

Upon hearing this sentence, the calm teenager's face suddenly sank, and then the face showed some impatience.


Seeing the expression of the cold face boy, the black windbreaker player whispered in the mouth.

"You do not believe?"

The teenager looked up and his eyes stared at his face, and the voice was cold.

"Do you have a contradiction with the leaves of the wind, or if you can't beat him, I don't have to care. I just care, can you hunt the dog to find the sniper I am looking for?"

The black trench coat player has no expression at all and the sound is cold.

"I promised to help you transfer successfully in this mission, but what you promised is that some progress has not yet been made?"

"Now, time is only less than ten days left. You still haven't found any news until now. When is the hound dog doing things so inefficient..."

When the black windbreaker spoke, his eyes swept over his right hand, and he wore a ring that looked carefully inside a circle of smoky gems.

At the bottom of my eyes, there is some anxiety.

"Of course, there are so many deserted people, and time has passed so long. How can you find people so easily?"

The teenager sneered.

"Even if you can find someone who is also pitted by you, how can they provide you with information?"

"If it is not for the organization to sign a confidentiality agreement, I will definitely say this thing..."

The look of the teenager’s face was uncomfortable, as if he had thought of something uncomfortable.

"That day was really unfortunate... At the beginning, if you choose to deal with the leaves of the wind, there will be no follow-up series!"

"Well? The leaves of the wind..."

The boy thought uncomfortably in his heart, and then, suddenly he thought of something, his head jerked up.

"At the time, the leaves of the wind were present!"

Looking at the players with some irritating black trench coats, said in the mouth.

"You have a hatred with the leaves of the wind? This news is compiled, want me to go with him?"

The black trench coat player has some cool colors on his face.

"I fool you into a hair, it is really the leaves of the wind!"

"I'm sure, at least that afternoon, he must be wilting the desert map!"

"And the last blow that can steal the boss from your group of people, do you think other people can do it?"

The teenager suddenly stood up and stared at the eyes of the black windbreaker.

"The leaves of the wind?"

The male player in the black trench coat showed some thoughts in his eyes.

"I'm sure that he destroyed your mission!"

"But, you are not very useful. His information says that although he is the president of the city that never sleeps, he always likes to be alone, and it must be very guilty to do it. You want to find him to estimate the difficulty."

"However, if the two of us successfully transferred to a special occupation, they will definitely see him!"

In the eyes of the cold-faced teenager, there is a light that does not match the age.

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