Fatal Shot

Chapter 872: Storm armor, alloy knife!



Faced with this situation, the machine gunners who are very poorly self-protected after being close to themselves are undoubtedly amazed.

In particular, under the circumstance, almost all the machine gunners were thrown by the parasites.

Except one person!

"Damn, get out!"

Qin Fei’s mouth shouted with disgusting voice.

In the face of five infected parasites that rushed toward him, the whole body was shaken.

In the next moment, I used my own "defense" force!

"Puff puff……"

A few of the infected parasites that rushed to half were like being blocked by an invisible wall. There was a body that couldn’t move in the air.


In the face of this situation that can be said to be extreme to the average player, the wind is not flustered.

He stood near a wall near Channel 3, and at the beginning of the battle, the pupil in his eyes had turned purple, turning on the "Super Hawkeye" skill.

The entire battlefield is given to the eyes, and naturally, this situation is also noticed.

Under the super-eagle eye's ultimate ability to observe, the machine gunner assessed the familiar fluctuations in the force around the player, completely falling into his eyes.

In the game, it is impossible to have two similar forces.

It is like the npc that was encountered last night, with the nightingale, and William who was mutated into a quasi-boss after being infected by the g virus. All three have the same stealth power.

However, in the case that the number of players who are currently awakening the Force is not very large, he is also given the opportunity to encounter two stealth classes.

Moreover, the height of the two men is similar, and the probability of being a professional of the machine gunner is obviously almost zero!


"Get out!"

Qin Fei, who is taking out a saber and fighting the parasite.

Obviously, I don’t know, when he used the Force, he was already identified by the wind.

Even if he knew that he had no time to take care of it.

Because several infected parasites were stopped by his defensive force, they did not completely hit him, but there were still a few tentacles that had reached into his defensive prime layer.

Then, trying to lick the helmet at the beginning, put the tentacle into his mouth.

It must be said that the gunman is the most dangerous when facing this parasite.

In addition to the small size of these infected parasites, the action is fast and difficult to hit.

The bigger reason is because there is no closed defense. Once you are close, there is not much power to fight back, especially the tentacles of these parasites.

The situation in which the arm is entangled can not be used even with a gun.

In contrast, although the master is also weak in melee, but has some self-protection skills, energy shields can protect the whole body.

Therefore, in the case of three tyrants who broke through the defense and attacked.

One gunner player, all of them are very embarrassed.

However, there are three people except.

One is the young sniper of No. 008. The whole person is attached to the wall like a wind, and the sniper rifle in his hand keeps attacking.

His eyes were very calm, even though these infected parasites rushed to him from time to time, he was also blasted to the volley.

The other is the female scout player of the 150th. She has given up the gun and took out the gray dagger with a matte layer tied to her leg.

However, this seemingly ordinary dagger is in her hands like a flower, and the hard-infected parasite that rushed past her from any angle was killed by her first time. .

As for the third, of course, the wind wearing a storm armor fell.



The wind fell to the right hand, grabbing a drop from the arm and catching the parasite, and then blasting it freely.

The left hand clenched a fist and punched an infected parasite that was rolled up from the ground into a liquid.



He also did not use a sniper rifle.

The 60-level rare sniper rifle has been removed and hung up to the position of a hanging weapon behind the storm armor.

Although the sniper rifle attack is very high, it can kill one infected parasite in one shot, but the frequency of shooting is ultimately limited.

If self-protection is not a problem, but now, he finds himself needing to do more.

Because, the situation is somewhat unexpected and serious!

"Protect us!"

"Doctor, doctor!"

"Hey, what are you going to run so far?"

The entire battlefield has now been completely messed up.

The queue of players that had been lined up has been disrupted by the attack of three tyrants.

Everyone is forced to fall into a position of fighting.

The main output of the machine gunners, who have already killed three people, master controllers, one by one infected parasites to the shield.

And the warrior players, there is no such thing to protect the crispy skin.

After all, everyone is actually a competitive relationship.

If you are rude, the chances of the two people who have lost their jobs will be higher.

However, in this case, there is not much left.

A careless, it is absolutely possible to cause serious consequences of the group!


In addition to the Gunners, there was also a second professional battle on the battlefield.

The energy shield of a water controller is finally broken by the entanglement of infected parasites.

Then the whole person was first entangled with more than a dozen infected parasites, then sucked directly into the head by a tyrant's sucker, and then dragged into the water during the struggle.

"-2000, -2000, -2000..."

Then, only a large amount of blood emerged from the falling water position!

"Output is not enough!"

The wind fell quickly and swept across the battlefield.

The biggest problem now is the problem of output.

Because the tyrant's water percentage recovery ability, but can be compared with the tyrant.

In the case that the players are fighting each other, even if they only think about self-protection, resulting in complete dispersal of firepower, the blood recovery of the three tyrants is higher than that of the blood loss. As a result, only one hp does not stop. Instead, it began to pick up!

And they, therefore, are more unscrupulously attacking a player who is in a hurry and cares.

Killing ones who want to save their lives, but they are the players who lost their lives.

A bad cycle!

The only thing that can save the situation is to kill the tyrant's leeches, but killing one can also make the situation change.

However, the current situation, even if it is the command of the wind, can not be useful.

If there are not enough people to collect the fire, would you like to kill a variant of the creature with a blood volume of more than 300,000 and a percentage recovery?

Even if the wind is in the hands of death gaze, it is almost impossible to do.

Because don't forget, these tyrants are infected with creatures, and sniper bullets can't be fatalized on them.

And the damage is more limited because of the damage of the part, the bullet hits the highest blood loss is only about 5,000, even the legendary sniper rifle is the same.

Unless you use other types of weapons, you can deal damage across multiple parts!

For example...


The two "wings" with the blade on the back of the storm armor were taken down by the wind to the backhand.

Pulling, the two hands directly connected the tails of the two "wings", two metal structures similar to the wings, turned into an alloy knife with a shape slightly close to one meter five and slightly strange in his hands!

Yes, an alloy knife, a purple alloy knife with a width of more than twenty centimeters!

"That one?"

Holding this "alloy knife", the momentum of the wind falling from the whole person seems to change instantly.

From a top gunman to a fierce warrior!

His gaze was quickly directed at the blood volume that rushed out of the No. 3 passage because of the lowest tyrant of the fire.


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