Fatal Shot

Chapter 922: New use of life protozoa

"This hurts!"

Among the people watching the battle, many people’s pupils are tightening. .

More than 5,000 points of damage, it does not seem to be very high.

However, the black man is obviously only a very random blow.

Just use no skill to use the arm to shoot, just first give a light armor player's alloy sword to almost shake off the hand, and then directly hit the fly.

More importantly, it was still more than 5,000 points in the case of the armor of the chest with the strongest defense power to offset a large part of the damage.

It is equivalent to about half of the blood of an ordinary light armor.

This has completely surpassed the melee attack power that anyone has shown in the previous battle.

“Accurately, it should be more than that...”

The pupil of the wind is also slightly shrunk.

Because, compared with other people, he is more aware of the violent unparalleled details.

The equipment of the violent unparalleled body, although not legendary, is a complete set of 50 rare suits.

In particular, the defense coefficient obtained after the detection of the 150th scout player talent is a full "+", which is actually the defense level of the armor of the heavy armor.

Such a set of rare equipment is the best level, and it is definitely the strongest under the legend.

Even the bonus provided by the integrated attribute is not inferior to two or three pieces of legendary equipment.

However, this level of equipment, in the face of the alloy blade on the arm of the black hand, was completely penetrated under the very common first strike.

Sufficiently stated, the sharpness of the claws of the "Wolverine" in the arms of the black man and the firmness of the material.

“The material should have reached ‘a-’, and maybe even higher!”

The 150th female scout player's eyes are concentrated on the black-bladed man's alloy blade that is constantly dropping blood on the ground.


In the middle of the street, the violent violence that re-grows up the mouth and the bloodshot eyes reveals an expression that cannot be believed.

However, the blood that rushed out of the broken armor of his chest was rapidly reduced by the naked eye.

"+300, +300..."

Above the head, the green recovery value is constantly appearing.

Obviously, the advanced gain agent that was applied before the battle provided a therapeutic effect.

"Come out all your skills. Otherwise, it’s too boring!"

The black man did not take the opportunity to pursue it, as if he did not care about the situation of violent bloodless recovery.

Just a faint voice with the sound that makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, this is undoubtedly a kind of ridicule.

After all, when the two had talked before, he was originally trying to make violence unparalleled.

As a result, the violence is unparalleled and the same words are returned.

Then, it was just that he was shot at once. Now, to say this sentence, it is obviously intentional.


Hearing this, the face under the violent unparalleled helmet showed some angry colors.

Finally, it is no longer reserved, the wounds of the alloy armor and some vents in the body, a burst of "black gas" instantly!

In the case of dim nights, these black gases were not very obvious.

But because the amount of black gas that rushed out is quite a lot, it is so clear to everyone that everyone is surprised.

A lot of black gas, and soon the violent unparalleled body enveloped it, making him look like the black man has some similarities.

Even the body type seems to have increased a lot because of the huge amount of black gas that surrounds it. Compared with the height of the black man, it is no longer as disparate as before.

In addition, a closer look can be found.

There was a part of the black gas that stuck directly to his chest.

The wounds of several deep-visible bones that were hit by the black man immediately stopped bleeding under the action of black gas and healed completely quickly.

"Some meanings!"

The left eye pupil of a device wearing a lens-like device in Spades Jack flashes.

It seems to have seen the mystery hidden in these black gases.

"Sure enough, it is indeed the life of the original insect!"

The wind that has been under the "Super Hawk Eye" naturally sees these things in the same way.

In the sewers, the violence is unparalleled for the first time using the life protozoa, and the wind has already felt.

Then, when I recalled, with super memory, I quickly learned where the familiarity of the black gas emerging from the body came from.

In addition, with the life protozoa that was tempted by the black gas, the question of where the life protozoa in the body came from has always been promised.

This is why he will specifically send a reconnaissance beetle to follow the violence!

This time, after the violence is unparalleled, the "black gas" formed by the life protozoa is released.

The life protozoa in the body of the wind is not motivated again.

Some life protozoa even rushed out of the skin's pores, and some very dark dark red fog formed around him.

Of course, because it is too light, it is not noticed by both players and np who are not focused on the battlefield.

"Sure enough, it is the dark life protozoa that has been mutated, and this kind of fluctuation is actually promoted?"

"This is awkward, it seems that the harvest is not small."

However, at this time, the opposite side of the street is behind a building in the darkness, but a pair of eyes are far away from the wind and there are some active "gasification" life protozoa, with one A voice with a surprise.

Just a few meters away from the eyes, there are two "corrosives" known for their perception.

However, the two unit-level infection units did not seem to find an uninvited guest next to them.

"Da da……"

On the battlefield, the violence in the black air is unparalleled, and it has already rushed over to the position of the black man.

This time, he obviously was completely unreserved. The whole person was like a Tibetan mastiff with the same hair and fought with the black man.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

On the battlefield, the sound of the alloy sword waving and slamming the target continually sounded.

The strength of the black man can be seen from the simple blow before.

However, after the activation of the black gas composed of life protozoa, the violent unparalleled power can actually confront the black people.

Although there are still some downswings in power, the obviously more flexible movements and his shorter heights are combined to keep him in an offensive position during the battle.

And because of his high-speed movement, the surrounding black gas is constantly moving, and a trajectory is drawn from time to time.

"He is this, suddenly awakened?"

Little fat man's face has some flaws.

After all, the violence is unparalleled, and the whole body suddenly has a lot of black gas, and then suddenly the strength of the situation is too much awakened.

Not to mention, these black gas can still be combined with the alloy sword in his battle.

Every sword of the alloy sword is swung, and a black gas remains on the path, giving the air a bit of "sword-in-the-middle" taste.

The attacks and skills of the physical profession in "War of War" are really simple.

Before this, it is estimated that no one has ever seen it. There are players who have this advanced effect when attacking.

"He does have a more detailed use of the life-protozoa. If he can get access to the life-protozoa through his line, then he should be able to improve the strength of melee again..."

The wind fell on the battlefield, and the whole person seemed to be enveloped in the black air, and even had the violent unparalleled ability to awaken the original combat power.

Life protozoa is not just a function of adding attributes.

In fact, because of the distance, some functions of the life star on the capital star have already reached the administrative star on the 17th.

Life protozoa, in fact, is far more than just a passive ability to enhance physical attributes.

However, there is no way before the wind falls.

Because he has no way, and it is not clear how to control the life protozoa in the body.

The only thing that can interact with the life protozoa is through the force skill of "Life Armor", which is a "semi-self-made" skill that was acquired when the awakening of the original force was obtained.

So if you can learn from the violent unparalleled, how to make better use of life protozoa.

This will undoubtedly gain strength again.

However, at present, there is no way.

Not to mention that violence is unparalleled and obviously not with him, it is impossible to tell him directly.

Just saying that this war, violence is unparalleled and there is no possibility of survival.

Because, although the violence is unparalleled, the combat power displayed at this time is not even inferior to the original players.

However, the strength of the black man is even stronger.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

"-562, -591, -623..."

On the battlefield, the violence has been continuously attacked for more than a dozen seconds.

The black man is always in a defensive role.

This is because the speed of violence is really fast, and the height of the black belly is not a disadvantage, but it makes him an advantage.

In contrast, the black man, although the power is amazing, but the speed is very general.

The speed of the two arms with the sharp edge could not keep up with the violent unmatched alloy sword, and could not even keep up with his body movement!

This led to more than twenty swords in the black man's body in these ten seconds.

However, even if he has more than twenty swords, his expression is still unchanged.

Because the violence of unparalleled attacks is actually almost ineffective.

The long-skinned sword of the black gas, which has been filled with life protozoa, is continuously smashed on the black body, but until now, even the black special material has not been destroyed.

Not to mention the **** damage to him, causing the life protozoa to enter the body of the black man from the wound.

And although each time the impact of the alloy sword, it can take away a few hundred points of blood in the black man.

"+1000, +1000, +1000..."

However, each time the almost white damage value just appeared, it was immediately offset by the green recovery value.

The tyrant's infection, the most powerful after the power, is undoubtedly the resilience of terror!

This black man is undoubtedly the two advantages of the tyrant.

Even, there are advantages that tyrants do not have.

That is, know how to use the tactical head!


The violent unparalleled alloy sword tries to get from a lower angle to the back of the black man's knee.

Although the black man is very strong, his body is not as large as the tyrant's damage to the vital parts.

He also found in the attack that if he attacked the position of some internal organs, the black man would be hurt more.

Then, there are no parts of the eyes that are protected by clothes.

Undoubtedly the other party, the only possible flaw!

However, because the black people are too high, even if the violence is unparalleled with the alloy sword, it is difficult to attack the eyes of the black man from a suitable angle.

Therefore, the violence has no choice but to try to change ideas.

Attack the road first!

Because the black man is too tall, even if the knee position is almost the same height as the waist of an ordinary person, the violence is unmatched and does not need to be low.

On the contrary, it is the black man himself. It is super difficult to block the alloy sword.

When a person is in combat, it is really difficult to protect the lower part of the thigh with both hands.


As the violence was unparalleled, the strike was accurately cut behind the black man's knee.

With a "double-hit" hit, the power under the life-like protozoa is also extremely horrible, directly let the black man's right leg bend under the heavy impact and squat to the ground.

The upper body of the black man is naturally inevitably stunted.

"Sunder Armor!"

The violent unparalleled eyes in the black air shimmered in the twilight.

The next shot of the alloy sword that was again swayed in the hand was already on the head of the black man who could not help but lean forward, and the pair of eyes with red light smashed.

The alloy sword is swaying in the air, killing it!

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