Fatal Shot

Chapter 959: Comparable to epic value

"It seems that my original conjecture may actually be close to the truth!"

Light in the air.

When I got the chip of "Hunter t-750" and got it back and found that it could be "imitation", there was a speculation in the wind.

Is it about the story of "Terminator", in what way?

Because of the federal government's regulation of intelligent programs, there are not many artificial human machines in the npc society, and even the intelligent machines of combat are strictly controlled.

And because "nuclear bombs" and other weapons that are directly capable of directly destroying human beings are restricted and destroyed, it is obvious that the possibility of directly detonating nuclear bombs to create "end of the world" as in the movie does not exist.

So, in the end, this breakthrough point is likely to fall on the player.

For the player, anyone who has got the manufacturing drawings of the powerful simulation machines t-750, t-800 will definitely be made and made in large quantities.

And if coupled with the "Mecha Ai chip" that can make humanoid armor in any occupation, the number of simulation robots will undoubtedly grow to a great extent in a short period of time.

At that time, "Skynet" undoubtedly also had the capital to fight against humans.

This is very likely, and it was the reason that the "Ms. X" in the test area would agree to hand over the manufacturing drawings of the t-800 and t-850 to the wind.

Because, Skynet simply wants to use the player's hand to create countless "terminator" army for it.

"However, whether it is "Resident Evil" or "Terminator", in the end, human beings will only be the last winners."

"Whether it is a virus or a mechanical rebellion, it is impossible to destroy all human beings!"

The wind fell into the dark.

The player does not really die in the end, so the final sure of the failure will definitely be "Skynet", this wind does not need to doubt.

For this reason, for this final "stable win" plot, the wind will naturally not stop it from happening, but in the process, to maximize the benefits of his understanding of certain plots.

For example, before all the forces have yet to get the t-800 drawings, mass-produce the t-800!

For another example, the digital cat is required to modify the core program of the t-800 to add a defense program.

Thus avoiding the "terminator" they produced, after the story was officially opened, it was controlled by "Skynet".

However, it is clear that what just happened proves that the latter failed.

This is mainly because it is because even before the digital cat, it is impossible to really improve the anti-forecast "Skynet" attack means and block all loopholes in the program and structure.

"However, with this smart core of t-x, the t-800's firewall should be able to avoid being controlled by Skynet."

The wind feels that luck is really good.

The intrusion method of t-x is definitely the back door left by Skynet in the program, and the means of intrusion is naturally consistent with Skynet.

Therefore, after getting this "ball", it is no doubt that this loophole can be filled before the mass production "t-800" goes on the market.

And the rest of the players and the humanoid combat machinery made by the forces, especially the "t series" deliberately scattered by Skynet, are unlikely to find the vulnerability in advance.

After all, the digital cats have not been found, others want to find them, and the wind is really not so easy.

By the time the "Terminator" plot officially began, the humanoid combat machines made by other players' forces all betrayed their masters, and only the "Terminator Series" they produced was not affected.

Imagine that all the competitors in the blink of an eye fell.

In one fell swoop, it captured the huge gains of the battle mech market in the entire game.

Very good, very worth looking forward to!

“Not only that, the various mechanical structures in this intelligent core are, in a sense, more useful than invasive procedures!”

"As long as it can be resolved, and then through the way of intrusion, to get a fairly core program. At that time, we can produce not only humanoid armor, but also warships, military aircraft, defensive fortresses..."

The words of the digital cat make the wind feel like a heartbeat.

"In addition, although this liquid intelligent core has some damage, if you can obtain management authority after the repair, you can configure it with energy source, and you can quickly invade all kinds of brains and mechs."

"In a sense, it's a hundred times stronger than the other two chips that can only control the t-800, just like the difference between a normal monster and a super boss creature!"

Under the technical glasses of the digital cat, the eyes flashed continuously.

"To tell the truth, I am a bit strange. It is reasonable to say that this level of things should not be a boss, not to mention a mechanical unit about the boss program."

"And, theoretically, this self-destruction involving highly confidential mechanical units will definitely erase all core data."

"Unless you are lucky, you will be able to keep this core if you have problems with the destruction process. Are you lucky, luck is always so good?"

The digital cat looked at the wind and asked some strangely.

"Maybe, is my luck value a bit high?"

The wind fell to hear this, and there were some strange smiles on his face.

After getting the "Lucky Ring", the lucky value of the wind is indeed far better than the average player, and even most likely the highest player in the game.

And while the full function of the lucky value is still uncertain, at least one of the benefits is that it is recognized that it can affect some chances.

The explosion rate of the boss is undoubtedly a matter of chance.

Although, this t-x smart core is not popped out in the form of loot, it should also be affected by the lucky attributes.

However, the wind has fallen into a similar situation before it has been lucky.

It is the "boss chip" that bursts out from the steel beetle. It is also after the boss blew himself up. Only a small chance will come out without self-destruction.

So, this may also be just pure luck.

"The value of this intelligent core is far more than a legendary equipment in a sense. Even, I think it may not be inferior to the legendary epic equipment!"

When the digital cat said it, let the wind fall on the face and show a strange expression.

After all, in his own backpack, there is an epic outfit in the "legend".

"If we can analyze all the information and data inside, the value it can bring us will be hard to imagine."

“I applied to temporarily reduce the capital and manpower investment for the t-800 mass production, and part of it was transferred to this smart core.”

However, the digital cat did not look at him at all, but pointed to the "ball" in the instrument that broke the energy, and the expression was serious.

"Not for the time being."

The wind fell but shook his head, facing the eyes of the digital cat, and there were some sly words on his face.

"I have no money. Now, I can't draw too much money into this."

"If the t-800 can't recover the money as soon as possible, I guess I have to go to some merchants to sign a few ads to endorse..."

The wind fell a bit bitterly.

He is really no money, mainly the construction of the Zerg base and the city that never sleeps. They are two monsters that "suck gold."

Although he now has the Wind Trace Studio, the Terminator Institute, and various evolutionary virus agents that work with Lin, they can earn more than 10 million credits every day.

However, it is still not enough.

Indeed, the smart core of this t-x is arguably the most coveted thing of all chip and mechrists in the game.

The appeal of digital cats is like the skill of these top npc masters of Ada Wang is the same as the attraction of these combat players.

Moreover, if the research success can be truly resolved, then the subsequent benefits will be unimaginable.

However, the most important thing now is obviously not research, but "making money."

"If you want to, you can transfer some of the funds to study this liquid core without affecting the progress of the t-800."

"In addition, you need to study the imitation possibilities of these two chips."

The wind fell behind the first "Mecha Ai chip", which was originally prepared to be used in conjunction with the t-800 auction.

However, there is some hesitation in whether the digital cat is taken to imitation like the original "t-750". After all, the latter's income may be even greater.

Then, after getting the second one, naturally it doesn't have to be too tangled.

The rest will be accompanied by the upcoming luxury t-800, and a wave of advertisements will be put on the auction, and the rest will be enough for imitation.

For imitation, in fact, the instinct of the wind is a big chance.

Because the digital cat has gained a very large degree of freedom after being promoted to the master, in theory, it is only necessary to figure out the structure and data of this chip to have a chance to imitate.

However, imitation is only one aspect.

If the mecha chip is an ordinary small amount of imitation, there will be an important problem if mass production is required.

That is, the federal government strictly manages intelligent combat machinery. This chip allows non-mechanical players to control the mech. It is actually a way to bypass the management program and is an "illegal" chip.

If you want to mass production, you need to pass the government's customs.

Of course, the wind is not a big problem.

Since Skynet wants to let players develop the "terminator" for it, this problem will naturally be solved, but it is only a matter of time.

"I know, I will modify the core protection program of the t-800, and the imitation of the chip will be given to a player with this talent, and will not delay things."

The digital cat replied, but it has already begun to disassemble the instrument and take out the "t-x smart core". It is obviously not very talkative with the wind.

"Right, since the other party sent someone to spy on us last time, then there is no chance to act again!"

"And the military brain of the military is obviously not as safe as it is supposed to be. So I left two reconnaissance beetles in this research room, and in case of anything, I can get the news immediately."

The wind fell and smiled, and finally said to the digital cat.

The intelligent core of this t-x is of great importance, and the defensive power of the entire base definitely needs to be upgraded to the highest.

"Well, talking about the base. It is also time to look at the situation of the Zerg base."

After saying this, there was another thought in the wind.

I have been in the White City for so many days, and I don’t know how the Zerg base is.

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