Fatal Shot

Chapter 879: Legendary armor, super attributes (two in one)!

The White City, on the edge of Area a, is among the small villa-style hotels that are isolated from the surrounding buildings. .

The wind fell in a room, looking out of the hotel across the window, sitting on the armed chariot and guarding the soldiers of the Republic of RAF.

Think about it.

This mission is clearly a game between the rebels and the federal government.

Originally, the Republic of RAF was their ally, because it counted before, compared to the rebel army.

But now, the Republic of RAF has become an enemy, and all the forces on the federal side are isolated in this hotel.

The difficulty index of this task is obviously rising directly to the extreme.

"It's no wonder that this mission can get a-level authority... just want to finish it, fearing it is far more difficult than initially thought."

The wind is falling.

Then, close the curtain of the window.

Then, the agent glasses were opened, and after scanning the entire room, the typhoon armor worn on the body was taken off one by one.

The battle to clean up the tyrant's leeches is even more able to turn the tide at a critical time.

Undoubtedly, this set of storm warfare is a great achievement.

Old John tailored this set of legendary armor for him, and the attributes are really excellent.

Moreover, it is a very special armor that can transform the "form"!

[Storm suit (light power armor)]

Grade: Legend

Defense factor: b (alloy layer), a+ (bio layer)

[Basic components]

Legs, multi-function deformation boots, head, chest, arms, multi-function deformation gloves

[additional parts]

1. Multi-functional ammunition weapon equipment suspension slot (6/10)

2, pet habitat

3, multi-form biological alloy shield, wing, knife

This is a legendary armor with ten basic components and a bunch of accessories. The structure is far more complex than the Thunder Armor before the wind.

However, the most special thing is still.

It has two "defense factors."

Because, this set of armor, in total, has "two layers inside and outside."

The outer layer is a high-grade alloy structure, and the b-level defense coefficient is not low in the legendary equipment, but it can only be said to be general.

However, the "bio armor" part of the inner layer has a level of "a+" metamorphosis!

The word metamorphosis is definitely not exaggerated.

Because so far, "War of War" has exposed the equipment, there is no piece of equipment that has "a+" level of defense.

Even the legendary alloy shield of the heavy armor, the highest has only appeared a "a level" defense level, and then in the auction site was contested by the parties for a sky-high price.

Moreover, some people on the forum learned from the np mouth.

Even the secret technology that the federal government has mastered, at most, only the "a grade" alloy material is produced.

Therefore, it can be said that the "a+" grade material has exceeded the current level of technology on this planet.

So, how can there be an “a+” defense coefficient in the windfall equipment?

Obviously, this is not something on this planet, but... Zerg products!

That's right, the inner layer of the storm armor is the kind of material used in the shell of the Zerg base.

The Zerg base material that can support the 100-meter-deep yellow sand and even destroy the solitude can not cause too much damage.

And what about the source of the material?

How strong is the a+ level defense factor?

In a word, it is almost impossible to be destroyed by pure physical attacks. It can't be the alloy sword of the light armor, or the sniper bullet of the legendary equipment.

It can't be beaten by all.

Of course, this is actually some exaggeration.

Because there are always some players who have certain special abilities, such as special powers like "destruction of solace" or rare bonuses of talents and equipment.

However, at least for now, the a+ level of defense does mean “invincible”!

However, there are some regrets, this set of storm armor.

Not every part has a "bio-layer".

To be precise, the parts with the “a+ level biolayer” in the complete set are limited to the helmet and breastplate. Even the breastplate is limited to the vital parts around the heart.

This seems to be a bit strange. Since you have such a strong material, why not add the entire armor?

Even, all of them use the Zerg base biomaterials to create a set of "biological armor"?

There is nothing wrong with this statement.

At the beginning of the wind, there is also this idea.

Then quickly discovered that the system simply could not have such a set of "invincible armor" present.

Because of the equipment level limit.

The equipment in the game is all limited in level.

Only when you reach the level and equipment, you can enjoy the full attribute bonus.

And a set of biological armor that is completely made of Zerg material... even if it is just a set of rare equipment, its basic level requirements exceed 70.

The more such "rare zerg materials" are added to the armor, the higher the grade requirements.

The wind is now at the level of 64, which is already the oldest John has increased the area of ​​the biological layer.

If there is more, the windfall before the upgrade is obviously unable to play the role of equipment.

Of course, this also means that he only needs to upgrade the level, and this set of legendary equipment will be able to add more biological parts.

In a sense, it is equivalent to a set of "growth legendary equipment"!

However, for alloy armor, although defense is the first.

But the rest of the attributes are naturally equally important, and this set of storm armor, on other attributes, is also very gorgeous.

[Storm Battle A Property]



Force +1000

Energy resistance: 50%

[Storm mode] Power +250, hp recovery speed +100%, impact resistance +50%!

[Hurricane mode] Agility +250, physical recovery speed +100%, speed limit +50%!

Additional attribute 1: energy attack adaptation, after the energy attack, gradually improve the corresponding attribute energy resistance.

Additional attribute 2: Final damage reduction in the mobile state, the upper limit is 50%.

Additional skills:


(Consumption of 500 Forces to open, subsequent consumption of 10 Forces per second, up to 120 seconds at a time)

Significantly increase the effects of agility, power, and physique attributes.

Immune non-primitive control skills, immune damage to normal energy, and a large amount of original attack resistance.

After being turned on, the energy is continuously accumulated during the movement, and the explosive attack damage effect is obtained at the next attack.

Requires level: 64

Comprehensive evaluation: perfect

Perfect evaluation, the strength of the old John, let the wind be implemented is admire.

The entire nine legendary parts are all perfect evaluations. In a sense, this is simply unbelievable.

At the current forum, the master's np of exposure is quite a lot.

But every time I make a piece of equipment, it is a perfect evaluation. The wind has only seen one old John.

However, it is true that the attributes of this set of legendary equipment are not really "perfect"!

In the case of blood volume, the hp bonus of 20,000 points is equivalent to the current full blood volume of a 50-level heavy armor. It seems that there is some exaggeration.

However, in fact, this blood volume addition is not exaggerated.

Even, it should be said that there are some low ones.

The attributes of the legendary equipment far exceed the rare equipment, a set of 50-level legendary equipment, the attributes provided are almost twice as strong as the rare equipment of the same level.

Not to mention, this is a set of more than 60 levels of legendary equipment.

For a set of more than 60 levels of legendary armor, even if it provides 50,000 blood, the wind is not very surprised.

In particular, "Zerg biomaterials" are also used in Stormwind.

The reason for this is that the wind has been tested in the old John configuration equipment, and the attribute of "Zerg Biomaterials" is to provide a large amount of blood.

At that time, the blood volume of the complete "biological armor" directly exceeded 50,000 points, which was just a set of rare equipment, although the level was higher.

However, although the blood volume of the storm armor is low, it has little effect on the wind.

Because, after wearing this set of armor, the wind fell under the blood volume of the "quasi-boss life parasite", the total hp has been close to 40,000.

This is definitely a somewhat exaggerated number.

Although the number of legendary equipment has increased in more than a month, the entire game has a lot of equipment with more than 50,000 blood.

But these people, almost all of them are heavy armored fighters or players with special life-like forces. Among the players of the main gunners, it is estimated that the wind is the only one.

Perhaps, it is for this reason that John was weakening the bio-addition when he created the Stormwind Armor.

And put more energy into the rest of the attributes, such as three different battle "forms", and two excellent rare attributes!

Old John's equipment has a feature, that is, a piece of equipment, but it can switch a variety of modes.

For example, the previous "Wings of Death", the "Phoenix Set" created for Phoenix... Also, he is now a set of "Storm Battle Armor."

Stormwind has three modes: Storm, Hurricane and Storm.

The storm mode is the most basic form of combat.

Once opened, it will provide a high amount of power and resistance, as well as hp recovery bonus, and the armor is fully covered, able to greatly resist enemy attacks.

Strength, resistance and hp recovery bonus!

For other light armored warriors, perhaps these attribute additions are not very obvious.

After all, the light armor is the main "power" plus points. Although this set of equipment has a high power, it will make the attack effect more obvious.

But the wind is different.

The light armor is his second occupation.

Although these days, because of the intermediate permanent strengthening agent, his strength attribute has increased a lot.

However, compared to the real light armor, there are still some inferior.

In addition, the number of physical points is also not strong, and the ability to resist the opponent's skill attack in the melee is weak.

However, with these bonuses, there is no doubt that the wind will be able to directly fight melee with the light armor.

And if you turn on the "burst point" skill again?

Hurricane mode, this is a bit special.

Because the armor under the hurricane mode does not have the full coverage, but will become a special form that is easy to move and slam.

In this form, the wind falls only need to switch to a sniper professional chip.

Even if you don't wear a war suit, the added bonus will not be inferior to a set of more than 60 rare and complete gunners.

Of course, the true and most powerful is the ultimate speed of the wind in this form.

Because, agile, but the main plus attribute of the wind!

And two additional rare attributes "adaptive energy attack" and "mobile impairment".

Undoubtedly, it is designed with these two forms!

And the last additional skill: "storm" is a "ultimate mode" that requires 500 yuan to be able to open.

Greatly increase the effect of strength, agility and physical attributes... Immune control, immune energy damage, increase the force of the original force... Accumulate energy, gain bonus damage!

Its practical sentence can probably be compared.

While gaining a lot of combat power, get a near-invincible buff!

Skills are on, and death is coming.

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