Fatal Shot

Chapter 924: Doctor VS Light Armor

"Seven kills..."

"Right, I think of it. This person should be the first master of the Long Hao mercenary group."

When the wind falls to find the npc hidden in the dark nearby.

Among the rebel camps, one player suddenly screamed.

"Dragon 吟 Mercenary Corps? What Dragon 吟 Mercenary Corps!"

"Who is the Seven Kills!"

Some other rebel fighters, some people said that they are puzzled.

"It is now the Longyan Guild of Silvermoon City!"

"The original Longyan Guild was only a servant group of tens of thousands of people in the Federal Silvermoon City. But now that it has been funded by a large consortium, it has become a super-million guild, so it was renamed the Longyan Guild."

"And the seven kills were originally the first master of the Long Hao mercenary group."

"But because in the process of expansion, the Long Yao Association has absorbed a lot of master players, I heard that his strength has not been ranked in the Long Hao Guild!"

The player's eyes were a little excited, staring at the black man on the field who threw away the violent unparalleled body like garbage.

"Are you a monkey sent to come funny?"

"Because the black man showed the fighting power, it is the opportunity to compete in the top ten of the "War of War". You said that he still can't rank in the Longyan Guild?"

"Although the Dragon's Guild is the first in the camp, but the top players inside will be stronger than him. Isn't this a nonsense?"

However, after hearing his words, many people expressed doubts.

"I mean I used to be the first."

"I have a friend who is the core old player of the Longyan Mercenary. He said that after the seven recruits were overtaken by the newly recruited masters, they disappeared from the vision of the guild players more than a month ago."

"However, according to him, the seven kills may be involved in an experimental task of the umbrella company."

"And this time, those npc researchers are not the people who protect the umbrella company? So, this person is obviously the dragon and the seven kills!"

"And it is the strength of the dragon and the seven kills, he went back this time, I am afraid to immediately get back the title of the first person of the Longyan Guild."

The resilience of the rebel army players is even more intense.

"There is only a dragon mercenary group. Terror is the first person in the entire camp to change hands. Don't forget what power he has, that is truly terrifying."

Other people are stunned, and then the expression is envious or sly.

"Dragon 吟 Mercenary Corps... Seven Kills..."

Looking for a lap, I finally found no hidden winds of the npc. After hearing the conversations with the opposing rebels, I couldn’t help but go back.

As his first real "enemy" in the game, today's Long Hao mercenary group is almost the first guild of the rebel camp.

Therefore, the people who met the Longyan Mercenary Corps in this camp mission were not surprised.

However, it is a bit unexpected to encounter seven kills.

In fact, at the beginning, I heard that Spades Jack was called "Seven Kills" for the black man.

In the wind, his head flashed a look at the "Dragons and Seven Kills."

However, no matter from the body or the sound, this person is far from the seven kills that he once played with him in the agent's mission.

Therefore, the wind only feels that it is estimated to be a player with "seven kills" in the id.

However, the words of these players clearly confirmed that this person is indeed the "seven kills" that have been encountered in the previous two consecutive missions.

In the previous two missions, the strength of the seven kills was significantly worse than him.

But the combat power of this seven-killer is definitely the true top player.

It can be said that it is not much different from the wind and death roar more than a month ago.

Moreover, other people may not know the career of the seven kills, but the wind knows that the seven kills are actually a heavy armored warrior.

As a heavy armor, his defensive power is obviously better than attack power, if he uses not an alloy blade, but a legendary heavy shield.

Most likely, it will be stronger.

This obviously shows that people who have encountered good opportunities in the game will never have only one.

Luck is also part of the strength!

"What is the explosion? It doesn't seem to be a legendary equipment..."

Little fat man obviously does not care who the seven kills are.

His attention is more on the equipment that the violence is unparalleled.

On the battlefield, he was thrown to the ground with a violent unparalleled body on the ground, and a ring with a beautiful black gem on it, exuding the white light of the spoils.

After the seven kills reached out and picked up the ring, it looked at the property for two seconds. It seems that there is something that is not very clear.

But then, this ring was held in the palm of his hand and placed in the pocket of a black coat.

However, when he held the ring in his palm, the edge of the ring instantly popped a very small needle, piercing his palm without pain.

Then, among the gems of the ring, a black gas rushed out and instantly penetrated into the hole.

In this case, neither the people on the field nor the seven kills themselves.

Because the attention of the rest of the people is concentrated in the next battle.

Four to three, after the last game, the federal side got the power to play.

Of course, there is no point in the first or the last.

On this side, only the last female doctor No. 222 is left.

In the rebel camp, it is directly sent a light armor!

"How can I play this game?"

Even the young sniper No. 09 saw this situation, and it was slightly frowning.

If the rebels are a gunman, perhaps with the doctor’s negative potions and pistols using special bullets, there is still a chance to win.

However, a light armor warrior shrouded in an alloy armor with an air filtration system.

Undoubtedly, the suspense of this battle is directly reduced by 90%.

"This one..."

The wind is also a bit dignified.

"Instructor, I can, I should be able to win!"

Female doctor No. 222 took the initiative to open, suppressing the sound, and whispering the words of the wind.


Several players who have already qualified for transfer have looked at her.

"Are you sure?"

Asked the wind.

"Not completely sure! But I think it can be decided that it will not be lost."

Female doctor 222, smiled.

"If you lose in the game, you will lose your qualifications directly."

The little fat man reminded me next to him.


Female doctor player No. 222, a pair of eyes looking at the face covered by the wind.

Her face is still under the effect of camouflage pharmacy, but this pair of eyes is very bright and moving, more eye-catching than the disguised face.

"it is good!"

The wind fell and nodded.

"Do you need that medicine?"

Then, ask the female doctor 222.

"No, I only need a potion that I have developed myself."

Female doctor 222 shook his head.

Then she took out a purple-black spiral tube injection from her own medicine box.

Doctor players and armored divisions belong to the same profession of life and battle.

But it is different from the mech division who is even more powerful than the mainstream combat occupation.

The combat power of the doctor is undoubtedly the bottom of the entire game basic career.

However, doctor players also have an advantage.

It is their professional specialization that can get more extra plus from the medicine.

At the same time, it can also reduce the side effects of simultaneous use of multiple agents and reduce the cooling time of using special agents.

As a result, doctors will take a lot of medicine before the key battle.

However, the female doctor of the 222 is only taking out this purple-black medicine.

And, as she meant, this was her own potion.

In conjunction with her initiative to propose a move.

Undoubtedly, this medicine really should have something special.

This can be seen from the methods it uses.


Female doctor No. 222, directly opened his collar and injected the black injection directly into the neck.

In the eyes of the super eagle, it can be seen that this purple-black medicine quickly moves toward the head position after entering the body.



"No, I actually sent a doctor to the opposite side?"

"Although I know that in theory, the other party can't possibly give up the gamble, especially the last match point. But I saw the doctor on the opposite side. I really can't think of it. A doctor, what can I do to deal with the light armor? ?"

Seeing that the female doctor player No. 222 began to prepare, there are undoubtedly some flaws in the players of the counter-rebel camp.

"Will, she is a player who awakens the original force?"

"It's really possible, I have to be careful on the 17th!"

"Even if you are awakening the original force, can the doctor really win the warrior? If you change another profession, I definitely don't doubt it."

"But this is a doctor after all!"

Among the various speculations and surprises of rebel fighters.

Female doctor 222, but has already held a pistol and walked to the ready position.

The location she chose was the farthest distance from the street.

However, there is a little difference, not in the middle of the street.

It is next to a very dark building on the side of the street, and behind a larger bunker.

This position not only blocked the sight of the rebel army light armored soldiers standing in the middle of the road, but even blocked the sight of the people on the side of the hotel.

After walking to the back of the building, the female doctor's body suddenly trembled quickly and the forehead began to sweat.

It seems that the drugs injected before have the same side effects.


The vision of Spades Jack was also blocked, causing him to not see the situation of the female doctor 222.

However, it is clear that he knows that this crucial battle is the best quick fix.

Therefore, there is no longer preparation time like the last two gunmen.

Instead, after the two sides are in place, they will immediately announce the beginning!


The rebel army light armor, naturally, also understands the truth of night long dreams.

When the voice of Spades Jack was just falling, it was already the driving skill, and the alloy sword was rushed straight to the female doctor 222.

On the other side of the 222 female doctor player.

At this point, the whole person is already shaking violently, it seems to be suffering from the powerful pain of the drug explosion!

Even the eyes had to be closed tightly, and the trembling eyelashes above the eyes were wet by the sweat from the forehead.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

In the light armored warrior, with some vigilance, slammed into the position within ten meters.

When she saw the female doctor 222, she suddenly opened her eyes.


A pair of eyes turned completely black, full of a hollow taste.


The next moment, from the shadow of the building next to her, was a black shadow, and flew toward the light armor who came over.

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