Fatal Shot

Chapter 912: On the 19th, go up!


On the 09th, the young sniper returned, and several appraisers also congratulated him.

"Hey, the attributes of this shield are very good!"

The little fat man glanced at the trophy shield that he had brought back in his hand, and then his eyes lit up.

It is a 50-level rare quality shield, but the defense coefficient has reached the level.

This is the exclusive use of legendary equipment in most cases!

Although the price is definitely not as good as the legendary equipment that was released before the No. 88 heavy armor, it is definitely far more valuable than the rare equipment.

Get some of the big auctions above and be able to qualify for a separate auction.

"Luck, this, it's really luck!"

The female doctor player smiled with some jokes.

"It is not estimated to be luck."

"This shield property can be said to be very good. I think that the light armored soldier is estimated to have no more valuable equipment."

"And the light armor warrior in the first game before the death of the death, is also the most valuable legendary weapon on the body!"

"Do you have no idea?"

The 150th female scout player is looking at this piece of the best attribute shield, thoughtful in the eyes.

"Hey, you are really true when you say this. Is it true that this final heads-up assessment actually has a hidden punishment. If it dies, it will explode the most valuable equipment on the body!"

The little fat man immediately responded to her meaning, and his eyes glanced.

"Oh, this is too serious. If this is the case, then lose the loss of the showdown, but it is not at all two points!"

Then, involuntarily reached out and touched his own wear on the body, there is no wind system in charge of the master's elegant feeling, but instead was a little ugly energy robes by a flesh.

"It’s not too serious to say too much."

"I think, you should have learned that there was a hidden task of the "big escape" in the last agent's assessment. All the dead people's equipment at that time would all be exploding."

"In contrast, this punishment is obviously much easier."

150 female scouts players look very calm, face eager to try.

"Not the same, totally different!"

"At that time, there was no legendary equipment. Even if the whole body was blown up, the loss was not as good as exploding a legendary equipment. My energy gown is..."

The little fat man is a distressed, worried expression.

But after half of it, I woke up and said that I had said that I had missed my mouth and hurriedly shut up.

"Since the second win, then it is up to us to send people first. This time, it is up to you..."

The wind fell deliberately turned his eyes to the little fat man, especially the wind gown that looked at him.

"I want to be an instructor, I am loyal to you!"

The little fat man immediately looked scared.

"It’s up to you, number 19!"

The wind fell slightly, then the eyes were swept away, and the gaze was turned to the No. 19 light armored soldier standing far away.

"I! Why is it me?"

On the 19th, the light armor warrior suddenly became a bit ugly, and his eyes looked back at the wind, and even the voice was a little angry and said loudly.

"No reason!"

"If you don't want to go, then go on, don't go any further."

The wind fell cold and looked at him, Shen Sheng said.

In fact, for these evaluation players, although the wind has indeed had a preference.

After all, the people who are promoted are likely to cooperate in the task in the future. Naturally, they do not want some nasty people to be selected.

However, as a "instructor", the task of thinking about all of this is generally fair.

Even this light armored warrior who had provoked him more than once, he did not succumb to it.

The reason why he chose him is as it was said before.

Under this kind of restriction, all the professional light armor fighters must be the most difficult to target.

By the light armor warrior, you can avoid the disadvantage of the first move to the greatest extent. As for the light armor, why not choose violence?

Nature is the reason for the wind.

However, the idea of ​​the No. 19 Light Armor is obviously different.

"The rebels have lost two consecutive games, almost lost half."

"The next game, almost nine out of ten may send a number of masters, and most likely a Force player!"

19 light armored soldiers in the dark.

After he woke up in the previous battle, he was confident that it was suddenly bursting.

But the head is still very clear to know that he is not saying that it is invincible in the whole game.

In particular, he is just awakening the Force.

In fact, it is true that in addition to the additional attribute bonus of the original force and the ability to use the legendary equipment skills, the difference with the ordinary 50-level players has not yet reached a difference.

However, this round of the rebel camp is likely to send the first high-ranking hand.

This opponent's first master, also has the advantage of the hand in hand.

As a result, the chances of being eliminated are absolutely high.

"This intention is really poisonous, just want to knock me out!"

Thought of this, the teeth of the No. 19 light armored soldiers were almost bitten to be broken.

"You don't see the two light armor fighters defeated in the opposite direction, so you dare not go up?"

Seeing the reaction of the No. 19 light armor, the heart of the little fat man suddenly appeared.

Once again, I worry that this round of places will fall back to myself, and my eyes will turn and deliberately speak out loud!

"Don't dare, why don't you dare?"

"Only those who please np and then say cool words are not daring to go into battle."

On the 19th, the light armored soldier squinted at him and sneered back.

"Help me check the status!"

Later, he bit his teeth and said to the female doctor No. 222 next to the wind.

Although he was not willing to do so, he did not dare to say that he was afraid to lose the qualification to transfer.

After all, once lost, the forces behind him may still not kick him out because he has awakened the Force.

However, the power of the Force, which everyone can awaken, is obviously far more valuable than not hiding a profession.

"More importantly, who said that I will lose?"

"Even if it is targeted, it is really looking at strength!"

No. 19 light armor, hate the earth.

"No blue, add it yourself!"

However, at this time, the female doctor of the 220th was a sentence, but it made his mood worse again.

"Hey, when will the doctor be short of blue?"

On the 19th, the light armored soldier's face was even more ugly, and he was able to take out a few pharmacies himself.

The bonus effect of the blessing booster without the doctor's player will be directly reduced. If it is two players of the same combat power, these gaps are likely to lead to the final failure.

However, as a bettor of the whole game, it is definitely a matter of interest, but there is no such thing as the 222 female doctor player No. 19 light armor.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the rebel side.

The wind is a bit curious, and the gray light armor with the sensory talent is sent to the gambling field. It can be regarded as a **** Jack.

Which player will be assigned to this game to fight?

The results were announced soon!


"Blue and white energy robes, is this a water system controller?"

"Rebel army, what does this mean?"

Several people on the side of the federal camp were somewhat surprised when they saw the player who was already preparing for the opposite.

The water system controller can indeed "limit" the light armor warrior to a certain extent, but it can never be regarded as "restraint."

Because the water system controller can affect the light armor warrior close, but the attack is very inadequate.

For example, basic skills such as "ice blade" and "ice arrow" as the main means of attack can not cause too much damage to warrior players.

After all, the ice blade that is condensed by energy is even stronger, and it is almost impossible to break the alloy.

In contrast, like the fire control of the same door, it is the high temperature that can be created by virtue of the skill, even if it is caused by the alloy armor, it will cause continuous damage, and the damage to the warrior is even greater.

Of course, in fact, no matter which department is the master, if you want to kill a light armor, you must have enough buffer distance to release the skills!

However, the current land for non-melee occupations is undoubtedly the most lacking distance.

Therefore, it is not a very wise choice to take control of the division.

Of course, several agents will not be considered by the players to think that they have lost two rebel forces. This is to prepare to give up the third game.

Therefore, the only explanation is that this water system controller is likely to have the means to restrain the light armor.

Such as talent, or, equipment...

"My talent is mainly about the physical structure, and I can't judge the equipment of the controller very accurately. However, the energy source of the energy converter in his hand is at least a b-level water-based energy crystal nucleus."

"Maybe, it's also a legendary weapon!"

The female scout player of the 150th is evaluated in the mouth.

However, this is only the case, the 19th light armored player who has been cold on the face is walking too fast, so I didn't hear it.

This round, the position after the two sides played.

The same as the previous 9th sniper player against the light armored soldier with a sense of talent.

The difference is that this time far from the edge is the water system controller of the rebel side.

The No. 19 light armored warrior player, but the whole person almost stood in the semi-distance position with the line, but did not take the shield, but only raised a two-handed sword.

"let's start!"

This time, it was announced by the wind.

At the moment when the voice of the wind fell, it was almost the same time, the 19th light armored warrior who had long bent his legs and was in the assault position.

Body, move!

However, it is not exactly the expected "charge" in the end, and then quickly close.

Instead, at the same time that his body began to move, the pair of colors worn on the feet were dark purple with silver, which was more complicated than the ordinary alloy boots.

It is a fierce stepping on the ground under the foot, and the hard stone floor is directly stepped on.

A lot of gravel splashes and smoke is flying!


In the next moment, the No. 19 light armor warrior jumped directly into the air.

For example, if the shells of the same rushing out are rushing out, they will directly fly to the rebel army water controller who is nearly 50 meters away! Rw

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