Fatal Shot

Chapter 938: Rich harvest

It is indeed amazing, because from the description.

This chip can undoubtedly be counted as a combination of "second career" and "a series of skill chips."

The reason why it is the second occupation is that after using this chip training, it is still possible to obtain some "specialization" of the corresponding characters.

What is the difference in occupation in "War of War"?

The most essential is that the professional specialization is different, resulting in different effects on the use of different equipment.

In addition, the skills of a limited occupation cannot be learned by other professions.

But if you say a gunman player, get a high-end npc "character skill chip" of a warrior class.

After use, it is not directly equivalent to the second occupation of a "warrior", because specializations and skills are included.

This still refers to the ordinary situation.

If the person who broke the chip is a "hidden occupation", the meaning is undoubtedly even bigger.

Not to mention, it also has the chance to awaken the "second talent"!

"Even with this kind of chip, the gameplay of "War of War" is afraid that there will be no small changes due to this chip."

In the head of the wind, I couldn’t help but think of it.

For the second occupation, and even the emergence of the third profession, the wind has long been psychologically prepared.

After all, when he got a second career, he had already figured out from the words of the eyes that the game would definitely be fully open.

Even, it is also prepared for others to get the "second talent" style.

After all, the game "War of War" does not give any player privileges.

However, the thinking of this "personal skill chip" brought the wind down is still far beyond the original "second professional chip".

Because, from the nature of this chip in-depth analysis.

Obviously, with a kind of deliberately guiding players to learn the taste of the advanced npc battle way?

The advanced npc in the game is very bullish, and there is no doubt about this.

Not only the npc of life, the npc of the combat class is also very powerful.

From the previous eyes, the nightingale, to the "doctor" behind, the white woman and the current Spades Jack... These battle-like npcs, on strength and fighting consciousness, can almost cause pressure and threat to him. !

You know, he can't modestly say that his strength is already at the top of the game player.

Even if the original force has not been awakened before, the strength is at a disadvantage, at least in the battle consciousness and skill, it also crushes nearly 100% of the players in the game.

But every advanced combat class npc has the ability to threaten him, which is also the fighting consciousness and skill of crushing ordinary players.

Perhaps this can be explained by the fact that the npc settings in the game are acquired through self-training and life-and-death battles.

Compared to the players relying on skills and equipment, there is no death threat, and it is a matter of course that there is not much thinking about how to fight.

The "personal skill chip" is undoubtedly able to greatly enhance the player's combat ability. In particular, this acquisition is not directly obtained, but needs to be "learned" and "trained".

Let players learn "advanced npc", the meaning of this, it seems not just a game props so simple...

"Well... I don't seem to have any way to interfere, no matter what the game company or the Starry Civilized Government, or the game system wants to do."

"And it stands to reason, as a player, shouldn't I focus on the value of this chip?"

The wind fell into the eyes and revealed an inexplicable reflection. After a long while, he shook his head faintly.

The value of this chip.

Needless to say, if you go to the auction house.

The price is definitely a high price!

And yes, super high price!

Although it is not necessarily able to exceed the single-item record created by the boss chip, it is certainly more appropriate than the quasi-boss chip.

After all, the strength of Spades Jack is there, and the mid-level agent glasses on the wind have the function of automatically recording video. Put this video on the forum, and then match a large number of attributes in this chip. Specializations and skill lists, especially the phrase "a certain chance to get a second talent."

There is no doubt that those who are willing to spend billions of stars for a lucky jewelry will inevitably have their eyes straight.

After all, what is equipped is only a foreign object, and it will always depreciate in the replacement.

Want to be strong in the game, it is still its own strength.

And a "character skill chip" even after being used by an ordinary player, has the potential to become a "high-level combat npc" and has the chance to awaken the second talent!

At the moment, is there anything that can be improved more than the local players who have these rich but not necessarily combat skills?

Even an epic-level piece of equipment, at this point, I am afraid I can't match this little legendary chip.

One hundred million stars, one billion credits? Ten billion credit points?

These are all possible!

However, it is of course impossible for the wind to take this chip of the Spades Jack to exchange money.

If you don't get this epic poker card, the wind may have this consideration.

After all, in order to develop the Zerg base and the city that never sleeps, his current "Billion" family has shrunk into a (100 million) digit.

Moreover, the most attractive "second talent" of this chip is obviously useless to him.

However, in the case of epic poker, the skill chip of Spades Jack can't be taken out again.

Because although he had the eye of death before the remote, when there was a melee, there were storm armor and killing the wolf.

However, at the middle distance, the power of the current electromagnetic blasting gun is not very strong, but the speed of launching is too slow. When facing the master, it is definitely not enough.

The power is not inferior to the electric blasting gun, but also has the speed that is not inferior to the bullet, and it is quite a sleek playing card, which is undoubtedly a better choice.

Originally, he had already considered going back to the exchange to search for the relevant skill chips for playing cards. This is obviously not necessary.

["You used the skill chip of 'Blackjack Jack', you can master the content of the chip through training..."


“This is very likely to be the first ‘character skill chip’ in the game. It’s going to auction, and it’s even possible to reach the price of 10 billion credits.”

"It’s used in yourself, I have to say, there is still a feeling of waste!"

The wind fell and looked at the successful use of the system prompts in the field of vision, or inevitably there was some "heartache" laugh.

Anything is the highest value of the first one. Since he has been able to explode this kind of character chip, it is likely that others will also be able to explode the chip.

This opportunity to make big money is estimated to be reserved for other good luck players.

However, the wind speculation that this "personal skill chip" is not estimated to be so easy to explode.

One should only be able to explode with a high-level npc. After all, the basic npc theory has a lot of fighting skills and players.

And the level does not break through 50, and it is impossible to master advanced skills, so even if it can burst, the value will not be too big.

As for the advanced npc.

Although there are many high-level npcs that have been encountered by the wind, many of them are neutral or acquaintances.

If you dare to kill this npc without a task, then wait for the federal government's wanted.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a hostile high-level npc to be able to meet the conditions.

Before the wind fell, except for the Spades Jack, only the white woman, the "doctor" of Stormwind City, and the pirate leader who met on the Devil's Triangle Island were such high-level npcs.

However, the doctor was caught alive. Although the pirate leader was killed by the phoenix, it did not explode this "personal skill chip."

Even if it is a high-level npc, it will not be able to explode after killing. It is likely that there are other hidden restrictions!

"Speaking of it, the white woman should be in the White City at this time, and she still has the wanted department of the special department, worth a level of authority. Perhaps, can you touch the luck?"

The heart of the wind is pondering.

However, there was no immediate contact with the scouting beetle, because at this time, the collection beetles of the scorpion equipment had already returned with the spoils.

The former rebel army's master and sniper players, after being killed by him, each broke the best piece of equipment.

In addition, the water system controller also blasted out the alloy boots that won the No. 19 light armor in the previous gambling.

This is again, three legendary equipment.

"This battle is very rewarding!"

Summarize the harvest of this war.

The wind can't admit that murder is more likely to be richer than killing monsters.

An epic outfit, five legendary gear, and a legendary character chip...

Also, don't forget that Spades Jack is also a federal s-level wanted criminal.

He killed the Spades Jack in the heads-up, and it also means that the federal government's reward can be obtained by one person without any distinction, but there are another 100 million credit points.

In addition, there is a huge amount of experience and 1000 points of merit!

1000 points of merit this is also a huge reward, directly enough to exchange a corporal rank.

The replacement for the agent points is more than 5,000 points, which is enough for the two special equipments that he exchanged in advance and the special-level consumables that need to be returned.

Of course, this means not counting permissions.

In addition, there are electromagnetic blasting guns that are thrown into the ground by the wind.

At this time, it was also brought back by a collecting beetle swallowed into the stomach.

The eye of the **** of death was damaged because the distance of the red peach a burst was too long. This technology gun can continue to be used.

"Hey, hey!"

When the wind fell on his hand and picked up the electromagnetic blasting gun, he hid it in his helmet. At this time, 24k, which showed a pair of eyes, suddenly screamed.

Turning his head and looking around it is about thirty meters away, because of the cold mountain wind and the night environment, it is difficult to see the shadow position behind a large rock.

"The daring people... really a lot!"


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