Fatal Shot

Chapter 939: Sent to the door

In the game, there are a lot of players who are courageous.

However, the situation behind the person behind the rock is indeed more bold than the average player.

"Damn, he is not a npc, but a player!"

Was interrupted by half a leg, leaning against the body with two arms, and finally climbed up the rebel army scouts.

At this point, the eyes that looked at the wind and fall position were full of shock, and the mouth could not help but suppress the voice.

"Oops... was discovered!"

And when you notice the action that the wind is falling over.

The eyes of the rebel scouts were shocked and hurriedly slid their bodies back and completely hidden in the rocks.

"Why, since it is here, can't you come out?"

"The leaves of the 'God of God' among the top ten players in the federal camp. I did not expect that on the side of the federal camp, a player was sent as a special agent instructor!"

Hearing from the front of the rock, the obvious appearance was already close to the sound with a little playfulness.

Hiddenly hiding the body in the darkness behind the huge rock. Because of the broken leg, the rebel scout player who can only squat on the ground, biting his teeth with some hate, seems to have shouted some screams. .

If the leg is not interrupted by the wind, and the competitor has only ten left, he is confident that he is very likely to win the final reward of the mission.

However, in this case, the leg was interrupted, which is equivalent to being kicked out in advance.

And this interrupted his own legs, originally thought to be npc, actually turned out to be a player, but also served as an "assessment instructor" who had commanding power in this camp's competitive mission and was able to kick people out.

This is simply making him feel uncomfortable with vomiting blood.


The wind that slowly walked to the front of the rock stood in the same place, and the eyes were slightly hollowed out and then recovered.

For the exposure of his identity, the wind did not feel any accident.

Once the rebel army player, it should be in the process of touching it, it has already noticed that on the battlefield, there was a situation in which a pile of spoils broke out after the death of Spades Jack.

If there is no player to participate, there will be no white light on the spoils that have been killed after the target is killed.

This is undoubtedly a means of distinguishing identity.

It is also why, before the wind fell to kill the sniper and the rebel army's water system controller, the opposite side was identified as one of the reasons why the No. 9 youth was ambushing them.

In addition, this scout may also determine his identity based on the collection of beetles.

Although the wind is low-key, even in this more than a month, because of the focus on stimulating the "intermediate strengthening agent" to improve the basic attributes, there is no outstanding record.

Leading to the current ranking of the dog's battle list, even moved a few back.

In this case, if the rebel player is a different profession, he should not necessarily know him.

However, as a gunman, even a gunman in a hostile camp, the probability of knowing him is not low.

After all, his information has actually been exposed in the forum.

Especially in the whole game of 24k, the unique "Summon Stream" pet is even more eye-catching.

The reconnaissance beetle used before was also because it was very hidden and was analyzed too much on the forum.

Therefore, the 150th female scouting player did not directly recognize the identity of his "top ten master" player even though he saw the scouting beetle before.

Of course, perhaps the 150th female scout player has already guessed it, but only deliberately did not reveal it.

This woman with a general look of cheetah is far smarter than the average player.


"The leaves of the wind, I admit that you are a master. However, do you think that I am rushing to the order of the npc, not to chase the players you are, but to come to you? Will there be no cards?"

Behind the rock, a little figure did not dare to show up, apparently worried about being rehabilitated by the rebel reconnaissance players.

The tone of speech is that there is some hatefulness.

"is it?"

The wind faintly answered a sentence.

I have to say that this time the player really is no one who is weak.

This rebel reconnaissance player who has clearly broken his leg can actually find it in 24k when he has a reconnaissance beetle, which is undoubtedly enough to prove his strength.

Of course, to a certain extent, it should also be attracted to the epic equipment that was thrown out by the Spades Jack before the wind fell.

Also, the last "Black Heart a" outbreak of Spades Jack was too large, even because the air waves hit the sky, and the original observation of the rebel army's reconnaissance beetles was related to the sky. .

In fact, speaking, the wind is still a bit fortunate that this guy was interrupted because he was interrupted by him.

Because, before the final "bottom card" confrontation with Spades Jack, his blood was once as low as 2%, and he was seriously injured and fell to the ground for more than ten seconds.

In that case, as a player with reconnaissance ability, if the rebel army scouts have already touched the neighborhood, it will definitely not let such a good opportunity!

Of course, even in that case, it is not that easy for the scout to actually want to be cheap.

Because he was seriously injured, but 24k is fine.

This scout really thinks that if it is cheap, it will only be the end of the mission points and merit points.

Of course, now it seems to be the same as "send points."

Although, he does have a "dip card"!

When the two of them talked across the rock, behind the wind, the distance was about fifty meters.

On the edge of the cliff where he once threw the ring, this time, with a medium-sized alloy shield, the burly black shadow climbed up quietly.

After climbing the ground, the shadow quickly opened the "charge" and sprinted quickly toward his position with the shield.

The alloy boots on the feet, the sound on the snow is very small, and with the dark environment, it is absolutely hidden.

"So, I will say... the daring people, really many!"

The wind fell on the face, but suddenly laughed.

While laughing, the electromagnetic blasting gun in his hand was directly released by him.

However, the electromagnetic explosion gun that had been removed from the hand did not fall on the ground, but was suspended in the air with a yellow light.

The Spades Jack is dead, and the 24k ability is no longer necessary. The ability to manipulate this kind of weapon that can be quickly replaced is naturally to be demonstrated.


The two wing-shaped blades behind the storm armor bounced, and shrouded the same faint yellow light in the air, and then flew to the front of the wind.


In the end, it is automatically combined and turned into a tempered alloy knife that is more than one meter long!


Subsequently, the sneak attacker was somewhat stunned.

Turning the wind of the two blades of the "killing the wolf" that was held by the two, the sword fell on the knife and steadily held the impact of the medium-sized alloy shield!

Of course, the sneak attacker’s horror is obviously not because the wind has actually blocked his sneak attack.

It should also be due to the fact that at the beginning of his assault, he still held the gun in his hand, but in the process of changing the magic into a long knife in two seconds.

There are really some "loading"!

"Very good, this time, it is not necessary to find someone!"

The tone of the wind is faint.

However, in my heart, because of today's harvest, I am very good, and it is inevitable that the eyes of this rebel army player are more comfortable.

In order to let 24k thoroughly master this "contractive and practical" cooperation, the energy and nucleus spent and promised... In short, there is some pain.

Now, someone has sent money to the door!

The reason is to say so.

It is because of the sneak attacker, the heavy armor warrior who has the defensive force of "hardened body"!

The wind did not know how the scout player persuaded the heavy armored warrior to turn his head to deal with him.

Perhaps, because this heavy armored fighter won in the previous gambling, there is no need to chase down the appraisers of several federal camps. In the previous battle, he noticed that the sniper player died after falling. The legendary alloy boots on the ground.

So, made this choice?

Or another reason.

However, at least one thing is for sure.

From the previous situation of the water system controller, after the death of this heavy armored warrior, it is absolutely possible to explode two legendary equipment.

Two legendary equipment, this is certainly much more valuable than killing a scout who does not necessarily have legendary equipment.

"Get rid of him, he has at least three legendary equipment..."

However, it seems that "the enemy sees the same thing."

Already from the back of the rock, the head of the rebel army scouts shouted, and the submachine gun in his hand was raised and was about to shoot at the position where the wind fell!


However, his words have not been finished, but his face is stunned by the alarm sounding on his reconnaissance instrument.

Because, in his field of vision, suddenly there are five full body types about one meter and five.

The whole body structure is full of killing atmosphere, the system named "bugs" Zerg elite creature!


At the same time, the top of the head is covered with snow on the rocks.

It also reveals two volumes about one meter in length, with some combinations of bats and baboons.

He was rushing toward him, and his mouth sprinkled a large group of scorching flames of "Flying Dragon"!


After the broken leg, it can only be moved by both hands, and the sneak attack is still successful. The rebel army scout who is absolutely problematic has changed his face.

He is able to shield the detection of reconnaissance beetles.

I would never have thought that the scouting beetle could also block his detection.

Even with a bunch of Zerg units, they can avoid the detection of his reconnaissance.

This can only be done with a single surveillance scout.

The leading level of reconnaissance beetles, do not say one for the current wind and fall, ten can easily summon.


Covered with a layer of black ruined smashing the alloy blade of the wolf, the alloy shield of the rebel heavy armored warrior collided again.

This time, this defense coefficient reached the "c+" 55-level rare rare alloy shield, but it was a straight black metal blade, which was like a tofu.


The sharp blade was even as strong as a broken bamboo, continuing to break the edge of the helmet behind the shield and smashing a wound on his face.


However, immediately, the alloy blade was suddenly shocked.

Halfway through the blade, suddenly like a hard metal in the shackles, a spark sparked out.


The look of the heavy armor who was almost cut off half of the face had some anger.

The fluctuations of the original force appeared on the body, and the medium-sized alloy shield that had been cut off in the hand was lifted up, and the wind fell in front of the body.

"Sure enough..."

It's just a quick step back, just like a normal player jumping more than a meter away.

Easily avoid the wind of the heavy armor warrior's "shield hit", the face under the legendary helmet, once again showed a smile.

Undoubtedly, it is the same as the previous 150 female scout player.

In the battle with Qin Fei, the original force of this heavy armor has been mostly consumed.

Otherwise, how can you not open the defense force in the battle without knowing that he is absolutely difficult to deal with?

In the case of this shield, did not use his legendary alloy arm guards above, adding a significant increase in strength skills?

A heavy armor who has no force, wants to defeat a defense and blood in the melee.

Attack power, attack speed, moving speed, and even explosive ability are several times stronger than him.

Obviously, it is impossible!

Even after discovering that the original idea was innocent, it was impossible to escape.


Ten seconds later, the dark black knives of the night, across the white snow, like a black thunder.

After the metal strikes the four splashes of sparks.

It was an alloy helmet that was cut from the back and cut off the neck position, and then fell to the ground and spilled red blood on the ground.

Well, the wind is falling, but remember that the chest armor and arm guards of this rebel army heavy armor are legendary equipment.

Therefore, naturally, we should try our best to avoid damage. We can only choose to have some **** "decapitations".


Yang Tian fell to the ground, the body of the rebel army heavy armor warrior flashing dead white light, the white light of the spoils appeared on the breastplate.

In addition, there is a heavy machine gun from the backpack that gives the eight tubes that burst!


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