Fatal Shot

Chapter 901: Black man ability (two in one)

One "They are coming to you!"

A scorpion is like a wounded, and the low-pitched voice that feels uncomfortable suddenly rang in the car where two np policemen walked out.


A few np police officers noticed that there was still a person in the car.

A very tall, sitting in the car almost occupies more than half of the car, because a black dress and a mask, people feel involuntarily ignored.

From the sound, it is obviously a man!

"Looking for me...what are you looking for?"

The fat police chief sitting in the luxury police car, his face on the cold sweat is a bit embarrassing.

"Of course... there are things to ask for help..."

The black man used that uniquely low voice.

The two np policemen who were resurrected and pale, were faceless and disregarded by two police pistols facing them.

Stepping forward to the position of the fat police chief.

"Stand up, don't come over.

"Stand up, both of you, stop them!"

The fat police chief of the abdomen saw this situation, his face changed, and he hurriedly ordered two men.


"Sergey, Chekhov... Whether you are a human or a ghost... I will stand up immediately, or we... we will shoot!"

Two np police officers in the hands of the police pistols against the two dead and resurrected police officers, shouting loudly in the mouth.

However, their guns involuntarily trembled and continually stepped back, but they showed their fear in their hearts.

After all, there should be two people who died early!

This tm is too strange.


The two dead and resurrected np police officers did not respond to their words. The gray-eyed eyes only looked at the fat police chief.

In the footsteps, it is already accelerating!

"Block them!"

The fat police chief of the abdomen was more uncomfortable than the two men. While shouting, the self-decorated energy police car that was launched started to retreat.

"Hey, hey!"

Two pistol bullets hit the abdomen and legs of two dead and resurrected np police officers.

Although in a state of urgency, the two np as a policeman still habitually did not attack the deadly position.


However, the two dead and resurrected police officers are clearly "immunized" against the bullets in this position.

The body is not affected at all, but the speed at the foot is even more increased.

Suddenly ran from the side of the two np police officers, then both reached out and rushed to the front to stop the luxury police car that had started.


Their hands broke out with a powerful force, and they actually forced the police car that had already been activated to forcefully suppress it.

One of them, even directly reaching out to grab the luxury police car to drive the door.

Then violently exerted force, and suddenly the door made of bulletproof alloy was pulled down.


Seeing this situation, the two are alarmed and anxious np police officers.

Finally, I chose to point the bullet at the chest and head of the two former colleagues and shoot continuously.

However, even if these bullets hit the blood, the two dead and resurrected np police officers are blind.

Instead, he put his hand in, and the driver's cab, which will be torn off the door, almost scared the urine. Even the guns were not pulled out by the fat police chief.

"Ah, save me, save me..."

The white police chief of the brain full of fat yelled in the mouth, obese and struggling physically, trying to retract.


However, just shouting in the mouth just shouted.

Because, a np policeman who died facelessly and resurrected.

I have used a right hand that is obviously larger than the palm of an ordinary person, with a sharp hand and a hard nail on the right hand, directly holding his neck.

"Director Andre, please whisper a little."

On the other hand, the voice of the black man is ringing again.

"If you shout again, his power you just saw... maybe, under impatient, your neck will be accidentally broken."

"Hey, hey..."

The police chief was caught in the mouth of his neck and made a snoring sound. The head chicks ate rice in general.

"Let's relax!"

The black man heard the words and said in his mouth.

When he said this, a red light flashed through his eyes.

Then, facing the two of his dead and resurrected np police, but like the command of the superior, the hand holding the fat police chief's neck gave some strength.

"Cough, cough..."

The fat police chief first breathed the air in a big mouth.

"Cough... What do you want?"

"As long as I don't kill me, I can satisfy you... Yesterday their task was not arranged by me... I didn't let them die."

Then, while panting, I talked palely.

Obviously, he thought that the two np policemen who were resurrected and died were coming to him for revenge.


At this time, more np police officers have noticed the situation here, holding a gun from the police station's door.

However, seeing the Secretary in the hands of the other party, it is even more obvious that the person who holds the Secretary is actually two colleagues who should have died.

Even more, his face changed greatly. The hand holding the gun could not help but tremble. No one dared to shoot the first one. He could only aim the gun at the black man who was still in the car!

"Director Andrei, your men don't seem to see the situation very well..."

"You are going back and retreating. No one is allowed to shoot, no guns are allowed!"

The fat police chief is feeling an arm that has suddenly increased some strength on his neck.

And that had already scratched his neck, let him feel a sharp nail tip, and hurriedly yelled at the police.


These np police officers, one by one, hesitant.

"Rewind, didn't hear me?"

The fat police chief’s face was whiter and shouted loudly.

"No, you understand the mistake!"

At this time, the voice of the black man was once again ringing in his ear, and there was some playfulness in the hoarse voice.

"I mean, please give orders to all your hands now. Let them take the weapon to the police station to save you within ten minutes!"


The fat director’s face was stunned, and he even forgot to swear by the same man.

"Please note that you only have ten minutes...because after ten minutes..."

The black man repeated it, and when he spoke, his eyes turned to look at the huge black van not far away.

Information, let them come back soon, all come back..."

The white police chief of the abdomen has not had much thinking ability at this time. He feels that the wound on his neck is bleeding outside, and he can only continue to squat against his men.

The next thing is very simple.

After receiving the order, I rushed to rescue hundreds of np policemen in the land and rushed to the police station in the first place.

It was after the confrontation with the two dead and resurrected np policemen, and then the tyrants of the black trucks outside the police station appeared.

Then there is the chaos of the entire city.

In the end, the entire police headquarters was surrounded by thousands of infected bodies.

Compared with the military, the weaponry is worse than a policeman of more than one grade. The policeman who has no lethality in his hand is attacking these infected bodies. It is simply scratching.

Even if it is the key, it is difficult to cause substantial harm.

And almost the entire white city of np police are trapped in the police headquarters, naturally there is no way to control the chaos of the entire White City.

In the process, the fat police chief was interrupted by an infected policeman who was too careless.


The wind is not clear about what happened half an hour ago. After all, there were too many places he needed to observe.

Even then, when I noticed the unusual situation at the headquarters of the police station, I didn’t care too much.

Until the information obtained from the former rebel sniper player.

Let him remember suddenly, it seems that there is a "black man" in this battlefield!

"The most dangerous rebel player?"

After getting this information, the wind naturally increased the observation of this battlefield.

And now I have been watching it for a while.

He got an amazing answer, this black man, able to direct these infected bodies!

Not only ordinary infections, but even the speed-type infections and the tyrant t-200, these thousands of infected bodies that are besieging the police station, all obey the command of one person.

This is undoubtedly a very highly regarded piece of information.

Rebel forces or umbrella companies have clearly taken a step further in the development of the "biological weapons" of zombies.

In the former town of Rogge, those zombies were almost uncontrolled and attacked any creature.

Later, in the mission of Silvermoon City, the umbrella company has been able to manipulate those tyrants t-100 through a mechanical spider.

Thus, in the last mission, it can be said that they caused a lot of trouble for the wind.

However, compared to the last control method by mechanical spiders, the control of these infected bodies is undoubtedly a step further.

At least, the wind did not see any mechanical equipment from the body of these infected bodies.

Moreover, the black man's control ability is obviously more powerful than the tyrant t-100, which was only able to control the leader level.

Among the thousands of infected bodies, including the leader-level creatures, and even the quasi-boss tyrant scorpion, showed signs of being controlled by him.

This situation will undoubtedly make the face of the wind become severe.

"Instructor, we have saved people and are rushing to the residents' building!"

In the airborne agent's earphones, the voice of the 150th female scout was heard.

"it is good!"

The wind nodded and cut the field of vision back from the sight of the beetle.

The headquarters of the police station is far from them and is not the target of the rescue mission.

Therefore, there is no way to interfere with that battlefield for the time being.

The wind only quickly told the information to the eye, and then turned his attention to his task.

For the windfall, it is easier to get back to the residential building from the hotel.

The distance of ten meters is undoubtedly a big gap for ordinary people.

But for the wind, this distance, in the case of the higher eleventh floor, can easily be crossed even without using the agent intelligent traction anchor.


The wind lags back two steps, then one accelerates, and the whole body leaps in the sky above tens of meters from the ground.

When he leaped, the top of the storm armor had been put back to the back, forming a pair of wings in the form of "killing the wolf", but the angle of the blade turned against the wind!


Killing the "wing form" of a wolf is not just as simple as decoration.

In fact, this pair of wings is really capable.

And there are two unique roles.

First, the airflow can be adjusted during high-speed movement, thereby reducing the resistance and increasing the maximum speed.

The second is to provide the effect of gliding in the air.

gliding? This seems to be a bit unreasonable.

Because the wolf is a metal wing, and the area is not wide.

With such a small volume of wings, it is theoretically impossible to provide enough buoyancy for the wind falling with a metal armor weighing nearly a hundred pounds!

Indeed, the killing of the wolf's blade alone does not provide enough buoyancy.

But don't forget, its additional skills are strengthened.

The original force creates a wider layer of wings that is enough to drive a person to slide in the air.

Even if it wasn't for the old John that did not provide the airpower system for this armor.

The wind may be able to appreciate the feeling of wearing the "original armor" and flying freely in the sky in the 24k consciousness space.


The wind fell to the whole person and flexibly fell to the tenth floor of the residential building.

At this time, the five appraisers on the side of the hotel, as well as the second generation who were saved, have not yet arrived.

However, under the scouting beetle, although some infected bodies were alarmed in the opposite hotel, it was actually not dangerous.

The reason why the wind fell, skip it one step ahead of time, is because.


In the position where they came before on the tenth floor of the residential building, a dark red eye was revealed in the dark corridor.


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