Fatal Shot

Chapter 956: Night city in the night

Stormwind south, dead desert.

In the sky, a small wing-shaped fighter flies through the night sky at supersonic speeds and draws a straight line.

The wind sitting in the cabin fell from the window in the cabin, looking down because the sky had already entered the night and the red light undulating the vast desert, some scattered around, with a light-lit military base.

And, the distance is not far away, that place has a large scale, the light emitted, has been faintly able to illuminate the desert city of the sky.

The city that never sleeps has begun to take shape, just like a pearl in the desert.


At the time of the wind and the sky, there is a sand dune at some distance from the side of the flight path below the horizon.

Suddenly a large group of fires bursting into the sky, like a flame dust storm, hit the diameter range of hundreds of meters around!

Vaguely, there are even more roars.

There seems to be a powerful boss-level creature that is releasing a range of tactics.

The death desert in the evening, especially in this deep area, is undoubtedly a highly dangerous map in countless games. Even if you fly in the sky, you can't be absolutely safe.

Fortunately, the federal military is because of the relationship between the space warships.

Every once in a while, all the boss-level creatures in the vicinity of the city that never sleeps are regularly cleaned up, and this specially-built channel is specially maintained by the army.

Thus, the wind can have the opportunity to return to the city by virtue of the military city's fighters as the president of the city council.

"The city that never sleeps, this time, it is a real city that never sleeps!"

The speed of the winged aircraft is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it has already flown over the city that never sleeps.

From this perspective, the area overlooking the building is very vast, although most of it is still empty, but the building area has been brightly lit, and this time it is still a crowded city.

That kind of feeling that creates a foundation in the game gives the wind a slight excitement and satisfaction.

Although, more often it is to do the shopkeeper.

But this is indeed, his guild!



The wing-shaped fighter jets sprayed blue arsenal and landed in a central area above the dungeon, belonging to the military-only airport.

"Sir, it's here!"

A federal npc officer sitting next to a sergeant rank, stood up with a smile, please go down first.

The completion of the special agent task rank was promoted to lieutenant, even in the army where the federal rank is very difficult to raise, the wind is also considered a middle-level officer.

Although it is only an honorary rank, the npc of the low rank will be respected, which is obviously the reason why many players are willing to brush the rank.

"Wow, this tenth day of the month is on duty, this is a military task, it is better to brush the merits!"

In the wind fell with the npc sergeant from the wing aircraft.

At the edge of the airport, several soldiers wearing federal uniforms but who are players themselves are chatting together.

At this time, one of the scouts, in the middle of the speech, swept away and opened the door of the rear door.

After seeing a silver box in his hand and coming out of the wind, his face suddenly slammed.

"Oh, that person. It seems to be the president!"

"President, shepherd president, where is it?"

Several players who chatted with him heard some curiosity and turned their heads to look at him.

"Not a pastor, it is a god!"

Scout players have already shown their excitement.

"Wind president?"

"Is it really him?"

"I am a fan of him, but after joining the guild, he has not been in the guild for so many days. Now, finally, I can see the living."

"Come, let's go!"

After listening to this, several players who never sleep in the city are all shining in the eyes.

As the behind-the-scenes boss and president of the city that never sleeps, it is the "first master", and the wind is undoubtedly the first in the city.

Even the phoenix with strength and beauty coexists, although the surface popularity is higher in many male cities, but the real popularity is definitely not as good.

However, because it was not long after the establishment of the city.

The wind fell into the state of “closed cultivation” and then went to the White City to do the task.

The result is that in the month when the night city has developed the fastest, many newcomers who have joined the team have never even seen him.

Among the players who are not in the night city, many people themselves are admiring his name.

At this time, I finally saw a real person. Naturally, I felt that my heart was not too excited.

"Wait, don't go ahead!"

"I went, the npc around him, it seems to be the black-faced **** of the law enforcement department... Don't be hit by this guy, otherwise you will definitely remember it in the name of confession!"

However, just a few steps in the excitement of several players, but after watching the npc sergeant along with the wind down, he temporarily stopped the action.

"Sir, where do you go, need me to arrange a car to send you?"

The wind fell, the npc officer of the sergeant's rank smiled and finished the "black face god" in the mouth of several no-night city players.

"No, the place I am going to is not in the military base."

The wind fell and smiled and shook his head, and rejected his kindness.

"Well, I will go first!"

The law enforcement office, known as the "black-faced god", nodded to the sergeant, and did not say anything. He took a few steps and took a waiting energy military vehicle next to the airport to leave.


After he left, the few night city players in military uniforms suddenly fell to the side of the wind.

The Scout player who first recognized the wind and fell, was even more eager to scream at the wind with excitement.

"Well? Battle song, are you on duty today, or do you do military ranks?"

The wind fell in fact just now, they have already noticed them, and the news has stopped, and the face smiled and nodded to several people.

"Ah... president, you know my name!"

The id is a "war song" scout player who hears his words, his face suddenly swells red, his expression is excited and excited.

"Of course I know that your approval for membership is still signed by me!"

Thanks to the ever-increasing activity of the brain, the memory of the wind is almost unforgettable.

Although, this player does not have any special places, equipment and looks are more common.

However, the memory of who is called the wind is good, even an ordinary member can remember.

"President, I am a black question mark..."

"President, I am calling to fight back..."


Several other players have introduced themselves.

In these days, the city has developed very rapidly, and the number of players has exceeded 50,000.

The people who have never seen the wind are definitely far more than the people he has seen.

Those who have never seen him are naturally more.

In addition, because the wind has always been set to be unable to be captured by the video, these players have not seen the wind before the video, this time finally saw, naturally surrounded by excitement.

Fortunately, this is in the military airport. If it is in the night of the city, it is estimated that there will be more people around.

After ten minutes, the wind fell away from the airport with a safe in the eyes of a group of no-night city newcomers.

"I didn't expect that the president would be more approachable than I imagined!"

"Yeah, there is absolutely no imaginary shelf. Moreover, the president will actually come down from the military's internal flight, and he also brushed the ranks?"

"How long have you been on the forum? The information on the forum is not long ago. It is said that the president is like a sergeant rank!"

In the wind and the shadow disappeared, several players still have a look and excited to talk.

"No, the president is not a sergeant rank! You haven't heard it. Is the black-faced **** calling the president a sir?"

"Black-faced **** itself is the rank of sergeant. He calls the president the chief, so the rank of the president should be at least less?"

"It may not be a small number of players. The player only gets the honorary rank. Even if the rank is higher, the black-faced god, such as the npc, which does not have a false color character, will not be so respectful."

"Will the president's rank be a lieutenant? Or, he got a real position through his mission!"

There is a player's inference ability, which is definitely not inferior to the previous sniper player of the rebel army, and almost guessed the real situation.

However, he would not have thought that the real occupation of the wind was the special service department, not the federal army system they imagined.

"Oh, no, the lieutenant rank is possible. Even if the lieutenant rank is always doing the task of brushing the merits every day, it is impossible to reach it at this time?"

A light armored player's face does not believe in authenticity.

"Other people may not be possible, but our president can not be sure. He is the first sniper of the "War of War", the only player among the top ten players!"

The scout player is very dissatisfied with the attitude of the light armor who is questioning the wind.

"Hey, Lao Lin, we all know that you are a big fan of the president. I don't doubt the meaning of the president, I just feel surprised."

"However, I didn't expect that the president would still remember your name. This time, your kid is expected to have another twenty months."

The light armored player’s face smiled embarrassedly.

"Everyone is working hard. The president's rank is already so high. Maybe I can take us to do the military ranks in the future."

The scout player finally laughed and looked excited at several players.

Players who can do missions in the military bases of the military naturally have military ranks.

The acquisition of the rank is a method of relying on meritorious exchange.

However, there is another way to join the army, to be able to accumulate merits and to do some military ranks.

The city that never sleeps and the military cooperate with each other because of the existence of space warships, and every day there are military missions to clean up the surrounding areas.

It also enables players who are not in the night city to get a lot of opportunities to brush the merits and ranks, which is also the reason to attract players to join.

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