Fatal Shot

Chapter 928: Weapon: Magnetic Explosion Plasma Gun


However, despite this small high-explosive bomb.

The hotel and the ropeway on this side were directly blown up, and the hotel was almost half collapsed.

However, it does not mean that you will completely get rid of the crisis at once.

The wind falls to maximize the effect of this bombing, which is only detonated when the density of the infected body on the ropeway is the largest.

This has also led to several faster infections that have already crossed the ropeway and ran towards them.

Two of them are infective bodies that maintain the appearance of human beings. However, the two of the two singers who have run the fastest have already emerged from the red light, and it is undoubtedly necessary to solve them.




A 14.5mm flame-retarded armor-piercing projectile with a hot breath has accurately hit the center of one of the giant eyes of one of the high-speed moving corrosives.

With the red injury that triggered the talent, he directly hit a hole in his head.

At one shot, more than 50% of the blood of this command-level unit was destroyed.

The interrupting effect of fatal damage makes it more interrupted by its premeditated attack.

The flammable liquid splashed after the explosion burns even on its skin!



At the same time, the same very accurate 12.7mm caliber is with a cold armor piercing projectile, also hit another corrosion person.

Although he was not hit in the eyes, he was kneeling on his knees.

The impact of the bullet plus the rapidly expanding ice layer makes the corrosive in the charge directly glimpse.

The red misty rays that have already been shot in the eye are also directly off target, and a long red mark is drawn in the snow.

"Boom, bang!"

"-1323, -1334!"

"嗒,嗒,嗒...""522, -540, -545..."

After that, it is a variety of bullets and skills to saturate the coverage attack!

In this kind of snow without any cover, this attack is strong but the blood is too little corrosive.

Even two are definitely not as threatening as a tyrant of the same rank.


In the case of two corrosives, both fell to the ground and died.

Below the ropeway on the cliff side, there is already a anger that belongs to the tyrant.

"Hey, hey!"

Two tentacles held the pillar at the exit of the ropeway, and then a violent infectious tyrant t-200 climbed up from the bottom of the cliff.

"There is no death, this life is so strong."

"I didn't die when I fell off the cliffs of the hundred meters. I still climbed up from the cliff so quickly?"

The face of the little fat man is a glimpse.

"It should have caught the rope of the ropeway during the explosion, so it did not fall."


The 150th female scout player's face changed, and the pistol in his hand was put down, and the legendary shotgun on the back was removed.

Obviously, everything just happened in the explosion process just now.

But I have to say that there are still some small reactions to these infected bodies.

Even in the first time of the explosion, some infected bodies reacted and seized the rope of the ropeway.

As a result, they did not fall off the cliff. Instead, they climbed up from the cliffs one by one. In a blink of an eye, the number of infected bodies on the cliff reached two or thirty!


The 150th female scout player has already raised his hand and shot it.

Above the snow, Mars flew in a large swath and rushed toward the infected body that climbed the cliff.

"-99, -104, -56..."

However, for the player.

The shotgun, which has a very good effect, has to say that some of the shotguns have not played well in the face of the infected body.

Because most of their positions are not important, even if they are hit by bullets, they have little effect on them.

"Spiral wind blade!"

A bunch of light cyan wind blades in the hands of the little fat man were launched, and the effect was not very good.

I have to say that this team is actually good in other aspects.

There are some lack of range output.

Just a little fat man, a master in charge, facing a group of more than 20 infected bodies with mixed tyrants, is undoubtedly a serious shortage of scope damage.




The voice of the eye of death sounded again.

After a dark bullet penetrated the tyrant's chest, the head of an elite infected body was blasted again.

However, even if the bullet shot by this legendary sniper rifle has penetrating damage.

However, the infected body runs consciously and automatically spreads out.

It is very difficult for a wind to hit a single shot.

This pile of infected bodies, at the very front of this time, has already rushed to a position about 50 meters away from them.


At this time, the wind fell, but the eyes of the **** of death were placed next to each other, then reached out and quickly took it to the back.

A gun was removed from the weapon slot of Stormwind.

Not a "warhammer 30k" pistol, but a somewhat similar submachine gun, but it looks a lot bigger than the caliber gun caliber, there is a sci-fi feeling of the whole body silver gun.

[Magnetic Explosive Plasma Gun (Testing Weapon)]

Grade: Unknown

Additional properties:? ?

Level required: 65


The wind fell in front of this mission, and the right to use two items was obtained from the agent equipment library.

In addition to the previous high-explosive bomb, the other one is the gun he took out at this time.

And its attack effect, as its name suggests.


From this silver sci-fi firearm, the fist-sized muzzle of a child, a white pelvis-sized white plasma ball was punched out.

After the ball rushed out of the muzzle, the speed was not very fast.

When they rushed toward the infected body in the air, they still seemed to have no lethality.

This led to the tyrant who was originally on the attack route, and even avoided this "broadball" directly by dodging.

The white electric ball finally falls behind it, and those are more infected.


A white plasma ball that has become about the size of an adult fist hits the face of an infected body.

Slightly delayed after about a fraction of a second!

A sharp glare that flares toward the surroundings and is slightly blue in white. In a blink of an eye, the infected body within a range of five meters in diameter is completely covered.

"-7023, -1044, -9550..."

A large number of damage values ​​rise in the ball of light, which is even mixed with tens of thousands of damage.

The total damage caused by this gun explosion has absolutely broken 100,000 points!

Even if it is a large-scale skill of a 50-level master who is equipped with a normal level, the damage caused by a complete hit is estimated to be this level.

This special gun with the label of "test article" is undoubtedly enough.

It is a pity that the agent's equipment library only has a total of twenty bullets.

And for every 5 bullets consumed, you need to pay a c-level privilege and 250 agent points when you go back.

This is also the reason why the wind has fallen, why haven’t used this gun for a long time.

Things are good, they are too expensive!

However, speaking of it, the high-explosive bomb, there is this kind of plasma gun.

In addition to some special mission scenarios, players are actually unable to use them at all.

However, the wind fell but asked the eyes, he can exchange the gun after this mission is completed.

This seems to be a hint of system adjustment.

The weapons in the game may be more diverse.



In the snow, the dazzling glare of the plasma group has passed.

However, most of the infected bodies in the area that was hit by the light group trembled on the ground. Even if the tyrant had flashed the light ball before, there were some numbness in the body.

"Electric shock" status!

The wind that once used the eyes of the Thunder as a weapon is certainly not surprising for the situation of these infected bodies.

This gun with the name of the test article has more than just the ability to hurt.

Although these infected bodies are caused by high blood volume and body structure, the "electromagnetic blasting gun" cannot do so for a shot second.

However, the current at the time of the explosion of the electro-optical group is capable of controlling the electric shock.

And, not only that.

In addition to paralysis, these infections seem to have some other changes at this time, which is much more violent than before being attacked by a plasma bomb.

In this case, similar to the previous 150 female scout players, they reacted after throwing a flash bomb in the assessment.

Even more obvious.

Undoubtedly, hate glare, which may be another characteristic of the infected body in addition to fear of fire.

It is estimated that this is why although the wind blows up the ropeway, it does not completely block the pursuit.

Because both tyrants and corrosives have the ability to jump over this distance of more than 20 meters.

However, because the fire of the hotel is still too big, they will not continue to pursue it for a while.




["You kill the tyrant t-200 (level 57, command, evolution), kill contribution: 36%, get..."

"Next, we will act separately!"

After the last shot killed the tyrant who rushed to the top ten meters before the blood fell to the ground, the wind turned to face several players and npc.

"Separate action? Why, instructor. If we are together, it will definitely be safer."

Little fat man has some accidents and puzzles.

"It won't be safe. If you follow me, it will only be more dangerous!"

The eyes of the wind have become slightly hollow.

In the air above the head, a scouting beetle is trying to maintain its height.

Spades Jack can discover the ability to scout the beetle so that he can no longer secretly obtain the command information of the other party.

Only able to use the reconnaissance beetle to observe the situation far away!

However, in this mission, he has developed another function to detect the beetle.

"You, follow it!"

"At that time, it will tell you where to meet with me."

“If you don’t have to, don’t use the communicator, even if it’s the internal channel of the Agent’s communication watch!”

The wind fell back to the eyes, then pointed to the scout beetle flying from the air.

Then, hang the magnetic blasting gun in the hand in the storm armor weapon trough, and re-raise the eye of the **** of death, then turn around and move over in a higher direction.



After about a minute, the wind and the wind have already reached the back of a playground with the eyes of death, and the back of the rock with a very good view.

Then, he stopped and opened the backpack and took two new magazines out of his hand.

Then, quickly put the eye of the **** of death!


A strong wind blew through, and the snow on the stone directly covered the wind and covered with a layer, so that the temperature of the storm armor fell instantly.

This kind of environment is extremely bad, and the big snowy mountains.

In the former hotel, even ordinary people who escaped, can not live here.

This is also the reason why those people can only look forward to the life-saving of the plane.

But the players are different, because there are usually a lot of people in the backpack, which is enough to survive for a long time.

The equipment on the body has temperature regulation, and even the wild tent can guarantee survival.

Moreover, because of the map, it is theoretically possible to cross the snowy mountain and return to the Federation with both feet.

Of course, if this is the case.

Then the estimate is to find death!

Because, in the game, except for the city, there is almost no monster!

Queryed before the wind fell.

The monster levels in the outer area of ​​the White City are almost all above 50, and even some monsters above level 60 appear.

Among them, there are many boss-level creatures.

In the absence of sufficient numbers and ammunition supplies, it is more difficult to cross the snowy mountains than to enter the depths of the dead desert.

Of course, for the wind, it may not be impossible.

The 24k of a large number of secluded crystals, the beetle army this month has reached an absolute number of surprises.

Not to mention, there are also real Zerg units that hatch from the Zerg base.

Even if you encounter a high-level boss, you will have enough confidence to retreat when you don't touch it.

However, now the wind has not wanted to retreat.

Instead, it quickly moved to the top of the rock behind this snowy mountain.

The eye of the **** of death firmly locks the ski resort below and the hotel that is still burning!

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