Fatal Shot

: More important long testimonials!

After returning tonight, I sat in the notebook for three hours.

Then move the pen, then delete, then write again, then delete...

Up to now, at 11:50, Chapter 902, still only a few hundred words!

It's hard to say, from when I started, I found myself writing new chapters to work hard, becoming procrastinated, becoming sitting in front of the computer and thinking hard, but it was not a chapter in a long time.

Also, become a two-day two-page Cavan leave.

what reason?

Calvin is true.

But in fact it is not "true."

It is not so much the "Cavan" on the plot, it is better to be killed by time.

This book has not been deposited since it was put on the shelves. Every day, the chapters are rushed out at night after returning home.

I write books very slowly, with an average of only a thousand words per hour.

As a result, almost four thousand words can be drawn every day, and the time of each upload is almost always in the early hours of the morning, or the second morning gets up for a while, and then comes out at noon.

Therefore, every day has to hurry.

I have to rush to think of the plot during the day, and then work hard to code out in time, rushing to upload ... and even lead to many times the typo has not changed much.

This situation is not one day, two days, but every day after the book is put on shelves.

It can be said that in the year after the book was put on the shelves, almost all of them went to sleep after twelve o'clock in the evening.

This state, to be honest, is really stressful.

Every day, when you blink, you will find that there is a "two more" daily task waiting for you, and there are three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

However, in many cases, when you encounter a scenario involving an outline or if you need to set up an equipment property, you must spend more time, and the time is not enough to write carefully...

However, as a web document, it must be guaranteed to be updated as stable as possible. Frequent breaks do not mean that readers will abandon it, and editors will not recommend it.

In this case, you can only choose something on the water to make up the number of words.

For example, yesterday, the day before yesterday, everyone should be able to feel that there is a lot of water compared to the beginning of the White City story.

The reason is that after a few days of unstable updates, I really dare not break again.

Therefore, two "two in one" chapters have been extracted in succession, but in reality there is not much substantive content at all (and the two-in-one of the 901 chapter is not only watered but also shrunk... this is frank, can be wide Do not?)


And although this book, the frequency of breaking can be a bit high.

But everyone does not know that my heart is stretched every time.

Every time in the case that it is really a long time to write a chapter that is not needed today, when the "request strip" is passed in the background, the heart will be greatly relieved.

But then, it was the heart that was involuntarily raised and began to worry.

Worried about subscriptions, worry about your attitude, worry about bad comments...

In fact, after every break, I sent it before the next day's updated chapter.

I don’t dare to look at the evaluation area and the writer’s backstage, because I always feel that I will be embarrassed and will be said...

Of course, thank you all, this book has been broken for two days.

There are still so many book friends who are willing to give up, even when there is a break, there is almost no reward, thank you very much!

However, this state of carrying out the pressure of renewal every day is really hard.

Every day, I am forced to ask myself to get 4,000 words a day, or try to divide the 4000 words into two more (fortunately, I learned to make two in one...)!

I really want to say that this is not what I want.

The original intention of my book was originally to write the story in my head.

And it is written wonderfully enough.

Rather than now, in order to subscribe, in order to be full-time, in order to continue to be more, in order to force the completion of the goal of 4000 words per day, and keep wording one word at a time.

This is really, not what I want!


Having said that, I actually want to say that the Ten Commandments want to ask everyone.

The next update of this book becomes more free. Instead of asking for two more every day, it is written in a way that is more substantive and more substantive.

I still have all the free time to write, but the updated chapter time will become casual!

Of course, this is not to say that the amount of updates will be greatly reduced, and it is even more impossible to worry about the “rhyme of the eunuch”.

Again, this book is absolutely impossible for eunuchs (well, as long as the author has no accidents).

The road of the wind is still very long, this book is also very long... and the final story will definitely exceed everyone's expectations.

Well, actually, I think if such a free point is updated.

In the absence of such word pressure, I may be able to write more.

Maybe, it can be more uncertain every day...

Cough, the last thing is to say by the way, the last leave today is issued... After the leave, I will not say it...

More than a little in the morning, good night!

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