Fatal Shot

Chapter 902: Corrosive

["Corrosion (infected parasites · evolution), level 50 · command, hp: 30000/30000..."]

Although there is no sight through the sniper rifle, the intermediate agent glasses also automatically obtain the basic information of this infected body.

This is also a humanoid infection, but the appearance and humans have a lot of gaps.

It has a head that looks extraordinarily larger than the body, but I don't know what liquid is contaminated with some sparse hair on the top of the head.

In the position of the forehead, it is a red eye with the size of a fist, and then the position of the original five senses is a prominent mouth that reaches the side of the ear.

The height is more than two meters, but it is different from the limbs of the tyrant's thick muscles.

Although the corrosive limbs are equally powerful, they are slender and have a sense of speed. In addition, there is a particularly thick and strong part in the back between the legs. Some of the tentacles are directly dragged to the ground. The tail of a crocodile or lizard.

At first glance, there is a feeling of human and "shaped" fit.


Looking at this one-third of the tyrants of the same level of tyrant t-200.

The look of the wind has paid a lot of attention.

Because the blood volume of the infected body is always higher than that of the ordinary same-class creatures, the corrosive person is actually lower in blood volume than the general 50-level leader.

The only explanation is that this thing has special characteristics in other aspects.

For example, attack ability!


In fact, it is true, when the wind fell on the ground.

The eye-catching red eye in the darkness slammed wide, and from the pupil that was surrounded by the blood-stained center, there was a thick red-black bundle of baby fists.

"Be careful!"

On the side of the hotel behind the wind, there was a female voice shouting.


However, the speed of this bundle is really too fast.

It is just the wind that just landed. If it can't make too much reaction, it has already hit the chest part by this red and black bunch.


However, the look of the wind is not too much confusion.

Because, although it was hit, this red bunch did not have much impact on him.

Instead, it becomes a gas-like collapse like a red-black liquid, and this red material after the collapse. It also shows the completely transparent shield around the wind, the layer that appears vaguely!

You can protect your shield!

In fact, after getting the Zerg base.

For the wind and fall, it is not only the advanced “call” units that have achieved more than 50 levels.

Another important upgrade is the combat power of 24k itself.

24k is actually not the ability to protect yourself.

The secluded shield, the secluded maneuver, and the mental attack, these three skills are absolutely self-protected, and the first skill can be added to others.

More critically, almost all of these three skills have no cooling time, but are limited by the energy of the solitude.

In the past, the amount of quiescence in 24k was not much.

There are so many places where you need to use solitude, and when the recovery speed is very slow, there is really not much solace for combat.

Until, the Zerg base was discovered in the desert of death.

I got the large crystals stored in it.

The role of the crystal can not be said.

Take the secluded shield as an example. This skill that has been able to fit on him is now almost infinitely continuous in combat.

The 24k secluded shield is actually more defensive in the face of physical attacks.

However, for energy attacks or special attacks, especially attacks like "spiritual attacks" that can have a negative effect!

However, it has strong restraint ability.

This point is also found in the practice of this wind for more than a month. There are some additional skills like "Storm Armor", but there is no comprehensive effect of the tyrant's armor.

However, although the secluded shield can exist indefinitely, it can still be destroyed.

The wind has been tested and there are two ways to break the Shield.

First, the intensity is too concentrated to attack.

For example, a slamming of a legendary alloy sword with destructive skills, or a skill with a destructive talent, the controller's Frostbolt.

Of course, bullets with the eye of the **** of death that destroys the ecstasy can also achieve this effect.

The second is to take too much damage in a short time.

Because the defensive resilience of the Psionic Shield is related to the strength of 24k and his spiritual links, this is equivalent to the flow of sacred energy through a pipe.

When the energy consumption of the Shield is more large than the flow of the pipeline, it naturally leads to a gap.

However, it looks like it now.

Obviously, the intensity of the jet attack of this infected body called "Corrosive" is not enough to break the Shield.

Although it seems that the attack is gorgeous, the speed is too far off guard, but in fact, the Guardian shield does not move.

It also means that in the next battle, the wind is a trick that does not need to pay attention to it.

To put it bluntly, this should be the case that every encounter with William, the infected unit with remote attack means.

Before, whether it was a tyrant or a forefinger, it was a melee type.

It is only a power type that belongs to the force of the heavy armor, and the other is the speed type of the light armor.

And this corrosive person should be considered a mage type?

Or, it’s not just a mage!


Seeing that his own jet attack did not work, the Corruptor had further action and rushed directly against the wind.

It moves very specially, not straight.

It is a circle around the corridor of the corridor, and the speed is amazing.

In the eyes of ordinary players, it is estimated that a red light above the dark corridor is rotating at a dizzying speed!

Of course, for the wind, this speed is nothing.

He even clearly saw that the mouth of the Corruptor was constantly expanding during the running.

Finally wait until it hits the front of the wind.

The pair of mouths reached the mouth and the mouth was completely open.

Subsequently, a black petal-like structure popped up from it, and the edge of the petal was purple-black with a saliva-like mucus that was more than ten centimeters long and resembled a spider's barb-like fangs.

This petal reaches the front of the wind faster than the infected person, and it is directly under his head.

If you change to an ordinary person, then the next moment, the head is definitely wrapped by the petals, and then the six fangs that are combined are pierced into the muscles and arteries of the neck.

And what is the next step!

Is it possible to use the parcel to twist the neck directly, or to use the hollow structure above the six purple-black teeth to release a corrosive venom corresponding to the name?

These two speculations, the wind is a practice without interest.


An arm wearing an alloy armor, at an explosive speed, looks like a tube-like part behind the organ that holds the petal.

Then, the other arm, ignoring the two forelimbs that the corroded person had reached over his neck, grabbed the chest with a solid glove.

After that, the whole body took a step back.

Sideways, full body strength.

The explosion point, 200% increase, pull out!


This corrosive person, after his arm had just touched the armor of the wind, but was blocked by the secluded shield without any suspense.

The body that has not yet fully landed can not help but climb the fence behind the wind and fall directly to the open space between the two buildings.


The corroded person who was thrown out of the building at once was screaming in the mouth with a panic.

The height of the tenth floor is more than 30 meters above the ground, and the body of the infected body can withstand heavy injuries.

But it does not mean that at such a height, it will not be killed!

However, it seems that it really does not kill.

In the position of falling to almost the fifth floor, its desperately waving tail was hooked up with an advertising sign installed between the two buildings.

Although the impact of the fall is too strong, the billboard will be pulled down and continued to fall.

However, the remaining height, in the face of this buffering force, has adjusted the body infection, but it has been unable to cause substantial harm.


On the ground, the corrosives who fell heavily with the billboards kept bouncing for a moment.

There was an angry light in the separate eye above the forehead, which bounced directly between the gaps between the two sides of the forehead. "Shooting at a dazzling speed toward the position where the wind fell. In just a few seconds, I jumped back from the ground back to the height of the tenth floor.

Just when it borrowed from the wall on the opposite side of the hotel's 9th floor, and finally jumped on the tenth floor of the wind.

The huge red eyeball was seen on the face, but it was a black hole sniper muzzle!




The close-up shot of the Eye of Death, the picture is absolutely considerable.

The main attacking method of the Corruptor, but the eye-catching red one-eye that is ineffective against the wind is completely blown up by a bullet, and the big mucus is accompanied by blood!

Under one shot, the total damage is close to 20,000 points.

Directly let the blood of this single-level infected creature fall to only one-third.


However, the powerful vitality of the infected body allowed this orthodox creature to die without even suffering from this injury.

Even, one of them has climbed to the tail of the wind, and in the process, it has suddenly caught the eye of the **** of death in the wind, and violently tried to forcibly seize it.

This tactic, quite a bit before the 24k control of the Zerg "Flying Dragon" to capture the sniper rifle of the rebel sniper.

However, compared to the rebel sniper player who is itself disturbed.

I want to take weapons from the wind in the state of the storm.

This corrupted person who has been seriously injured obviously wants more.



The wind fell again and shot it directly to the tail of the eye in front of the gunshot of the Eye of Death.

Let it drop again and drop it to less than 25%.

Not to mention that the wind is not alone.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

There was a burst of gunfire in the direction of the tenth floor opposite the hotel.

A series of bullets, as well as a series of translucent energy wind blades fell on the corrosive body of this residual blood, quickly emptying the remaining blood!


The corroder who was shot with a bullet hole, with the front of the building with some tail like a lizard falling from the wind.

Falling down straight, this time, there is nothing to stop it.

Finally, he fell heavily on the ground and sprinkled a lot of red and black blood on the ground.

["Participate in killing corrupters (level 50, command), killing 82.9%, gaining experience: 20725, merit: 1!"

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