Fatal Shot

Chapter 858: Infected parasite


"-103, -123, -144..."

At a corner, a player dressed like a tramp, with a submachine gun in his hand, a series of bullets.


Behind the window of a slum, the first attack on the ineffective fire system controller.

An attack method was replaced, and the energy converter in the hand flashed, forming a flame field with a range of five or six meters around the tyrant's otter.

"-245, -236, -256..."

Put the stinky water from the sewer around it and give it a large white mist!


Even, let the tyrant otter have to roll up all the half of his body on the ground, tumbling over the top of the two police cars, and the two police cars are even more distorted!

However, in the face of these attacks, as a leader-level creature, it obviously will not make a counterattack!


At the commander-level tyrant's otter on the police car roof, a piece of sucker with a tooth opened again and slammed.

However, this time, spit out is not nearly tons of dirty blood.

It is more than a dozen pieces, about the size of a fist, and looks a bit like a dark red "flower plaque" wrapped around some vines.

To be precise, it is a fleshy flower with a **** mucus like a heart.


These fleshy dark red flower buds are extremely fast, and they fly over a distance of nearly 100 meters in an instant, falling to the side of the players.

Falling to the ground, or hitting the walls and buildings around the players!

Then, these flowers are “open”.

"Hey, hey..."

The main part of each flower bud is like a "chrysanthemum" that blooms in general, revealing the stamens that are constantly squirming with blood and mucus.

The vines on the flower buds are like the tremors of life, which drive the open flowers and move to the position of the assessment player not far away!

"What a ghost thing!"

Looking down to the side not far away, facing the dark red flower rushing over.

The little fat man shouted in the mouth, the light on the energy converter in his hand flashed, he was going to attack.


However, before he attacked, a red and black saber had already pierced this thing directly on the ground!

The face of the wind has some seriousness, staring at the "flower bud" that is still struggling.

Yes, this thing is not a flower.

It is a creature, and it is a creature with parasitic ability!

"Sure enough, this is really this thing!"

Seeing the name, the wind fell on his face.

Among the "Resident Evil" games, the most memorable are the variants caused by various abnormal viruses.

However, there is actually a "parasite", and the degree of nausea and variation will not be inferior to the t virus or even the g virus.

Even, talking about their potential, or making the game's villains "heart" more than the t virus!


When the wind fell on this parasitic flower.

Can not behave, the little fat man can only transfer to the tyrants in the field.

His energy converter flashed, and the length of the hair was half a meter. The translucent energy wind blade flew away from the ground.


This wind blade actually cut the belly of the tyrant's otter directly.

The attack effect is far beyond the average player.

The stomach was cut open, and the tyrant’s large amount of liquid in the stomach naturally went directly to the ground.

Among these body fluids with odor and **** taste and some impurities, there is a dark red parasite larva with only one thorny flower bud, swimming inside.

Look at the situation, obviously want to follow this large blood flow to escape to the waterway, or to the direction of someone around you!


However, it is almost impossible to see the bullets with a clear black.

It was a fierce flight, hitting the energy engine of a giant police car under the tyrant's water.


The sturdy energy engine casing was pierced, and then, in the area where the tyrant's otter was located, a flame-bearing energy group exploded!


A system prompts outgoing.

Then, after the ray of energy explosion disappeared, there were some spoils with a faint white light shining around the corpse of the tyrant's otter.

Among them, it is particularly eye-catching.

It's something that looks like some of the "parasites," but it's smaller in size and black in color!

The most important thing is that this thing actually emits the white light of the spoils!

"I am going, this thing is definitely a name, it is probably the key to the mission... but, can't go!"

The little fat man stared at the black "parasite flower bud" with a sigh of relief in his mouth.

Although the blame is solved, but the players hidden in the field, but there are more than 20 people, no one can be a bird.

After all, no one can be sure that going out will be attacked.

At this time, the wind found a problem disguised as an np instructor.

That is, he does not know whether he can use the authority to order these players not to attack, let him go to the "special parasitic flower".

Because in theory, np can not see the light of this trophy.

At the scene, there was some silence.

"I am going, that np police!"

Until the little fat man carrying the energy converter.

Suddenly my eyes were straight and my face was incredible.

I saw this time, the **** water that was vomited by the tyrant's water, causing the np policeman who fell to the ground and did not know the dead.

At this time, the whole body trembled. Then, some of them stood up awkwardly and then moved to the tyrant.

However, the way his face looked at this time, the whole person's eyes were red, and two lines of blood flowed out of his eyes.

This way, obviously it is very wrong!

More importantly, although his footsteps were ugly at first, they were more and more fluent, and even ran straight after a while.

And his goal, anyone can see clearly, is definitely the "black parasitic flowerbed" next to the body of the tyrant's otter!


However, it was at the time when the np policeman who was petped was about to rush to the side of the well.

A sniper bullet has already hit his side of the temple directly, and then a powerful impact directly flies his head to the cockroach.

"Instructor, it's a good shot!"

The little fat man smiled and took a flattering.

"My day..."

However, the next moment, he is again a big mouth.

Because the np policeman who was blown out of his head did not fall down immediately.

Instead, from the head, a few slenderly waving tentacles emerged, like something, trying to get out of his remaining half of his head.

This state is undoubtedly to let him be familiar with it!


However, just when a few hands have just been drilled out.

Then, like a new sniper bullet that was prepared in advance, the first half of the np police had been blasted.

After the tentacles trembled weakly for a while, they softly smashed into a pile of blood.

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