Fatal Shot

Chapter 873: Amazing knife!

The No. 3 passageway is more than 20 meters above the water surface. The former light armor was killed by swimming.

However, the tyrant, who had lost most of his blood, had already rushed to the shore.

It is stretching its lower body to the surface of the water, then bending it to an infected parasite to force the player close to the surface of the water, wearing a doctor's combat uniform, trying to turn her into the water and turn it into food.


The female doctor's face is a bit pale, and it is obvious that this task and the scene in front of her are a little too big for her psychological stimulation.

However, in the face of the attack of the tyrant's leeches, she even smashed to the ground at the crucial time and escaped the attack from the face.

Even more so that the wind is scratching, after successfully avoiding it.

She was still on the ground, but she still had a backhand, and put a gray needle in her right hand on the body of the tyrant.


The tyrant's leeches fell through a roll and even got a shot from the female doctor.

Although its ai is very low, it is reflexively violent, and the lower half of the body slaps the water and rushes out of the shore for more than five meters. It is rolled up against the female doctor player.

Although it is the concentration of sewers in the entire urban area, it is certainly not too broad to face this second round of attacks.

A pale female doctor assesses the player, absolutely avoiding it!

"Da da……"

However, it is at this time.

With the sound of the boots stepping on the ground, a figure that was almost incomprehensible was already in front of her.

Then, a black "alloy knife" that is covered with a layer of soul-sucking soul is held by a pair of arms that burst into a powerful force, facing the tyrant.

A knife fell!

The tyrant's scorpion is much longer than ten meters, but as a otter, the cross-section is naturally not very large. The length of this "alloy knife" is enough to cover its entire width.




In an instant, two 5-digit red damage numbers appear simultaneously above the tyrant's otter.

The 61-level commander-level tyrant, the scorpion, was cut off by the "alloy knife" in the hands of the wind.

The total amount of blood suddenly fell to less than 20!

"Red, fatal damage!"

This blow is actually fatal.

This situation, even if the wind falls on the sight, is a slight glimpse.

However, I just want to understand in a blink of an eye.

Obviously, the tyrant's leeches are not really deadly.

But want to make fatal injuries on the tyrant's leeches, you need to meet certain conditions,

The resilience in the crit water is terrifying, and the wounds caused by those bullets and energy attacks in the previous battles are almost visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, whether it is a bullet or an energy attack, it is impossible to cause "fatal" damage to it, and it can only die by excessively losing blood through continuous attacks.

Naturally, it cannot be counted as a critical attack.

However, the resilience of the tyrant's leeches can no longer be healed, and it is impossible to heal after being cut into two halves.

Therefore, the wind can cause fatal injuries.

Similarly, because of the fatal damage, the damage value of this knife is gorgeous, amazing!

Because the second system update changes the damage calculations for different parts, although the damage to the normal position is limited.

But the damage to the vital parts is enhanced.

However, even if it is enhanced.

In the case of non-crit, a hit of more than 25,000 hits is definitely rare in the entire game.

Not to mention, because it triggered the "fatal" talent after the awakening, this knife also received an additional percentage of the full 10 of the value of more than 30,000!

The total damage, breaking through 50,000 points, even now into the era of the Force, it is estimated that few people have played in the entire game.

In addition to the visually lost 50,000 blood, the tyrant scorpion above the head, the continuous "-1000, -1000, -1000..." bleeding damage, more shows the effect of this knife amazing.

You should know that although many boss creatures have a large blood volume recovery ability, this ability is weakened because the degree of injury is too heavy.

The blood loss caused by this knife can not be offset even if the tyrant's percentage recovery ability.

Because it originally had a green recovery value of more than 3,000 per second, it has become "300" at this time.

"However, its recovery is attenuated, it seems that some are too high?"

"Instructor, I just gave him a toxic agent!"

When she was rescued by the wind, the female doctor with a pale face evaluated the player. The face was blocked by a pair of mask-like equipment.

It can only be seen through the neck of her black hair and the figure under the doctor's uniform, indicating that this should be a good female player.

Although it was breathing in the mouth, and because of the dirty water, the shape was not good.

However, her whole person was relatively calm, and she had already taken out a pistol.

While explaining, while preparing to face the enemy with the wind.

The reason why this is said is because the wind fell a knife to cut off a full 50,000 blood, but also the tyrant scorpion with only half of the body, this time in the water painfully tumbling.

With the blood, a large number of infected parasites flow out of its broken body.

Then, one by one rushed toward the wind, and even more than a dozen infected parasites, have directly wrapped the tentacles around the wind.

The biggest threat to infecting parasites, besides entering human parasites and viruses, is undoubtedly the way to madly entangle people.

Even if it is a light armored warrior, once it is entangled in it, there is no outsider to help, and it is difficult to break free.

The wind can be rid of before the fall, but also by the "blade wings" behind the storm suit cut off these tentacles.

But now, the alloy wings have been taken down by him to form an alloy knife, which can no longer be used as a solution, and even his arms are entangled.

In this case, the female doctor player next to her face was in a hurry, and she took out a knife and dagger from her body to prepare for the rescue.


However, at this time, only half of the tyrant's otter was left in the sluice, as if he noticed that the enemy had been controlled and turned.

There is only a huge body in the first half, and the serrated sucker on the top is covered straight down against the wind!


Seeing this situation, the wind that was heavily wrapped up was silent.

His face didn't panic.


And when his voice just fell, the black and purple color of the armor on the wind suddenly turned dark red.

Then the whole body violently erupted a tremendous force.

The next moment, the arm holding the alloy knife slammed on both sides!


The power of the infected parasite is extremely tentacle, and it is broken by the force of the wind and the arm.

The "alloy knife" in the hand, with an explosive force, cut through the remaining half of the body passed by the tyrant.

Take a fraction of a second to get 150 power and speed and damage bonus in the next melee attack, and get 75 damage bonus when dealing critical damage (high level 9)



Fatal damage appears.

Less than 10 blood left, completely empty!

A system prompt appears.

Then, around the body of the tyrant's otter, a pile of things broke out.

In addition to the conventional energy spar and two pieces of unidentified equipment that emit white light.

There is also a black "flower"!

Unlike ordinary players, after using the scout beetle to track the np of that hidden ability.

The wind fell but I knew this thing. It should be the "motherbug" mentioned by the two np in the secret room last night.

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