Fatal Shot

Chapter 866: Battle of the sewer (2)


However, the number of these infected parasites is too much.

Finally, there was still a bug in the net.

A light armored warrior, in the case of an infected parasite in front of the killer, was smashed to the armor on the back by another parasite.


Then, this only infects the parasite with eight vines, and quickly puts the light armor's head and upper body in a deadly manner.

These parasites have a lot of power compared to yesterday.

Those tentacles that seem to have thin fingers are able to slightly deform the surface of the armor of the light armor.

More importantly, after the light armor warrior was entangled, the tip of a tentacle slammed into the lower arm of the light armored soldier.

"Ah, help me..."

Under the circumstance, the light armor was entangled.

Then he struggled to break free, and found himself as a powerful power attribute of the warrior, unable to break away from the seemingly thin tentacles.

Hurry to call for help.

And just as the mouth opened, a tentacle had already been stretched directly from the gap underneath his mask.

Then he took the opportunity to drill into his open mouth, like a snake rushing inside.


The latter half of the light armor was suddenly blocked.

Facing the tentacles that twitched into his stomach, his first reaction was to bite down directly.



A sniper bullet hit the helmet and flew over it, exploding the parasitic insects on his back.

Youth No. 008, turned his guns blankly and continued to attack the parasites in the water!


The light armored soldier is rushing to tear off the tentacles of the parasite that has lost power, then open his helmet mask and spit the water.

Undoubtedly, the taste of this mouth just made him a little difficult to adapt.

In particular, the tentacle that had been bitten off halfway, even twisted a few times when he spit out and fell to the ground!

The wind could not help but think of a joke.

When eating fruit, how many worms are the most terrible?

The promise is half.

This is a joke, but the wind is now serious.

Because this light armored soldier was directly contacted by the tentacles of the infected parasite, even he certainly involuntarily swallowed some of the parasite's blood.

Although, this parasite's attack method does not seem to directly cause the light armored soldier to have a wound.

However, the wind must still take into account the possibility of being infected or parasitic!

At this time, the battle is over.

For the entire team, there was no loss.

The controller has energy shields on the player's body, and the parasites cannot directly approach their bodies.

The gunners have no casualties because of the protection of the soldiers.

Only this 205th light armored player, his face has some ugly, still spit on the ground.

And some of the other players looking at his gaze have some flicker.

There is gloating, and there are some vigilance.

These infected parasites may infect the evolutionary virus, and the wind has already told them in advance, and almost all of them have learned about the last "Resident Evil" plot.

It is clear that this evolutionary virus may be dangerous.

"How do you feel about your body, is it being parasitized by it, or bleeding?"

Under the gaze of everyone, the wind fell face and asked the light armored soldier seriously.

This seems to be a little weird, because how can the light armor warrior know?

However, the player has a system log, and the light armor should be able to see his status in his own log.

Just because the wind is now playing npc, it is naturally impossible to ask him directly about the system log.

"No no!"

The light armor warrior changed his face and hurriedly got up and did not spit.

Compared to the psychological nausea in the game, it is obvious that the task is more important.

"I hope you didn't!"

The wind stared at his eyes for a few seconds and then turned his head.

Whether it is there or not, he knows that this light armored warrior player will definitely not directly admit it.

After all, if you admit it directly.

That may mean losing the opportunity for the agent to change jobs, and may even be abandoned or even killed by this "npc instructor."

In this case, it is better to conceal the real situation first, and then find a solution in the task.

After all, the system is unlikely to be completely done, and will always leave some life!

"I repeat, these variegated leeches and parasites may have terrible infections, and you must ensure that you don't have wounds in battle."

"In addition, I am obeying my command."

"If the mission fails because of who does not obey the order... then he will definitely lose the chance to become a federal agent!"

The wind is looking around these players.

Speaking of it, the wind is now feeling in the heart.

This time, the agent assessment seems to be different from the previous one.

Because although it is also three npc instructors.

But so far, two npc instructors, including Ada Wang, have not exposed their identity at all.

And unlike the last time, all the appraisers were divided into three groups.

Instead, the system used all the players of the middle-aged npc to temporarily put all the players into his hands.

Perhaps this is what the system is designing.

However, the intention of the temporary system cannot be clearly understood.

But at least one point is that since he is the only one responsible for this cleanup task, then undoubtedly, his assessment of these players is almost control of the "life and death power"!

"Next, it is channel 2. No. 73, No. 88, you two will lead the target!"

The wind fell on the eyes of two players.

Still a scout, plus a combination of fighters.

But this time the warrior is a bit special, it is the 88th heavy armored player who is ranked first in the current points.

Now that the law of lure has been proved to be feasible.

And from the previous situation, the danger of this enemies is not very high.

The heavy armor did not hesitate. First, he put away some heavy large shields, and then took a small one-handed shield directly from the backpack and walked inside the passage.

The scout player who was named is obviously a little hesitant.

However, being stared at by everyone, I dare not show it, and it is even more impossible to refuse.

I can only walk behind with the heavy armor.

The light armored soldier did not look any different, but his face had some pale after vomiting.

After the two entered the passage, the wind fell into the eyes and became hollow again.

On the helmet of his storm suit, there is a closed structure that looks like a decoration.

Inside, 24k a pair of soy-like small eyes are spinning in the bones, biting a blue crystal of sorrow in the mouth.

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