Fatal Shot

Chapter 927: Small high explosive bomb


Sudden gunshots and fallen middle-aged men.

Undoubtedly played a deterrent role for these people.

The reason why they dare to rush, part of it is naturally because there are many people.

The other part is that these people are unlikely to shoot.

After all, many of them are federal citizens.

But the facts clearly tell them.

These people are really cold, even when they are killing, they are expressionless and have no eyes!


The little girl was heavily slammed to the ground, and at first it was obviously scared by the situation at hand.


At this time, I finally burst into tears.

After climbing from the ground, he tried to block the blood from the chest of a middle-aged man with his bruised hand.

But the wounds that were hit by the heavy weapons of these armed men, only by her small hands, how could they stop the blood?

Moreover, it is useless to block the blood. The middle-aged man has already died in the first time of the shot.

"He is just a child, not much space."

The female doctor of No. 222 has now turned into a complex face. Some of the sequelae of using the pharmacy are pale, but the little girl who was crying next to the middle-aged npc corpse on the ground, but directly shouted with some anger.

"If a child is infected, it will become an infectious body that can kill people."

The head of the armed person npc's eyes are very cold, and there is no feeling at all.

"These people are not the bodyguards of the rich second generation father, but the soldiers. I am sure, and the soldiers who have definitely passed some special psychological training!"

"Their hearts are very cold, just obey the command."

At this time, a person’s voice rang next to the wind.

It is a npc soldier with a sergeant rank on the chest, but it is not a soldier left by Lyon.

It was among the soldiers who had been invested in the second generation of the rich family.

In the case where only four people can be selected, the second generation of the gold survivor decisively chose two to be more powerful in the previous battles, and to be able to protect his players close-range for professional reasons.

Then, from the agents npc soldiers, two of the strongest people were selected for boarding.

As for the remaining 8 npc special soldiers, naturally, like the 4 npc bodyguards of the 3rd rich second generation, they became abandoned.

Of course, compared to the No. 3 rich second generation with the Japanese name.

The Korean surname of the Korean surname, at least in terms of money, is directly committed to double the cost of the rest of the people, and each person returns 20 million credits.

"That must be able to go back!"

"In this case, if you miss this plane, how many chances are there to return to the Federation."

"When we are stupid, if you die, will he still fulfill his promise?"

The face of this special npc soldier sergeant is somewhat gloomy and ugly.

"Mr. Link, if we work together, we can force them to give us some extra positions and even grab the plane."

"At the time, you can leave together!"

Subsequently, a pair of eyes observed around the planes opposite the plane, still faceless armed men, while pressing the wind down the voice.

"What about grabbing it? This small wing aircraft can't bring so many people away anyway!"

The expression of the wind can't see any change, just a touch of authenticity.

"And, do you think that with their weapons and equipment, how many people will we die in the process of grabbing the plane? It is better to stay and think of something else."

"Oh... other way... now the surrounding area of ​​the hotel has been blocked by all the monsters."

"Once this plane leaves, without these rich second generations in the hotel, the rebel forces will not be afraid to directly attack. We have no way to go out of the hotel, what other way?"

"You don't want to be... but I hope you don't help them."

This npc sergeant's face is a bit ugly, saying something to the wind.

Then he went to the few npc soldiers next to the wind.

However, the remaining npc agents were cold-faced and ignored him.


His face was even more ugly, and he hurriedly ran over to find the bodyguards.

"Ready to retreat!"

The wind is falling back at this time, facing the five appraisers around, as well as the remaining special npc soldiers.

I won the gambling game and sent a bunch of cumbersome.

This task is not over yet.

Next, live in this epic plot and competitive mission.

The same is true for several appraisers.

Although they have already qualified, if they are killed in the next, they are not sure whether they will be lost.

Therefore, being able to live to the end is naturally the best.


"Retreat to the snowy mountains!"

On the tarmac, there was a sound of gunshots.

The wind has already brought the remaining 12 people to the final position of the hotel.

As I said before, there is a cliff behind this villa hotel.

However, to be more precise, it should be a cliff with a height of several hundred meters.

On the opposite side of the cliff, about 30 meters away, it is a relatively flat snowy mountain with some simple building facilities.

It is a ski resort and one of the tourist projects belonging to the White City.

At the time when the gunshots on the tarmac became scarce, the wind had fallen over the cliff through a cableway built inside the hotel.

He didn't care about the battle on the apron.

In fact, when I noticed that the armed person npc is similar to "Ada" or "Spall Jack", it is different from the normal npc.

The wind fell, knowing that he refused to participate.

It is impossible to get the plane with just a dozen npcs.

Maybe their former teammates who have already boarded the plane can also point their guns at them.

There is no eternal companion, and this is also the case.

Of course, the windfall chose to suddenly retreat at this time.

In fact, it is both a strategy and a gambling nature.

He bet that Spades Jack could not risk the killing of these rich second generations because of the above orders. When they discovered that they had retreated by some means, they directly attacked the infected body.

Because the wind has been determined in the previous observations, that is, those infected bodies are not completely controlled.

In addition to being stimulated by a flash bomb before, there will be a stir.

Once they enter the battle and eat fresh flesh and blood, they will appear to be largely disobedient.

This undoubtedly makes the rebel army hesitate for the first time.

Whether to directly order the infected body to chase the hotel.


Of course, the first time is not up.

The second time after the plane left, the pursuit of the infected body will definitely arrive.

In the wind, they all reached the side of the cliff, ran less than 50 meters away, and there was a sound of take-off in the position of the apron behind him.

In that area, at this time, under the reconnaissance device of the female player 150, there are only a few white points representing the class.

After twenty seconds.

In the entire hotel, a large number of infected bodies are emerging.


Then, under the moon in the sky, through the unmistakable snow, they naturally saw several foods that were running across the cliff.

Although there is a lot of fresh blood in the apron in the hotel.

But in black, the "heads" who instinctively felt feared occupied them, so that they could only target those who escaped.


These infected bodies, which are simultaneously parasitic, are significantly stronger than the simple infected zombies.

At least, they didn't make things that jumped directly on the cliff.

Instead, it is very clever to jump off the ground from all parts of the hotel, and then quickly ran towards the only aerial ropeway that connects to this side.

Then, with the companion, rushed up and ran towards the opposite side!

However, after they rushed up, they found out.

This channel seems to be not very stable at the foot. If it is running, it may fall, just like the first guy who rushed up.

As a result, they have to slow down.

The consequence of this is that there are a large number of infected aisles in a short period of time.

Fortunately, although it is a cableway, the stability is slightly worse.

However, because the cableway was built in the mountains, it often needs to face the snow and weather.

Therefore, the strength is also sufficient.

In a short period of time, at least more than one hundred infected bodies were gathered, and even two corrosives and one tyrant.

There was also no breakage.


And at this time.

Already in the snow, out of the wind two hundred meters away, but suddenly turned his head, and then pressed a virtual button on the agent glasses.


next moment.

From the middle-level agent glasses, a person's eyes can't see the ground light.

Then, it fell exactly opposite the ropeway, a location in the hotel.

"Hey, hey..."


After a delay of about two seconds.

Among the hotels across the cliff, a loud explosion suddenly sounded.

A small group of mushroom clouds rushed into the sky, and in the process of rapidly spreading around with high temperatures, it also caused a fire that was enough to illuminate the small city.

A lot of infected bodies were directly rolled up by the shock wave of the explosion, and they rushed out of the cliff and fell.

There are even more infected bodies, struggling in the fire that formed later, and finally the body burned and fell to the cliff.

Of course, the worst thing should be squeezed on the ropeway, those hundreds of infected bodies that fell into the cliffs due to the broken ropes!

[You killed the t-v virus infection body (53 level, elite, parasitic, evolution), killing 98% of the contribution, gaining experience value...]

[You killed the Corruptor, killing the contribution...Get...]

Under the bombing, the harvest is quite rich.

This is the task of the special agent of the wind.

Choose one of two things from the agent equipment library, a small special high-explosive bomb.

Although it is only small, the power of the explosion is enough to razor half of the villa hotel.

Of course, the price of the exchange is also very expensive.

The 2000 points will be the key, the key is to need a b-level agent.

This is almost equivalent to the value of most of the legendary equipment.

Using such a bomb to delay the pursuit of these infected bodies is undoubtedly a waste.

However, if you kill a few players who want to pursue the rebel army, plus more than one leader-level infection unit, naturally it is not very lost!

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