Fatal Shot

Chapter 911: Streak


The wind fell and nodded.

In the heart, it is in the dark.

No wonder, this perceptive rebel player will say in the news that the guy in the **** Jack makes him feel "extremely dangerous"!

How do you say this person?

It looks gentle, but it is actually cruel and moody.

However, this is in line with the intelligence collected by the previous special agent department. Without a mental problem, how could it become a s-class wanted criminal with a bounty of 100 million yuan.

"It's 10!"

"The opponent is a sniper, and this is sure."

"Of course, I am sure that the light armor warrior will fight against the sniper on this small battlefield. As long as it is close, it will end directly!"

After the gray rebel army light armor warrior face a burst of red, he still had to pull down the helmet mask to bite his teeth and prepare to play.

Other players on the rebel side, but did not hear the conversation between the two before, but did not see the light armor warrior players look ugly.

One by one is very envious.

The light armor can't say that the sniper is completely restrained, but it is limited to such a street with a length of less than 100 meters. I am afraid that in addition to the scout players who can compete with one or two, the other two gunners have already lost half.

"This guy is really lucky. It can be said that it is definitely a job to be transferred."

"Sure enough, I still have to consider npc to please. Especially this one npc, the attitude is better than the other two, but it is easy to get along."

Some rebel army players are even more secretive.

"The opponent's equipment defense coefficient is about c grade on average, and the breastplate's defense is slightly higher. The muscle structure is slender, it should be the main agility plus points... the equipment is more general."

"Strange, this person, there are some weak!"

On the side of the federal camp, the 150 female scouts who used the talent to get some intelligence from the gray light armor, but the face is quite strange.



Half a minute later, the two second players who were ready to go to the battlefield.

Snipers against the light armor warriors, naturally it is necessary to pull the distance.

Therefore, the No. 09 sniper youth stood directly at the end of the street, and there was no gun, but the sniper rifle was directly in his hand.

On the other hand, the light armored soldier directly stands at the position closest to the center of the street, holding an alloy sword in his right hand and a medium-sized one-handed shield on his chest in his left hand.

The length of the entire street is only a hundred meters, and the station of the light armor warrior makes the distance between the two sides less than 50 meters.

This means that even if you think about the beginning, the light armored fighter who is fully charged will only need less than two seconds.


However, the light armor warrior who clearly occupies a big advantage, but under the mask is the one with a heavy face.

"let's start!"

The voice of the casino manager fainted.

The next moment, the metal shield in the hands of the gray light armored warrior lifted, blocking the throat and head of the chest.

The whole person immediately turned on the "charge" skill and rushed to the position of the No. 09 youth sniper.

The weapon he chose is undoubtedly the most appropriate.

In this case of high-speed assault, the lower body is very difficult to lock, and the upper body also has an alloy shield to protect three key points.

In the case of inability to play fatal damage, there is only a maximum of two seconds of attack time, want to drop a well-equipped light armored fighter?

This is obviously impossible to do.

Although this gray light armor is forced to play, it is obviously not a rookie.

Even under this kind of defense, the route of the shield charge is not a pure straight line, but a certain fold line.

Doing so will undoubtedly reduce the possibility of being intercepted by the sniper.

It can be said that the professional advantage has been brought to the extreme!

"Da da da……"

Light armor's legs wearing alloy boots, even hitting the ground under the charge.

It was intensively sounded like a drum, and rushed toward the No. 09 sniper player at high speed.


The sniper rifle held by the sniper player in the 09th seems to be unable to find the flaws for a while, and has not fired.

"Da da da……"

When the time of the war reached one second and five, the speed of the gray light armored player reached the fastest value.

At this point, he has already crossed the midline of the distance between the two, only 20m away from the 09 sniper player.


The sniper rifle in the hands of the 09 sniper player finally got a move.

The speed of the first shot was amazing, but the bullets that had no sound track in the shooting broke out.

After almost no time delay can be calculated, this bullet rotates the light armor warrior, which is like a drumstick hitting the ground, visually even a shadow of the right leg armor!


The next moment, the drumming sound of the drumstick became a collision between the metal, and then it became a collision with the different hardness of the flesh and blood.


After that, the heavy armored soldier suddenly took a sigh of relief.

The body in the charge suddenly fell to the ground and rolled involuntarily toward the position of the sniper player.

"What the hell?"

“This is, new skills?”

The people watching the game have some embarrassment in a flash.

Because of the bullet of the No. 09 sniper player, there is really some silence.

Until the next moment, a pair of legs with blood and alloy boots, separated from the body of the light armor, fell to the ground.

Let them understand what happened.

"Leg, broken?"

A player broke his leg and how much influence he has on a heads-up pk.

This point, no need to say more!

Lost half of the right leg, but also because of the highest speed "charge" state, and involuntarily rolled a dozen or so laps of gray light armor.

Although after hitting the edge of the street, he tried to struggle to climb up from the ground with an alloy sword.



However, a 12.7mm sniper bullet was already at a close distance, directly hitting the head that he had just lifted up and was hit with a bit of blood.

The powerful destructive power of this special sniper bullet made the defense of the bullet position of his 50-level rare helmet completely destroyed.

The impact force attached by the ultra-close range shooting makes the head that he just lifted, and he can't help but fall to the side.

Slammed into the **** ground!



The third sniper bullet was shot from the gap in the last attempt to block the alloy shield.

Accurately hit the position where the second bullet broke open defense, and completely brought up the remaining blood of this light armor with special talent.

" Lost?"

"So fast!"

"What the **** is going on? How his leg was interrupted!"

On the street, the rebel army light armor has already raised white light.

Many people still feel awkward when watching the war.

Of course, they quickly reacted. It should be that the No. 09 sniper player interrupted the light armor's leg and then won two consecutive critical attacks.

However, this is also somewhat strange.

If it is said that only the equipment is broken or even broken, nothing is wrong.

As long as the power of the bullet is large enough and the destructive power is high enough, even the shield of the heavy armor can be penetrated.

However, the focus is obviously not on the power armor of the leg protector, but the leg of the mech warrior player is interrupted.

The player's body is different from npc.

Although the change to the player's partial damage to the body after the last update of the system is again attacked, the possibility of a broken limb may occur.

But in just over a second, even if the sniper player is even more powerful, it is impossible to shoot two shots in the same position.

What's more, it is still in the case where the other party has rare armor protection.

"So, it can only be said that it is luck!"

"It is estimated that it should be a judgment that triggers the small chance of disability. Otherwise, it is impossible to win a sniper in this case!"

"However, this sniper is really lucky."

This battle, no matter the end time.

Still the result of the battle, speechless is beyond the expectations of the vast majority of people.

The total share is less than five seconds, and the winner is not the light armor warrior that most people are optimistic about, but the theoretically restrained sniper.

Seeing this result, some warrior players on the rebel side really feel a little faceless.

In the second consecutive game, the light armored soldiers came on the court, and all the results were lost. The second game was still dominated by the scene, and the latter was lost.

Therefore, I have to think about the reason for this result.

Otherwise, it is a little embarrassing.

"Luck? You really think it's just luck."

"Don't say anything else, who do you dare to say that you can accurately hit a tactical evasive action in less than two seconds, still in the charge of the light armor's leg, and still swing the largest calf? ”

"This kind of shooting method can be said to be the top."

"And, he said very calmly before. Playing calf, obviously a planned shot!"

"I suspect that this root can interrupt the leg, not luck at all, but in his plan."

However, the gunmen on the side of the rebel army are somewhat unscrupulous, and a sniper is even more sneer and dignified.

"Blind. What bullets can guarantee a shot on the player to damage the armor and add a broken leg, it is not pk invincible!"

"Who said it must be a bullet. Don't forget, and... talent!"

The wind fell and looked at the hand, picked up the shield that the light armor warrior broke out, and the face still had not fluctuated back to the 09th sniper player.

In my heart, I was quite admired by the sniper players who admire the rebels.

Previously on the Devil's Triangle Island, when the wind was slammed by the No. 09 youth in the hostile position, he was interrupted by a shot.

At that time, the system had not even been updated twice, and the player's body was still in a state of very difficult injury.

Plus this time, it is no doubt enough to prove the talent of the No. 09 sniper player, an offensive talent that can cause great trouble to the player in the pk.

Of course, even more terrifying is the talent of the No. 09 sniper player himself in the shooting.

This game, from beginning to end, this light armored soldier with special feeling talent.

In fact, there is no chance of winning, as his talents feel.

In the fight for the "pseudo-original potion", the sniper youth who had temporarily acquired the Force No. 09 was too dangerous for him!

The second game, the end.

The federal camp, currently winning two games!

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