Fatal Shot

Chapter 865: Battle of the sewer (1)


The original dark sewer was illuminated by a pile of lighting equipment.

This is the transit zone at the center of the sewer at the junction of the c and d districts, where the underground waterways of the five branches of the entire c zone are concentrated.

The entire area is full of a small underground garage that is generally broad.

At this time, in this area, it has been blocked by more than 20 fully armed players.

The energy converter in the hands of the controller is flashing, and the muzzle of the gunners has already been bulleted. Several machine gunners in the team have six machine guns!

Everyone has a serious face and some excitement.

At the same time, some people turn back from time to time.

The line of sight was secretly cast in the back of the station and shrouded in an insignificant lightweight armor, but with a sniper rifle in his hand, a motionless person.


Under the one-way transparent mask of the fully-enclosed alloy helmet of the Stormwind, the windy eyes are hollow.

Then the look changed and shouted in the mouth.

"Da da……"

And in the passage of his voice, there was a rush of footsteps in the passage where everyone pointed the weapon.

"The monster is coming!"

Then, a scout player with a scout and a light armored player rushed out quickly, and panicked and shouted.


And after their voices fell, there was also a sound in the passage where the water was stirred.

"Open the shield!"

Everyone's face is serious.

The energy controller immediately put on a colorful energy shield, while the heavy armor quickly lifted the alloy shield to the front side of the machine gunner.


And after these preparations are completed.

Among the passages, a huge black shadow with a length of more than ten meters, which has occupied most of the sewers, has already rushed into the eyes of everyone with exciting waves!

["The tyrant scorpion (intermediate evolutionary virus infection, evolution), level 60 · command, hp: 294550/300000, strong resilience..."

Scout players, with some nervousness, pass the data to everyone's agent glasses.


At the rear of the team, the wind fell.


At the same time, the sniper rifle in the hand has already taken the lead in shooting!


Five thousand points of damage.

Compared with the theory of wind and falling, the daily tens of thousands of points of injury are undoubtedly not enough to look at.

The reason is that except for the sniper rifle in his hand is not a death gaze.

The more important reason is that because of this mutation, the tyrant scorpion has a characteristic that it is completely harmless after it has been mutated by the evolutionary virus.

This undoubtedly makes the biggest fate of the "fatal" talent of the wind can not be played!

However, even if it is impossible to play fatal damage, each shot of 5,000 damage is enough to stand out from the players.


"-234, -285, -245!"


"-345, -455..."

In the face of this blame, these at least the whole body are rare equipment players, most people do not have more than 500 damage.

Even one tenth of the wind is not there!

Of course, not completely!

"Da da da……"

The machine gun in the hands of Fei Ge had a large red gun flame, and then shot hundreds of bullets per second.

Hit the tyrant's leeches, like a red iron to enter the cold water, a large piece of smoke.


This kind of explosive damage adds up to the output per unit time, even several times higher than the wind.

"Legend equipment? Still the original force..."

The wind fell to notice this point, but also could not help but swept the "Fei Ge" and remembered the No. 186 assessor in his heart.



However, it did not go into depth, but turned to continue to attack the tyrant.

The players in this underground waterway, except for being assigned to several people who are on top, have more than twenty-fifths remaining.

And all of them are rare equipment. How long is this attack in the early preparation?

Just two or three seconds, this 60-level commanding unit that just rushed out of the sewer was directly attacked by the player's attack, and a lot of blood poured out from the hole-like body. Directly discolor the water in the entire sewer, and a **** taste fills the entire sewer.

However, this tyrant is so hard to deal with, naturally it is not itself.

It's inside the stomach, the number of hundreds of parasites.


The blood of the tyrant's leeches flowed into the sewage. The next moment, the parasites like the "flower buds" all moved.

And along with the flow of underground sewage, these hundreds of infected parasites quickly rushed into the player's camp.

"Hey, hey..."

Even, it seems to be able to sense the life fluctuations of parasitic hosts, as they flow down the water to the player's position.

"Ice the Jedi!"

A water master who had never been involved in the attack, the white light was emitted from the energy controller. When the light touched the water in the sewer, it quickly condensed into a thick layer of ice.

Make those infected parasites hit the ice directly and can't jump out in the first time.

"Energy fire wall!"

And then, along the waterway, two flaming walls of fire quickly appeared.

The hot, high-temperature energy flame not only blocks these parasites that are afraid of fire, but also distorts some of the parasites that have just rushed to the surface of the water.

However, it is impossible to have no omissions.


There are still a small number of infected parasites, rushing through the double defense and rushing towards the players on both sides.

However, there is still a profession in the player group that has not been involved in the attack.


A silver-white alloy sword swept through the wind and directly smashed the tentacles that had been smashed by the infected parasites to the roots. Finally, the sword was photographed in the dark red of the fist size. On the top of the flower-shaped body, it is heavily smashed on the floor and turned into a pile of broken meat.

Faced with these fast-moving and small-sized infectious insects, the light armor is definitely the best deal!

They do not need to consume bullets and there is no skill cooldown.

And because the armor covering the whole body is enough to ensure these infected parasites, it can not pose too substantial threat to them.

"Hey, hey!"

"-8456, -9046!"

The wind is also shooting these infected parasites.

The 60-level rare sniper rifle in his hand, although not as good as the legendary equipment, but the power is far more than the average 50-level equipment.

It’s all, one shot at a time.

These infected parasite larvae, which are not slow to move, are directly blasted by a common sniper bullet.


Even some of them jumped out of the water, and the volley rushed to the rear of the gunners to rush off parasitic insects, and they could not escape the precise and extreme shots of the sniper bullets, which were blown up in the air.

"Hey, hey!"

A sniper who can do this on top of such a battlefield.

In addition to him, only one person standing alone against a wall, standing 008 young players.

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