Fatal Shot

Chapter 926: Rescue, aircraft

"The rescue plane is coming!"

On the third floor of the hotel, the platform was under the protection of two players who lost their qualifications and looked at the complicated players.

The second generation of the family name of the federal congressman’s son, Jin Fu, was excited to find his head.

"Young master, this time, you are safe!"

The No. 3 rich second generation under the protection of half of the injured np bodyguards also looked at the sky with a smile.

"finally reached!"

Next to the girl named "Elizabeth" who was brought back by the wind, the middle-aged np bodyguard with only one hand left, the lips with too much blood loss muttered.

"Here, here!"

The middle-aged white np of the middle intelligence brought the last rich second generation to the hotel.

Then rushed to the hotel's roof platform, using its own agent watch to shoot a strong beam of light, forming a striking guide pattern between the air and the ground.

"Look at their reaction, it’s really a little lively!"

When the hotel was doing this on the side of the party, the rebel army and the other party did not stop it.

However, there is no idleness.

Spades Jack stared at the chaotic crowd in the hotel.

The remaining dozens of appraisers are being injected with drugs to prepare their battles.

And those infected bodies that were controlled by the Seven Kills have gathered more and more around the hotel, completely blocking the roads around the hotel.

Among these infections, it is particularly striking that there are more than ten leading tyrants or corrosives.

"Not just three sides, but also the fourth side."

“This hotel is on the edge of the city. If you can control the infected body to the rear of the hotel and completely block their retreat, then the things to do in a while are even simpler.”

The Spades Jack looked at the snowy mountain road behind the hotel that reflected the silver in the moonlight.

"Can't do it!"

"These infected bodies are not really unconscious, but the parasites in their bodies suppress their instinct. The infected body will still be repelled in the extremely harsh environment like Snow Mountain."

"And the distance is too far, I can't guarantee that they are obedient."

"If the tyrant's otter is not killed, I can try it, but the tyrant's otter has been wiped out."

"Speaking, your partner is not very reliable..."

"Although these people in the federal camp were detained, they chose a place that could not be completely surrounded. In addition, it was planned to kill more than one tyrant tyrant after the start!"

Seven kills shook his head, and a hoarse voice came under the mask.

“There are no absolutely reliable partners in this world, only absolute interests.”

"Like now, for a variety of reasons, the number of people infected is likely to exceed the original plan. My partner, perhaps at this time has been thundering in her office!"

"I don't know if the action of the dead woman is going well, if the president who is free from the danger of life can sleep forever."

"Perhaps, it is possible to let our acting presidents accept the facts of the present."

Said in the mouth of the spade.

In the bottom of my eyes, there is a flash of light.

This sounds like it seems to be saying "that one" partner, but obviously it applies equally to the "this one" partner.

Now in this situation, the federal camp undoubtedly regards the seven kills as a group.

But I don't know, in fact, the two are exactly partners, not the same one.

Spades Jack and those other players are rebel, and the seven kills actually represent the umbrella company.

Although the interests of the umbrella company and the rebel camp are very consistent, there is a lot of cooperation.

But, like Tatrina, while segregating the people who held the federation, they chose the place of detention in a place where they could not be completely killed.

Since the umbrella company can cooperate with the rebels because of its interests, it is obvious that it may also cooperate with the federal government because of its interests.

Seeing this game for a few hours, I spread the biochemical virus of a city with a population of one million and controlled the powerful infectious body after these mutations, and became a powerful combat force after the "biochemical army"!

Let Spades Jack realize that although the umbrella company is just a "company", it certainly has the strength to cooperate with the rebels.

Fortunately, this ability to control the body of infection does not seem to really have no weakness.

In particular, the person who controls the infected body is itself a "weak spot"!


The speed of the rescue aircraft is very fast.

In just two minutes or so, it flew over the white city ground. It was a wing-shaped aircraft capable of taking off and landing vertically.

Because this villa hotel is parked, there is a tarmac.

So, soon, the black-winged airfoil fell with the wind of the energy engine!


After landing, the bilge of the rear half of the aircraft opens to form a passage.

From there, ten hands were carrying energy weapons that looked quite high-end and technology, and they were armed with teeth and np wearing a gas mask.

There are even two things like electromagnetic guns that are mounted on the left and right sides of the hatch, each operated by an armed np.

"I am Kim Il-en, you are my dad sent!"

The second generation of the surname Kim, who has been protected by two players and ten np soldiers, occupies the best position on the tarmac.

When I saw the plane open, I couldn’t wait to take a group of people up.

"Elizabeth, William Bush, Ichiro Ichiro, Kim Il-en... People on the list, each person can only take up to four people on board."

"And, besides yourself, anyone with a significant injury must first inject a powerful sedative if they want it."

It is the last person to walk off the aircraft cabin.

He was also fully armed, but he did not wear a gas mask on his face.

A cold, knife-like face, sweeping the human body with an inhuman taste.


"Only five!"

"No, my bodyguards have eight."

As soon as this was said, many of the people who were waiting for the scene changed their faces. The rich second generation did not make a sound from the brow.

"Three minutes, I decide who can leave. When the time is up, take off immediately."

This cold-faced np man did not care about him, and his mouth was cold and authentic.

This person, some accidentally inhuman, the second generation of the surname Jin tried to use his father's identity to suppress people, but only got a cold expression that ignored.

After a minute of wasted time, the tarmac finally got a dispute.

"A fire, let's stay!"

"Why? I don't want to stay. Now, in this case, who will stay and die!"

"I am willing to give you half of my account money, as long as you let me board the plane."

"Who wants money, if it dies, what is the use of money?"

"Mike, how can you do this! You forgot, who saved you from the gun at that time?"

"Bobby, you used to get hurt yourself. You can't hold the gun with your hand. How to protect the young master. Of course, you stay..."

The main quarrel occurred between the second generation of the surname of Jin and the second generation of the rich.

After all, the remaining three rescue targets.

Except for the No. 1 goal of their rescue, they are just one person.

Moreover, there was still some madness stimulated by the No. 19 light armor.

The other one is because of the infection. Although it has been hit with anti-viral serum, it has already fallen into a coma at this time, and naturally there is no way to bring people.

Even, even in a coma.

At this time, an np armed person put a needle on the neck, put a gray medicine into his body, and then directly raised it.


Because the time is only three minutes, the debate about who left and who is left will soon have a result.

The four np bodyguards who were decisively abandoned by the No. 3 rich second generation because of the injury, even though they were angry, but the number of armed personnel on these planes was suppressed and the heavy weapons were aligned. I dare not make it.

"Everyone is blaming this guy!"

However, I don't know what it is.

They all stared at the white np of the intelligence bureau, and their eyes were fierce.

"Linke, do you want to go back? I can bring three people!"

At this time, the rich second-generation girl Elizabeth, who has a mixed-race appearance, took the initiative to go to the wind and several people.

"Thank you, we won't have to, let you bring them back with their help."

The wind fell to the side, and the special forces gave support to the two injured np soldiers who had fallen into a coma.

Before Lyon left, he promised to let the remaining np soldiers follow the plane back.

But now, it seems that it can't be done.

However, being able to bring these two seriously injured back is also a confession to Lyon.

"In addition, there is another place, who are you going back?"

The wind looked at the only remaining np agent soldiers in the team.

"Old wood, go back! You are going to get married now, the gift is ready for me, in the second layer of my box, if I can't come back, you can take it yourself."

"In addition, if the scorpion has a son in the future, let me be a cognac!"

"You should go back, your parents will be your son. The only child should not pick up this task, you know it!"



Compared with the number two bodyguards of the No. 3 rich second generation, there is no quarrel.

The faces of the stunned np agents were silent after a while, smiling a few times with each other.

Finally, the soldier of the youngest family in the youngest family was forced to be pushed into the plane by several others in tears.


However, at this time, suddenly a loud noise came out.

I saw that the apron door was severely opened, and a group of people were rushing out of the passage and rushing toward the plane!

"I beg you to let me go, I am willing to pay. 10 million, I am willing to buy 10 million to buy a place!"

"My uncle is a member of Huasheng City, and my uncle is a member of Huasheng City!"

"Why can they do it, we can't do it? I am also a federal citizen, me too!"

"Let my daughter go up, I won't go up, let's make it..."

These people are male and female, and there are old and young.

The rest have tourists and residents of the White City.

They apparently heard the sound of the plane landing, but because they were isolated in an area, they could not come in at first.

However, now I don't know how to break through the isolation.

And so many people together undoubtedly gave them the courage to face the guns that the armed men immediately turned around.

Still not willing to give up this machine gun that left the White City!

"Let my daughter go up and let my daughter go up..."

A middle-aged man with a little girl of about seven or eight years old rushes in front of the crowd.

He was sweaty. The clean clothes that should have been the upper class elites were crowded and messy, but they were anxious with their faces, shouting and rushing to the side.


A gunshot.

"Whoever takes another step, he is the end."

The face of the np armed man without a mask is still cold.

The position of the middle-aged man who was rushing to the ground after the gunshot and rushing out of the chest, and the body of the middle-aged man who was braving the blood outside formed a sharp contrast.


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