Fatal Shot

Chapter 878: Sudden change!

"What do you mean by this?!"

At the exit position of the underground passage in the area c, the face of the wind falls dignified.

Looking at the surrounding NPC soldiers in the hands of armed forces, fully armed Raf Republic, and more than a dozen military vehicles with six-tube electromagnetic machine guns and heavy-duty chariots with muzzles.

Of course, there are some high-altitude positions nearby, and they are aiming at the sniper rifle of a group of ugly players.

"Mr. Link, in the above order, please follow us and temporarily accept the isolation and physical examination."

What he spoke was a tall female npc officer wearing a military uniform in the Republic of Raf, with a rather cold face.


The wind fell on her eyes.

The voice of the voice reveals the suppressed "anger".

"First, the president is assassinated by unidentified people. We need to seriously examine every person who owns weapons."

The tall female npc officer seems to have not felt the anger of the wind.

Or because the initiative to grasp the situation, the look does not care, the tone of the mouth seems to have not fluctuated much.

"Secondly, these mutated otters have infectious viruses on their bodies. I must have been infected with viruses in the previous battles, and maybe even people have been infected."

The tall female npc officer’s eyes swept over the assessment players around the wind, and some people’s faces changed.

Is it true that the system is going to eliminate them.

Isn't it abandoned by this assessment npc, but by the task npc to achieve?

"If.........Is not saying?"

The "anger" in the face of the wind is more obvious, and the sound is doubled directly.

In his heart, he is completely oppositely calm, and his head is quickly thinking about analysis.

This situation is really a bit of an accident.

Now, what he is thinking about is, should it be isolated according to words?

Still, resistance and breakout!

This, you need to give some tips to the system.

"Mr. Link, please do as the aide of Shawa said."

When the reminder came, the tall female npc officer opened the communication device with a blank expression when he heard the wind falling.

On the screen of the communication device projected into the air, the bald middle-aged head of the diplomatic corps appeared.

"This is the order...the order of your security department."

The head of the middle-aged head had some sweat on his forehead, and his expression had some fire.

From the picture, a negotiating table style arrangement can be seen behind him, and a woman sits on the opposite side of the table, a woman wearing a necklace in her neck and wearing a light green dress.

"Safety department?"

Although the head of the npc talked slightly concealed, but the wind fell but I understood it.

Stop confrontation and accept the isolation check. This is the order, the order from the agent department.

However, why is the agent department not issuing orders directly?

In the heart of the wind, I was puzzled. I looked down and found that the communication of the agent watch showed the interference state.

Obviously, the interference should be derived from the army of these Raffles.

This country with weak technology has the technology to interfere with the agent communication...

"I want to know who is this order?"

The wind is slightly strange.

But in the mouth, I took a breath and stared at the woman's face seriously.

"Of course the acting president Tatrina sir!"

The tall npc female officer is not hidden.

"Sure enough..."

The wind fell blankly.

This is very easy to speculate.

The president was assassinated and seriously injured.

As the only vice president of this small country, the "Iron Lady" naturally acquired the authority of the acting president in accordance with the law.

This is undoubtedly enough for the head of this bald diplomatic mission to get angry!

Because this Iron Maiden was originally a resolute opposition to the faction who joined the Federation, and this morning it was a bit of a gap with the diplomatic corps.

Suddenly, I support the assassination of the president who joined the federation, and this vice president, who has always opposed it, is in power.

It is simply unfortunate to the extreme.

Now, if you want to complete the diplomatic task, or re-negotiate the agreement, you can only make some steps.

Of course, the concession on the negotiating table is definitely not acceptable.

However, some things outside the negotiating table can be appropriately withdrawn.

Just like before, actively helping to clean up the mutants in the sewers.

Everything is for the Federation!

Of course, the wind is falling in the head, thinking of far more than this.

He also thought about something else.

For example, if the president is assassinated in the presidential palace under strict defense, will this be actually arranged by someone?

Another example is the rebel army.

"This mission is really complicated!"

The wind can't help but be in the heart.

"Let the weapons down, let them go."

The wind turned and turned to the player behind him.

Of course, the head of the diplomatic squad can not listen.

But if you want to get the a-level agent's authority, you can't violate the command of the high-level department.

Similarly, these players are here to change jobs, and it is obviously no play against the orders of the top executives.

Therefore, in fact, they are left behind, only to sacrifice this choice for the overall situation.

Of course, the so-called laying down of weapons is not completely disarmed.

If these npcs really want to disarm, like the prisoners, it is absolutely impossible to accept the wind.

With the strength of these more than 20 players, even if these npcs have heavy weapons, they may not be without the power of a battle.

Not to mention, there are 24k, 24 levels already 55!

A few minutes later, under the **** of the soldiers of the Republic of Raf in the chariot.

Including a total of 24 players, including the five players who were "swinging" on the ground, were "invited" to a completely closed black personnel carrier.

Then, proceed in the direction of zone a.

After sitting in the car, the wind fell off his eyes.

When it is opened again, it has been replaced by the reconnaissance beetle in the b-level area one kilometer away.

Below this reconnaissance beetle, which is suspended in the air, is a federal special soldier responsible for cleaning the tyrant's otters in the b-level area.

However, there are only a dozen special soldiers in the field of vision.

At this time, these federal special soldiers.

The face was very angry, hiding the body with a not-so-good terrain, aiming the weapons in the hands of the npc soldiers and heavy-duty chariots that blocked the hundreds of Raffles around them.

However, their line of sight is concentrated on a projection screen above the battlefield.

"Captain Skock, I repeat, this is the order!"

A tall female officer of the Republic of Ralph, the face is also standing coldly in the same place, and a bald figure is being revealed on the communicator.

"This is the order, you have to obey!"

On the screen of the communicator, the voice of the head of the bald diplomacy was a bit irritated.

The object that made him angry and ruined was the commando leader with a mixed face, and Captain Scott.

Compared with the agents who are not actually judged by the diplomatic corps, these npc elite soldiers belong to the military, but because of the task, they are also under the command of the diplomatic leader.

This is also the reason why this battle has not been played.

Otherwise, with the strength of these federal special soldiers, it is really necessary to fight.

Even though these Ralph Republic soldiers take advantage of the number and heavy weapons, they may not be able to win.

"Excuting an order!"

"Scott"’s voice whispered low and pressed the gun’s muzzle in his hand.

Compared to ordinary special soldiers, he looks very calm.

But the continually beating eyes and the rising muscles of the neck show the extreme anger of the heart.

Compared to just thinking about the npc reaction acting.

Undoubtedly, this "Scott" captain is really angry.

Because his team sacrificed one-third of the members in the battle just to help the Republic of Raf clean up the variegated water in the underground passage.

The result waited until the clean-up was completed and went to the ground. The people of the Republic of RAF pointed at the gun and told them that they suspected that you had assassinated our president.

And you may be infected when cleaning up the leeches, asking for weapons to be isolated and censored.

This kind of thing, if you switch to any one person, is absolutely anger, and it is very likely that you will shoot directly.

However, they are soldiers.

Even if you are angry, you can only...

Accept the order!


"These two gifts...we are really sincere, we can promise her."

"However, it's just a matter of doing things tonight, and during the day, it's still prepared as planned!"

At the same time, in the laboratory of the D area, Spades Jack nodded with satisfaction.

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