Fatal Shot

Chapter 923: Violent and unparalleled

Faced with this tactical blow of violence.

If you change to a tyrant, it is estimated that you will involuntarily try to block with your paws.

However, the height of the shot speed is backward, but it is destined to be unable to stop.

However, the black man is not a simple corporal affair, but a person, a player who also knows tactics.


Face all over the alloy sword that stabbed his own eyes.

The black man did not even evade.

Instead, Huo Ran put together two giant claws with alloy blades and slammed against the violent upper body.

Because his body is already half-baked, the height is no longer a disadvantage, and the attacking routes of the two huge claws completely enclose the violent upper body and even the head.

If you can't stop it, then "injury with injury"!

The black man who made this choice, the red eyes did not change at all.

However, the violence is unparalleled but the face is changed.

After the black man’s eyes are stabbed, it’s hard to say what will happen.

But the violence is unparalleled to know that if you are caught by the paws of the black man.

Then there is no need to say more about the outcome.

Life protozoa and therapeutic agents can indeed restore his blood quickly.

But that means the attack power that was shown before the black man in the absence of death.

If these two giant claws fall on him, the chance of being killed by him is not only a little!


The violent alloy sword in his hands had to change direction, from a straight thorn to a side smash, and slammed against the paw on the left side of the black man.

At the same time, the body quickly retreats, evading the attack range of the claw on the right!


The alloy sword wrapped around the black gas collided with the claws of the left hand of the black man.

This time, unlike the previous one, it just hit the arm or the center of the claw, but the blade slammed straight into the four silver blades!

"Hey, hey..."

The next moment, the sound of a fierce metal cross, accompanied by sparkling sparks!

Reluctantly withdraw from the violence of the black man's attack range, suddenly feel that his hand is loose.

Because the alloy sword he held in his hand has only a little less than half a meter long.

The rest of the part, already in the midst of the impact, turned into a few lengths and flew far away, and brought out a few black air in the air.

"I am going, the sword is broken!"

The people watching the game have some embarrassment in their eyes again.

The violent unparalleled alloy sword was directly broken.

This is the main weapon!

Although the player's weapon is not incapable of being destroyed, in general, this serious damage will only occur when the boss is hit.

But now it is ruined by another player in pk, and it is very ruined.

If you say that the black man showed the powerful power when he hit the first strike.

And it’s okay to be attacked by a top light armor for more than ten seconds, showing a physique far beyond the average player.

This is undoubtedly the destructive ability of his pair of silver blades.

This alloy blade, already integrated into the bones, is undoubtedly legendary.

Moreover, it is the best among the legendary levels!


Looking at the only part of the alloy sword in his hand, the violent unparalleled face became very ugly.

Because of the size of the body, he previously added the alloy sword idea theory to reach the attack distance, in fact, slightly longer than the black man's arm with the alloy blade open.

It is also for this reason that he can take some initiative in the battle with the black people.

However, there is only one left in the alloy sword in hand, and the impact on him is undoubtedly huge.

Even if you take spare weapons from your backpack.

It's too late, because the action of taking the equipment takes a long time, and it can also be interrupted by the player's attack.

Obviously, in the case that a sword has already felt the threat.

This player shrouded in black, it is absolutely impossible to give him time to change his weapon as before!


This is also the case.

The black man who stood up from the ground again chose to switch to attack.

With the superiority of the powerful alloy blade and the attack distance, the violence is unstoppable and retreats.

Without the alloy sword, the violence is unparalleled and even the front is not able to collide with the black man. It can only rely on the flexibility to evade the black man's paws.

However, in this fierce battle, it is undoubtedly huge to constantly evade the physical exertion.

Moreover, even if he has a lot of flexibility and a lot of black people, it is impossible to avoid all attacks.


After ten seconds.

Above the street, a ray of light formed by four silver knives cut through the air.


The violence that has been exhausted by the physical exhaustion of the forehead is unparalleled, and the painful snoring sounds in the mouth.

Therefore, at this time, the upper part of his body was completely penetrated by the four silver blades on the right arm of the black man.

The two-foot-long alloy blade is transparent, and the outer part is gorgeous silver, and the dark red is dripping from the back!


In addition, on the violent unparalleled head.

Similarly, a five-digit fatal damage value that is bright red is raised.

The violent unparalleled possession of the dark life protozoa, the total hp is naturally far more than 12,000.

However, the life protozoa needs to be in the body to be able to have a life bonus.

In order to improve the attack ability, he has turned the life protozoa into black gas and put it out.

So, although it was only positively affected by this blow.

Violent incompetence, even after the drug was not low, also dropped directly by a full 90%.

Hp, all of them are only less than 10%.

It also means that it has entered a serious "weak" state.

What is more serious is that after the black man puts his violent and unparalleled on his face with a paw, he has no intention of pulling out the alloy blade, but directly lifts his arm upwards.


The powerful force directly affects the violentness of a armor that has been dyed by a large amount of blood. The whole person brings his feet off the ground and is held high in the position more than one meter away from the ground.

The weapon in the hand has been violently attacked in the first few seconds with both hands clasping the arm of the black man, trying to struggle.

However, because of serious injuries, the head continued to drop blood, and those who were in a state of severe weakness were unable to break away.

Instead, the head that was directly put by the black man was lifted to the height of his head, and a pair of eyes with a slight red eyes revealed the play and looked at him.


The violent unparalleled face is even more ugly, and the corners of the mouth are also bloody.

However, although it has been completely penetrated the chest, it has been forcibly lifted into the air, but the violence is unparalleled but did not die immediately.

Because the black gas around his body, the source of the reverse direction kept flying back into his body.

"+1000, +1000..."

This made his life value continue to be around 10%.

However, as long as you can't get rid of this state, once the life protozoa consumes light, he will definitely bleed and die!

Even, there is no need to consume light, and the later, the fewer the number of life protozoa.

There is no suspense in supplements that can't keep up with the consumption of bloodshed.

"Mr. Cicero, please save me!"

Seeing, it is on the verge of life and death.

The violent unparalleled finally couldn’t help but shouted loudly.


Hearing this sentence, the wind and the **** Jack both had an action in an instant.

One is to immediately condense and hold the eye of the **** of death in his hand.

The other one is still smiling, but there is a playing card in his hand.

However, in a violent unparalleled sudden sentence, after many people are inexplicable and a few people have vigilance in the eyes.

After a few seconds, there was no situation on the field.

"Mr. Cicero... oh... save..."

The violent unparalleled face changed and shouted louder.

However, because of the serious damage of the internal organs and the large amount of blood that rushed out of the mouth, it turned his words into a snoring.


And when the violence is unrelenting, the eyes are a little flustered and try to scream in the third.

The eyes of the black man have obviously lost interest in continuing to listen.

Raise another empty claw with an alloy blade and slap it over the violent head!



The head was almost violently unmatched in the stomach, and it flashed the white light of death!

In the seventh game, the outcome was announced.

"Cicero... Is this the npc associated with his life protozoa mission?"

The attention of the wind at this time is not at all on the battlefield, but the eyes are searching around, trying to find the person corresponding to the name of the violent unparalleled shout.

With the monitoring of the former scouting beetle, he actually got a lot of information from the violent unparalleled.

I knew that the violence had nothing to do with the fact that he had the life worm, and gave it to an npc.

However, he is not clear about the appearance and personal information of this npc.

However, it is clear that violence is unparalleled. In this case, the object of trying to save lives should be that person.

However, the violence is unparalleled seems to have been pitted.

That person is estimated to be aware of the strength of the black man and the complicated situation in front of the scene.

Decisively making violence unparalleled as an abandonment, there is no meaning to save him.

This undoubtedly shows that this is still hidden in the dark and is probably his "enemy" npc, is a very "rational" guy.

If the wind falls and there is such a "rational" that it is easy to sacrifice, the war was directly sent to the female doctor No. 222.

Next time, the strength shown in this field with violent unparalleled.

It is estimated that it is really taking this whole gamble.

It’s just a pity that in the game, the wind is really not enough “rational”.

Therefore, the next game is undoubtedly the most unsure game!

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