Fatal Shot

Chapter 857: Tyrant

The White City is not that big.

And because it is built on the mountain.

At this time, the fierce gunshots of these policemen shooting guns are estimated to have spread throughout the entire d-zone.

However, perhaps because the players who are assessed these days will make some chaos every day, or because the poor in this d area are used to guns.

No one even came to watch, but the street did not become a person.

However, np does not respond, does not mean that the player did not respond.

At this time, around the well that had drilled a giant otter, there were already twenty yellow spots representing the examiners.

Obviously, all the players who want to take this exploration mission are just because the accident is underground, causing them to enter the door.

Now, finally seeing the culprit, one by one rushed to report the task through the agent watch.

However, the bulk of this task has already been won by the wind and the ground.

The only thing they have to report back to the information at this time is probably the details of this giant otter.


This name...

Undoubtedly, a lot of things have been explained.

The level 53 commander blame, this level is not very high.

However, the words "intermediate evolutionary virus" and "evolving" in this attribute.

But it is the wind that is sitting in the taxi and coming over here.

The intermediate evolutionary virus, in theory, can be biologically evolved into what state, but he is very clear.

A quasi-boss with more than 50 levels appears in the city, and the damage is absolutely inferior to a super heavy tank.

Of course, the bigger threat is the word "virus"!


The two police cars around the well that had not been able to evacuate had been rushed out of the well by the giant tyrant, and the weight of the tank was directly deformed.

The half-body has been put on two police cars, and is moving toward the giant "tyrant otter" in the evolution of the quasi-boss.

Facing the non-stop attacks of several np police officers below, I finally made a counterattack.


The huge blood with the blood that had just been swallowed, opened with a sucker of fine teeth.

Then, a large group of black and red things were spurted out of it.


This large group of things escaped directly from the well before being hit directly.

But the np policeman who has used up his strength and his legs are soft enough to lie on the ground and run far away!


The policeman was stunned by this pile of things, and his mouth uttered a cry of fear.


But the latter half of the call was "flooded."

Because, it was spit with the stinking water of the sewer and a pile of "impurities" of saliva.

In the blood.

It is also faintly visible in a police suit that is discolored and discolored, and something like severely corroded meat and bone fragments.


It was estimated that more than half a ton of the "impurity" of the water was sprayed, and the np policeman who was directly overthrown did not want to escape.

Instead, I hurriedly went straight to my throat with my hand.

It seems that this liquid should have some that he broke into his stomach.

"My day!"

"The attack method of this thing is too disgusting, and it is estimated that it will take a few days of nightmare!"

This scene directly allows the players hidden around, to change color one by one.

In the game, everyone has seen a lot of disgusting monsters, but the attack method is so disgusting, it is the first time I saw it.


After a **** water smashed the escaping policeman to the ground, the giant tyrant scorpion targeted the other np policemen in front of him!

However, at this time, the bullets in the guns of these policemen have been burned out.

Then, in the same place, he turned and ran.

For the one on the ground who was shackled, the eyes of the companion who kept spit the blood and water for help did not care.

It seems that there is a tradition.


"The level of monsters is improving, and now it has become level 54?"

At this time, someone finally put their attention on this important issue.

"What to do? It’s not killing it..."

Then, these assessment players are entangled.

It is definitely the best way to solve this monster as soon as possible.

However, the order they got was just a matter of investigation.

If you rashly attack, in addition to exposing your position, you are more likely to expose your player's identity to others.

Value is not worth it...

"Kill it!"

At the time of the player's entanglement, a sound has already been transmitted from the communicator.

I entered the d-class area, but the taxi driver who saw the situation was frightened did not come in.

Only able to run with the little fat man on the last section of the road to reach the wind, far from seeing the raging tyrant scorpion, decisively in the instructor interface.

Although he actually wants to test, does this thing really evolve into a quasi-boss?

You might even try to use the same kind of giant octopus as you did for the first time.

Then, after a few more seconds of evolution, you get a higher level of loot.

With his current attack power and the "fatal" talent after awakening, you can definitely say it!

However, considering the ultimate goal of this mission, the wind decided to kill the non-complete body of the tyrant who was still at the commanding level.

In particular, the reconnaissance beetle that flew in another direction at this time also reported the discovery of a tyrant otter hidden in the sewer.

God knows that in the drainage system of the entire White City, now it is hidden how many are only evolving to the quasi-boss!


The command of the wind fell, and it was transformed into an assessment task through the identity of the instructor.

The players who were watching the game around, suddenly rushed to the point.

A flaming energy fireball full of football size, rushing out of a dwelling, directly hit the tyrant's otter who still stayed above the two police cars.



A damage value appears.

Attacked the highest fire system controller, the single burst of the number of fireballs, the damage caused by even four digits!

Obviously, the tyrant otter has the commonality of all living organisms infected with t-type viruses.

However, although its defense and blood volume are high, but the surrounding players are all attacked together after the command of the "instructor", and the skills are bombarded together.

Even if its defense is strong, the blood volume will continue to fall below!

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