Fatal Shot

Chapter 940: Lyon's Force

"Two legendary pieces that originally belonged to one's own side have become my spoils..."

"Is this right? Some are not very good?"

The wind looked at the two spoils that were smashed by the heavy armored warriors.

In particular, the legendary eight-barrel heavy machine gun originally belonged to Qin Fei.

Coupled with the legendary boots of the No. 19 light armor who broke out before the water system controller, the legendary equipment that was won by the rebels in the previous gambling, all came to their own hands.

This is really... pretty good!

"This legendary breastplate, the property is really good... well, it is very heavy!"

The wind fell and reached out to pick up the breastplate that the heavy armor broke. This breastplate was very heavy, and the weight was estimated to be close to a hundred pounds. The thickness was almost three times that of the storm.

It's no wonder that I was able to be safe in the shooting of Qin Fei's machine gun before.

Moreover, the original force skills similar to the "spiral drill bit" shown in the previous battles are obviously very powerful.

As the equipment of the heavy armor next to the shield, if you take it to the universe, you can definitely be the focus of the auction.

"It is overweight!"

The wind fell behind the two "weight" class legendary equipment, but there was a little problem.

In this mission, although the windfall backpack has been replaced with a medium-sized agent backpack, the machine gun and the armor of the heavy armor are very heavy weight equipment.

Although there is still a lot of space in the volume of the intermediate backpack, the weight has exceeded the standard, and the excess weight will directly reflect the wind and fall.

Fortunately, this problem is not serious. In the past more than a month, the effect of the “intermediate strengthening agent” has been stimulated by the explosion point, and the agile attribute added by the wind is actually only ranked second.

The first one, in fact, "power", this should be related to his agile attribute itself is not very easy to increase, and the power attribute is not very high, but it is easy to improve.

Therefore, this extra weight of more than ten pounds has almost no effect.

Collecting these two pieces of equipment, the wind is falling towards the back of the rock.

The battle behind the rock has also ended. The rebel reconnaissance player who has broken his leg, even if his strength is strong, is unlikely to win under the siege of seven elite units above level 50.

In particular, the Zerg is still dedicated to killing and fighting, and these true Zerg units are social groups.

However, the combat power is not inferior to that of the independent type of monsters. Such seven elite monsters can even defeat the same level of independent commanders in a good situation!

Rebel scout players who do not awaken the Force, naturally do not have the strength of the commanding level.

Therefore, behind him, the whole body has been shredded.

Even when the wind fell, only the blood of the land was left.

Next to the blood, there was a rare-level reconnaissance instrument that looked good.

Although it is only 50 grades of rare equipment, it has a very high bonus in anti-reconnaissance, and its attributes are relatively good, at least worth 20,000 or 300,000 credits.

The scout that does not count this weight is also received in the backpack.

Next, the wind fell on the lee of this rock.

A pair of eyes, become a hole in the ground.


Above the snowy mountains, the two battles added up from start to finish, but it only took about five minutes.

At the same time, the battles in three places in different locations in the White City are still continuing.


Area d, hidden in the laboratory warehouse!

The various instruments in the entire laboratory have been destroyed.

There were several traces of the warfare suits worn by Lyons. The abdomen position had a wound that directly extended to the thighs. The blood that oozing out stained the trousers of his combat suits.

However, he was also injured in his leg, but he stood in the doorway of the warehouse with no expression.

The gunpoint of a black pistol with a sci-fi taste on his hand was aimed at being ruined, and there was a corner in the warehouse where there was a lot of blood on the ground.


There was no one in the place, but there was a sharp gasp from the air after the injury.

At the same time, from the position of about one meter high in the air, a large string of blood drips to the ground, and a large group has flowed on the ground.

"Call... hateful, if it is not your original force to restrain me, but also hurt with injuries..."

"You have been ... long since died many times... wow..."

The high-end npc hoarse voice belonging to the stealth force is full of anger.

However, it has become more and more debilitating in speech, and it is followed by a large pool of blood and even some condensed blocks.


Holding the mouth of the warehouse, Lyon was expressionless, and the black sci-fi pistol in his hand rang softly. The upper structure begins to glow.

"no, do not want……"

The hoarse voice in the air suddenly became fear and panic.


Ignore it, the blue sci-fi pistol shot a blue ball of light, slammed into the **** open space, and then turned into a swaying blue ball of light, covering four meters. Within the scope.



With a scream, the blue ball disappeared after a second.

The original empty area reveals a dead body and blood that has been blackened on the ground.

In addition, in contrast to the background formed by the black blood on the ground, it also reveals a knife-shaped weapon that looks like a strip in the hand and looks about 50 cm in length.

"+1000, +1000, +1000..."

The expressionless Lyon, took a potion from the tactical vest and injected it on his arm. The bleeding wound on his body stopped the blood and healed at a very fast speed.


In the sky, a reconnaissance beetle flew back from the path of the researchers of several previous umbrella companies.

Silently suspended in the air, the subtle red light in the eyes flashes.

Lyon nodded and walked over to remove the sharp weapon that was in his hand and still not showing.

Then, following the scouting beetle quickly ran out of the warehouse.


Area b, the villa is near the street.

At this time, the original number of buildings on both sides of the street and the surrounding buildings, the number of infectious bodies, can not be seen.

Instead, on this very wide street, the body of the infected body was laid out in a mess.

Originally, the number was large, except for the bombs that were killed, and the pursuit of the wind that had at least three hundred or more infected bodies. At this time, it has become less than one hundred.

These infected bodies are looking for some disappointment, struggling in the eyes, but the body seems to be involuntarily toward the center of the street, a group of black fog covering the area above 10 meters in diameter.

However, whether it is level 50 or level 60 elite infection, or the commander-level tyrant t-200.

When I rushed into the center of the street and couldn't see the inside completely, it was only in a blink of an eye, and there was a roar of noise.

Then, on the ground where the black gas moving slowly toward the side of the street passes.

There are a few bodies that don't look like fatal wounds, but they seem to have too much blood loss, and the skin has some pale and sunken infected bodies.

However, if it is not because of the night, during the day, you should still be able to find the problem.

Although there are no fatal wounds on these bodies, there are some minor wounds in some inconspicuous locations.

The location of these wounds on the corpse is emerging as a black gas, which is like a life that is integrated into the black gas in the center of the street, making it thick enough to become bigger. some.

The black air that covers the center of the street is like an abyss that devours life. In this way, in just five minutes, it has swallowed up the "life" of more than 200 infected bodies and expanded to this super High range.

Among them, there are even seven or eight commander-level tyrants t-200 and corroders.


On the street, only the last remaining corroder, with some frightened one-eyed eyes on his head, fired a remote red columnar attack with toxins against the black gas.

It’s just that this kind of attack that can make the wind fall.

Just after rushing into the black gas range of one or two meters, it was swallowed up by the heavy black gas that surged like a life.

At most, let the black gas seem to bring some dark red, which is even more demon.


Seeing the black gas, still moving towards it, this level 55 level leader corrosion, actually turned his head and fled directly to the rear.

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