Fatal Shot

Chapter 955: Epic equipment is really powerful

Stormwind City, the identification center.

The wind fell and a few faces were excited, and the player who clearly identified the good things walked by.

Go to the door of the No. 99 appraisal room on the 108th floor.


The wind fell on the retro-bronze doorbell device that was decorated above the golden door.

"Please come in!"

A gorgeous silver chandelier decorated with amethyst, a hand-made rug on the floor, and a retro room with thousands of paper books lined up in a delicately patterned rosewood bookcase... This appraisal room is as original as he With a pet chip to identify the general retro peace.

"Come on, sit down."

With white hair, the same gentleman who was gentle when he met last time, wearing a high-grade identification glasses with a purple light, smiled at the wind.

"Master Roland, trouble you!"

After the wind fell, the "mystery poker box" was placed in front of the white npc old man.

This appraiser is helping the wind to identify the appraisers of the pet chip.

To be precise, it should be the master of identification.

The appraiser identifies the object, except for the identification in the database of the Appraisers Guild.

An experienced appraiser, especially this appraisal master, can even unearth some hidden clues or tasks on the equipment.

Of course, like these appraisers, the appraisal fee is not cheap, and you need to make an appointment in advance.

After the wind got the "mystery poker" epic equipment that needs to be identified, the first time I thought of it was the appraisal master who had dealt with it.

“Perfect, perfect, without any cellar, a perfect piece!”

I identified the light in the glasses and scanned it for five minutes. I carefully looked at the carved pattern, like a metal poker box.

Master Roland looked up and said with a sigh in his mouth.

“Do you know what can be called an ‘epic’?”

However, he did not immediately tell the wind identification results, but suddenly asked the wind to fall.

"Enough to fill events or people in the annals of civilization, such as a hero who influences the development of civilization, or a vast war..."

The wind fell in thought, referring to the definition of "legend" in the game.

"Yes, epic is the poetry of a civilized history."

“The narrowly epic-level items are made up of masters who have left their names in the history of the Star River Empire, and they are made with the skills of their best.”

“Of course, there is another generalized ‘epic’. It means using what was made in the era of the Star Empire, selected as some of the most advanced technologies of the ‘epic level’, and will also be called ‘epic’.”

Master Roland said in the mouth.

"This set of mystery poker is both."

"It was created by a genius-class young master, the 'Ten Commander', more than a hundred years ago in the Star River Empire era."

“At first glance, it’s no different from ordinary poker, but in fact, this piece of poker is ingenious and carries the wisdom of a master.”

"For some reason, it will flow to our planet..."

"Your luck is very good!"

Master Roland pushed the mysterious card that had been identified in his hand back to the wind.

[mystery poker (card box)]

Grade: epic

Material factor: a

Force +1000

Additional attribute


3. Each successful completion of a new type of "group card", the playing limit of the playing card is increased by 5%!

4,? ?

Additional skills


3, [energy]

Add an additional attribute to the playing card (collecting playing cards, you can increase the number of optional attributes and the number of additional attributes). At the same time, a certain chance triggers extra powerful additional mysterious attributes!

Basic energy (for each collection of a color card, unlock a new base)

already owned:

[Speed ​​(Spades j)] greatly increases the flying speed of playing cards and provides extra damage based on flying speed!

[Weight (Meihua q)] makes the quality of playing cards greatly improved, and provides extra impulse based on quality!

Not owned:

[Tracking (Spades q)], [Invisible (Spades k)]...... [Explosion (Red Heart j)], [Glory (Red Heart q)]...

Mysterious energy (the energy attribute is random, every time a card or trump card is collected, the mysterious bonus triggers the chance and effect will be improved)

4, [? ? 】

After the identification of "mystery poker", the appearance has not changed before.

However, the third additional attribute and the third additional skill that were originally in the question mark state have already been revealed.

And have to say that these two attributes directly make the wind and eyes bright.

The third additional attribute, after each "group", increases the card's charge limit by 5%.

This is undoubtedly a bit like the "growth attribute" in some games.

This is still a piece of epic equipment that can grow?

Compared with the additional attributes of growth, the newly identified "energy" skills are undoubtedly more "natural skills."

It is possible to attach additional attributes to the playing cards.

Tracking, invisibility, explosion, glare...

These attributes, each carefully looking at the past, make the wind feel the face moving.

Imagine a card that would be invisible, track the turn of life, or a card that suddenly bursts like a flash of light after being thrown out?

Very powerful, it is really powerful.

Before the wind fell, I felt that the epic-level equipment, compared to the legendary equipment, seems to be just a little more additional attributes and skills.

I feel that there is not much change in essence.

Undoubtedly, this skill is really a demonstration of the power of epic equipment, it is simply "murderous"!

In particular, in addition to the "basic energy", there is the so-called "mysterious energy"?

Although, from the attributes, you can't see what this so-called mysterious energy is.

But at least from the list of attributes, it feels more powerful than the basic energy.

"However, this 'energy'... How do you feel a bit like an enchantment in a magical game?"

The wind is falling in joy, and the expression is mixed with a bit of weirdness.

This thing, thinking carefully, is really a bit like "enchantment", and the mysterious energy has some attributes like enchanting.

This is generally the need to fight for the character, and the wind and the feeling of their own character, it seems to have been more general.

"This is not an enchantment."

"In fact, every piece of this mysterious poker has been constructed with all the energy patterns in a very well designed way."

“Just, you need to activate one of them, or a few energy running modes, through “energy.””

Master Roland’s words answered the doubts of the wind.

"This means that every card actually has all of these attributes hiddenly?"

The wind caught the key points in the words of Roland Master.

“Why then, do you need to unlock these additional attributes through ‘collection’ and ‘group’?”

"It is said that this is the test of the Shiyan masters who got this set of poker. Only when they really meet his requirements can they get the highest authority of this set of poker."

"So, in theory, you want to really unlock all the hidden modes in this set of cards, you definitely need all the cards."

"However, it is not easy to collect the whole set of poker. As far as I know, because this card has not been traced for many years, a large part of the playing cards cannot be replenished because they have lost energy. Now they have been treated as The artwork is for collection."

Master Roland said with a frown.

"Well, this is really a work of art. This set of playing cards, the pattern above is actually a kind of energy model constructed, but completely natural, can not be seen by the naked eye."

"In addition, it is said that this set of mysterious poker, there are some hidden features."

"However, the information I have found so far is not well documented. Therefore, in order to really understand all its functions, you must collect the entire set of playing cards."

Master Roland went on the wind.

The wind fell to understand the meaning of Master Roland.

In short, it is actually that the designer named "Shiyan" has some bad taste.

After making this epic poker, I added a set of "Da Vinci Code" stuff.

Only by "group card" and "collection" unlock all the passwords and achieve all the achievements, can play the true power of this set of cards.

There are some things like the ones that he collects the Eye of Death, or the parts that other players collect.

All properties are required only after they are complete.

However, the difficulty of this set of "mystery poker" is undoubtedly a hundred times greater than when the eyes of the **** of death were collected.

After all, the Eye of Death has only five parts.

In the current game, there are only 12 sets of parts that have been heard by the wind.

And this set of playing cards, not counting the cards, is just the playing cards, which is 54 pieces.

"No, it should be 55."

"According to the data, this set of mysterious playing cards, in addition to the regular main and sub-cards. There is also a card without any pattern, it is said that the most mysterious one of the whole deck."

Master Roland shook his head.

Yes, add a "whiteboard"!

This means that even if he already has 15 cards and the most important cards in his hands.

You also need to collect 40 cards to really unlock this epic weapon.

However, it is easy to collect the remaining parts.

According to Master Roland, many playing cards are now being collected as "artworks" by some npcs.

These collectors are at least a little bit identifiable.

The wind is always impossible. After killing these npcs, forcibly seize them?

Although his agent badge is equivalent to the "killer license", but it is aimed at the player, if you kill npc in a non-task state, even civilians will be wanted.

The wind is now seriously skeptical, the reason why "Dark Star Jack" has been committed everywhere has become the federal government's s-class wanted criminal.

Probably related to collecting this epic poker.

However, even though he has only collected 15 of them for so many years...

"It is estimated that I can only buy it!"

The wind is in the heart.

For npc, these cards are not "charged" because they don't have a card.

This is undoubtedly a good thing.

After all, as long as it is an "art collection," there must be a price. As long as he is willing to spend money, naturally there is no chance to get it.

The real most troublesome, obviously should be derived from the player.

Since he can get this "mystery poker", other players naturally have a chance to get it, and an epic-level equipment component, several players will be willing to shoot.

Or, even if it is promised to sell to him, what kind of amazing high price would it be?

Among the players, there is no shortage of greedy people who “sit on the ground”.

The only thing that made the wind slightly feel better was that when Spades Jack broke out the spoils, only the cards were purple, and the cards themselves were white trophies and the names were white.

The wind believes that this should allow some players to use it as a special equipment with additional skills without any identification.

Then, perhaps through the exchange, the forum will anonymously hang higher purchase information, so that some players will actively trade to him after they get it.

Or, you can help buy from other players through the agency of the company.

However, it may be easier to find players with playing cards.

However, in the end, which npcs have a collection of "playing cards", this is undoubtedly a problem that needs to be solved!

"I can help you inquire about who has a collection of mystery poker."

"At the same time, if an adventurer gets mystery poker to identify the appraisal of the guild, you can also help inform the news."

"However, as an exchange, after collecting and completing this set of mystery poker, you have to lend it to me for a while, and I will copy it as my own collection."

Master Roland suddenly said.

The expression on the face seems to have some cherished taste.


The wind fell a bit strange to the expression of Roland Master.

However, this is naturally not necessary, and of course, for the request of Master Roland, he has no reason to refuse.

This is undoubtedly a good news.

This Roland master can be seen from the layout of this appraisal room, definitely a "collection" person in the npc.

With the help of an insider, collecting a whole set of mystery poker is not necessarily impossible.

"Right, Master Roland, there is one more thing that I want you to help me identify."

The wind will be placed on the table at the foot of the safe to open, and the "t-x liquid smart core" inside the silver ball will be displayed to Master Roland.

"This thing..."

Master Roland picked up and opened the identification glasses for a while as before.

Then, he shook his head.

"I am good at bio-chips and I am not good at things like mechanical smart chips."

"From the information of the identification glasses feedback, the extent of this core damage is not very large, there should be a possibility of repair."

"I suggest you take it to an expert in smart mechanics and should be able to get a more detailed answer."

Master Roland said to the wind.

Expert in intelligent machinery?

Of course there is.

Not to mention that "Lin" itself is a master of three materials, it is said that after producing the t-800 test article a few days ago, the digital cat has also successfully advanced to become a master.

However, this core can be fixed?

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